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Rural Colonization In Iraq Study Of The Rural Colonization To The Kubeisah
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Iraq is considered the origin of civilization first colonies have been cited in its northern parts , when the first attempt in agriculture and animal breeding were began ,and the cave , were taken as houses. That time the first agricultural colony were colonized in Kirkuk and Mussel . There colonies have been developed to be villages which had another activities in addition to the main activity which was agriculture . The distribution without any administrative planning . Lately , the stochastic distribution starting to disappear due to the planning of cities and their to rural surrounding. This study is involved in the analysis of the patterns of the location distribution of the villages , and the form that taken by the village itself . due to the distribution of formers houses The last two decades witnessed big changes in Iraq . There changes imposed a high transference , between rural colonies and urban centers , this transference affect on the forms and sized of these colonies and their distribution patterns .This study also involved in the studying of the reasons of this transferences and their direction . The aim is to limit the colonies expanding or decreasing , which effect the facilities of infrastructure and the public services .The conclusion of the study is that the Iraqi villages are still depending an stochastic distribution of locations , and the distribution of public services is depending on their importance . The study is recommended that to improve the public services in the villages according to their population weight , types of economic activities , applying a policy of location development as a rule to the socio-economic complementary within the exchange relation of each location.                                 

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Complex Relationship Between Darwinism, Geopolitics and Geographic Colonization Research the Relationship Between Geopolitics and Ethnography
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Research on geopolitical and geopolitical studies relates to a range of sciences that can be called auxiliary sciences, such as political science, international relations in particular, and history, but their focus is rarely on science and ethnography

That the issues and problems of the world today has become so large and complex that does not allow a specific field or knowledge to solve one of the need for the newly known knowledge integration (geopolitics and geopolitics) in particular to move towards cognitive integration to understand many of the problems and global issues that faced The importance of this study comes to clarify the relationship between Darwinism, geopolitics and geopolitics. The geopolitics in modern terms d

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The effect of rural building types informing the type of traditional courtyard houses in Sulaimaneyah city.
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The types of traditional houses vary from region to region according to physical and non-physical circumstances, and Sulaymaniyah city is characterized by a type of traditional houses that differ significantly from those in most cities and regions neighboring are always different from the general pattern that is prevalent in the region and the Muslim world.


The aim of this research is to study the cause of this difference or distinction in the traditional houses in Sulaimaniyah city, by comparing the most common models in these houses and comparing them with the general models of village houses that originally existed in the region to relaize the convergence and contrast between them. The research was based on a co

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the Planning and Management of Services in Rural Areas, AL-Gharraf sub-district in Dhi Qar Governorate, a case study.
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         Bringing about urban, economic, and social changes in rural areas similar to those occurring in urban areas aims to reduce urban-rural disparities by providing services in those areas, decentralizing the management of these services, expanding citizen participation in local governance (decentralized administration), and achieving comprehensive development, developing and empowering localities, and keeping pace with new transformations and their impacts on the functions of the center and localities. In fact, the lack of clarity of the role of local government in planning and managing services has hindered development plans, and declined the level of services in rural areas, and has negative

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal
''The Middle Poetry of John Clare: The Rural Muse's Mature Nature Poetry''
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of standard rates in the test of the financial stability for the banking sector in Iraq For the period 2009-2013
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The research focuses on the key issue concerning the use of the best ways to test the financial stability in the banking sector, considering that financial stability cannot be achieved unless  the financial sector in general and the banking sector  in particular are able to perform its key role in addressing the economic and social development requirements, under the laws and regulations that control  banking sector , as the only way that increases its ability to deal with any risks or negative effects experienced by banks and other financial institutions. The research goal is  to evaluate the stability of the banking system in Iraq, through the use of a set of econometrics an

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Spatial analysis of rural services in the district of Fallujah, Zgharit village, as a model
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          The study of services in villages is one of the imperative matters that must   be focused on, because it leads to increased attention, which reduces the differences between the countryside and the urban. The extent of its.

  It is well known that community services need to be reached by a person, unlike the anchor services that reach people, here the population distribution plays an important and prominent role in signing these services, so the dispersed distribution pattern and the gathering pattern appeared in the distribution, thus an effect on the time and distance that the person walked to obtain The services are community-based. Therefore

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Development Gap Between Rural and Urban Stabilizers
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This research concluded that after what has been presented an analysis of the topics that the process of measuring the level of development and then the development gap is the need to assess the results to set policy and to formulate plans and goals, and to see the development priorities of the place or a particular sector. The purely economic development led to negative effects on the spatial scale and the most important of these effects arise multidimensional social and urban development gaps as well as the economic dimension. So it must exceed the concept of economic framework, to include all dimensions of development spatially and sectorally to provide correct and clear base for planners and development policies and strategies for de

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effects of Water Scarcity on Rural Household Economy
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This study examined the effects of water scarcity on rural household economy in El Fashir Rural Council / North Darfur State- western Sudan. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used as to get a deeper understanding of the impact of water scarcity on the rural house economy in the study area. 174 households out of 2017 were selected from 45 villages which were distributed in eight village councils forming the study area. Statistical methods were used to manipulate the data of the study. The obtained results revealed that water scarcity negatively affected the rural household economy in the study area in many features. These include the followings: much family efforts and time were directed to fetch for water consequentl

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Test the impact of instability on the pattern of spending by the Iraqi consumer
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يحتل موضوع الاستهلاك اهمية كبيرة في الدراسات الاقتصادية في حالتي السلم والحرب وذلك لارتباط هذا الموضوع بالانسان والمجتمع ولكونه احد مؤشرات مستوى الرفاهية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية وتزداد اهمية ضبط حركة هذا المتغير السلوكي والكمي في زمن الحرب اكثر مما هو عليه في حالة السلم، في هذا البحث تم استخدام بيانات احصائية عن الانفاق الاستهلاكي الخاص ونصيب الفرد من الدخل القومي اضافة الى الرقم القياسي لاسعار المس

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Publication Date
Wed May 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the population in Iraq up to 2035 an analytical study
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The population studies are one of the difficult tasks facing the world in all periods. most of the researchers and who have relationship to population policies and development plans, may have succumbed to the idea that the population problem is based and confined mainly in the rate of increase in population, or the so – called population explosion, and not the content because of its pressure on resources and there is no problem of population if the resources are available and therefore no need for the development and implementation of population policies in any way . While the population policies here should take a range of general and comprehensive in every respect to population and demographic phenomena distribution, not only

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