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Utilizing the Main Outfall Drain-Addalmage Lake System for Hydroelectric Power Generation
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The basic idea of the Main Outfall Drain, MOD, was to construct a main channel to collect saline drained water of the irrigation projects within central and southern parts of Iraq and discharge it down to the Arabian Gulf. The MOD has a navigation lock structures near Addalmage Lake at station 299.4km. This structure is designed to ensure navigation within the MOD. The water level difference upstream the cross regulator and the downstream conjugation structure is about 9m. This head difference can be used to generate electrical power by constricting a low head power plant. This study aimed to utilize the head difference in navigation lock structures for power generation. Different operation condition and locations plants were examined. Hydrologic and hydraulic simulations were used to analyze the system of the MOD-Addalmage Lake system. Results showed that the water level are kept below the dike level along the reaches in the all alternatives and the maximum average annual power generated vary between 3.41MW to 5.55MW depending on the selected alternative of operation and the site of the plant


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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of Artificial Saliva on The Surface Roughness of Different Esthetic Archwires (An in Vitro Study)
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Background:The demand for esthetic orthodontic appliances is increasing so that the esthetic orthodontic archwires were introduced. This in vitro study was designed to evaluate the surface roughness offiber-reinforced polymer composite (FRPC) archwires compared to coated nickel-titanium (NiTi) archwires immersed in artificial saliva. Materials and Methods:Three types of esthetic orthodontic archwires were used: FRPC (Dentaurum), Teflon coated NiTi (Dentaurum) and epoxy coated NiTi (Orthotechnology). They were round (0.018 inch) in cross section and cut into pieces of 15 mm in length.Forty pieces from each type were divided into four groups; one group was left at a dry condition and the other three groups were immersed in artificial saliva (

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Texture Analysis Image Processing Technique to Study the Effect of Microwave Plasma on the Living Tissue
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The present study is a hybrid method of studying the effect of plasma on the living tissue by using the image processing technique. This research explains the effect of microwave plasma on the DNA cell using the comet score application, texture analysis image processing and the effect of microwave plasma on the liver using texture analysis image processing. The study was applied on the mice cells. The exposure to the plasma is done by dividing the mice for four groups, each group includes four mice (control group, 20, 50, 90 second exposure to microwave plasma). The exposure to microwave plasma was done with voltage 175v and gas flow on 2 with room temperature; the statistical features are obtained from the comet score images and the textur

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Scopus (19)
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improvement of the blood characteristics of the broiler chickens by addition tryptophan acid supplement levels in ration
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This study were implemented on (60) broiler chick with one day age divided into three equal groups , first one was given basal diet while group two and three given adiet contain 0.01% ,0.02% tryptophan respectively for 7 weeks . The results show that the chicks recevd the tryptophan have asigneficant increasment in hemoglobin concentration, red blood cells count, packed cell volume and increased the level of globuline concentration and lymphocyte % which mean that the addition of tryptophan improve blood picture charactores and the immunity of the broiler chickens and this evident from the good health state and decrease the mortality among birds .

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
• The Effect Of Brodifacoum On The Reproduction Of Male Wild House Mouse Mus musculus ( Muridae : Rodentia)
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The study  dealt  with the effect  o r the anticoagu l ant  rodentici de Brcidi facom on the reproduction of  male mus musculus trapped from d i ftcrent loculitieo of Uagltdad prov ince and ted with different doses (50

,75 ,100  mg) of  pellets of  this  rodenticide. The  results showed n significant  decrease  (p<  0.0 I )   in   testicular  weight  and   volume, epididymal ( head and tail) weight and numbers of different spermatogenic cells. The rodenticide caused a significant decrease in sperms concentration and a significant increase in dead and abnormal sperms in testes and epididymis.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of an active teacher in developing the curriculum by using educational techniqes a theoretical study
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Preparing teacher occupies the attention of many thinkers and philosophers since the age of
kaldinics ( people of mesoptam / 2342 pH ) to the Islamic age where moslems philosophers
focus their attention on thought and philosophy where the philosophy of that teaching
depends on : teacher , student and family begin .
So , the issue of preparing and training teacher occupies the attention of education scientists
depending on his vital and important role in implementing of teaching policies in philosophies
and Islamic educational thought , therefore , the preparing and development of the teacher
regards as one of the basics of teaching development because of its importance in
development of teaching performance and th

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Publication Date
Wed May 03 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Identify The Optimal Values of the Geometric Deformable Models Parameters to Segment Multiple objects in Digital Images
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 Accuracy in multiple objects segmentation using geometric deformable models sometimes is not achieved for reasons relating to a number of parameters. In this research, we will study the effect of changing the parameters values on the work of the geometric deformable model and define their efficient values, as well as finding out the relations that link these parameters with each other, by depending on different case studies including multiple objects different in spacing, colors, and illumination. For specific ranges of parameters values the segmentation results are found good, where the success of the work of geometric deformable models has been limited within certain limits to the values of these parameters.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The Effect of Different Concentrations of Gilvest with Water on the Setting Time of Phosphate-bonded investment
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Objective: To identify of the effect of the different concentrations of the special liquid (for mixing the investment, Gilvest)
and mixed with water/powder ratio on setting time of phosphate–bonded investment.
Method and materials: The present study is (60) specimens made from phosphate bonded investment divided into (4)
groups (control and experimental groups), (15) specimens for each group. The Gillmore needle device is used to setting
time of phosphate bonded investment mixed with different concentration of Gilvest and water.
Results: Showed that there is a high significant difference (P<0.01) between each groups in the ANOVA test and a
significant difference (P<0.05) between the group (A) and control group i

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Mechanisms of Social Change in the Era of Digital Communication and its Effects on the Communicative Message
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When sites of new communication occurs which represents the merit of the development of communication technology which is characterized by the services of ( facebook-twiter-corapora-youtube-mass space-friendster-flicker-willnecked in addition to the direct services for viber-whatsup-telgram-and chat on) play important role in changing the infrastructure of Arabic societies which are consideredas closed and not changeable societies during near period and the significance of this study comes from the importounce of this subject which is considered as anew trend of the age on the field of media and public response and acceptance inspite of what is known about Arabic society-it doesn’t accept change-this occurance is associated with terms

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Use Of Computerized Curriculum Individually and Cooperatively In the Achievement of Ninth Grade Students in Mathematics
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The study aimed to investigate the effect of using the intructional computer individually or through the cooperative groups on the achievement of the ninth grade students in mathematics compared to the traditional method. The experimental method adapted three groups out of three schools were chosen, two groups of the students where applied the computer method. The comtrol group used the simple random method, and it used the diagnostic test as tool for the study.The result showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental groups and the control group on the post-test for the two experimental groups.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Changes of the susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to the local therapeutic agent by using Nitrogen laser
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This study involves the investigation of the effect of nitrogen laser with 337.1 nm wavelength on the sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria by using local therapeutic due to burns. Thirty six isolate of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were isolated from 25 patients suffering from sever burns, each isolate of bacteria was irradiated with nitrogen laser at (5, 10, 15 and 30) pulses/second repetition rates for 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes for each repetition rate. The effects of nitrogen laser on the local therapeutics sensitivity of bacteria were obtained using Kirby Baur method. Changes in the sensitivity of bacteria to local therapeutics (Tetracyclin, Chloramphenicol, Flumizin and Fucidin) occur at high repetition rate(30 pulses/seco

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