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Experimental and Numerical Study on CFRP-Confined Square Concrete Compression Members Subjected to Compressive Loading
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Strengthening of the existing structures is an important task that civil engineers continuously face. Compression members, especially columns, being the most important members of any structure, are the most important members to strengthen if the need ever arise. The method of strengthening compression members by direct wrapping by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) was adopted in this research. Since the concrete material is a heterogeneous and complex in behavior, thus, the behavior of the confined compression members subjected to uniaxial stress is investigated by finite element (FE) models created using Abaqus CAE 2017 software.

The aim of this research is to study experimentally and numerically, the behavior of square plain (without steel reinforcement) concrete compression members, that has concrete strength of  = 24.41 MPa, confined with one layer of CFRP wraps under uniaxial compressive loading. Finally, the outcomes are compared with the finite element models using Abaqus software.

Laboratory experimental results showed that confining compression members with CFRP wraps is an efficient strengthening method. In terms of load carrying capacity, an enhancement was measured for about 56.1% of the reference non-confined members. This enhancement was also reached using Abaqus software.


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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A proposed model for disclosing the role of the collective intelligence system in improving joint auditing
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This research aims to present a proposed model for disclosure and documentation when performing the audit according to the joint audit method by using the questions and principles of the collective intelligence system, which leads to improving and enhancing the efficiency of the joint audit, and thus enhancing the confidence of the parties concerned in the outputs of the audit process. As the research problem can be formulated through the following question: “Does the proposed model for disclosure of the role of the collective intelligence system contribute to improving joint auditing?”   

The proposed model is designed for the disclosure of joint auditing and the role

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Evaluated the level density for proton induced nuclear resonances in (P+48Ti) reaction using different models
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The experimental proton resonance data for the reaction P+48Ti have been used to calculate and evaluate the level density by employed the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, GOE version of RMT, Constant Temperature, CT and Back Shifted Fermi Gas, BSFG models at certain spin-parity and at different proton energies. The results of GOE model are found in agreement with other, while the level density calculated using the BSFG Model showed less values with spin dependence more than parity, due the limitation in the parameters (level density parameter, a, Energy shift parameter, E1and spin cut off parameter, σc). Also, in the CT Model the level density results depend mainly on two parameters (T and ground state back shift energy, E0), which are app

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Selection of variables Affecting Red Blood Cell by Firefly Algorithm
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Some maps of the chaotic firefly algorithm were selected to select variables for data on blood diseases and blood vessels obtained from Nasiriyah General Hospital where the data were tested and tracking the distribution of Gamma and it was concluded that a Chebyshevmap method is more efficient than a Sinusoidal map method through mean square error criterion.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Case Studies In Thermal Engineering
Robust composite temperature control of electrical tube furnaces by using disturbance observer
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As one type of resistance furnace, the electrical tube furnace (ETF) typically experiences input noise, measurement noise, system uncertainties, unmodeled dynamics and external disturbances, which significantly degrade its temperature control performance. To provide precise, and robust temperature tracking performance for the ETF, a robust composite control (RCC) method is proposed in this paper. The overall RCC method consists of four elements: First, the mathematical model of the ETF system is deduced, then a state feedback control (SFC) is constructed. Third, a novel disturbance observer (DO) is designed to estimate the lumped disturbance with one observer parameter. Moreover, the stability of the closed loop system including controller

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An improved neurogenetic model for recognition of 3D kinetic data of human extracted from the Vicon Robot system
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These days, it is crucial to discern between different types of human behavior, and artificial intelligence techniques play a big part in that.  The characteristics of the feedforward artificial neural network (FANN) algorithm and the genetic algorithm have been combined to create an important working mechanism that aids in this field. The proposed system can be used for essential tasks in life, such as analysis, automation, control, recognition, and other tasks. Crossover and mutation are the two primary mechanisms used by the genetic algorithm in the proposed system to replace the back propagation process in ANN. While the feedforward artificial neural network technique is focused on input processing, this should be based on the proce

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation of Oxygen Mass Transfer in an Internal Loop Airlift Reactor with Axial Dispersion Model
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The effect of superficial gas velocity within the range 0.01-0.164 m/s on gas holdup (overall, riser and down comer), volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient, liquid circulation velocity was studied in an internal loop concentric tubes airlift reactor (working volume 45 liters). It was shown that as the usg increases the gas holdup and also the liquid circulation velocity increase. Also it was found that increasing superficial gas velocity lead to increase the interfacial area that increases the overall oxygen mass transfer coefficient. The hydrodynamic experimental results were modeled with the available equations in the literature. The predicted data gave an acceptable accuracy with the empirical data.

The final

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Methods of using the periodic chart in the case of the missing values of the stable AR model (2)
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In this study, we investigate the behavior of the estimated spectral density function of stationary time series in the case of missing values, which are generated by the second order Autoregressive (AR (2)) model, when the error term for the AR(2) model has many of continuous distributions. The Classical and Lomb periodograms used to study the behavior of the estimated spectral density function by using  the simulation.


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Publication Date
Sat Oct 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
تأثير علاقة النمط الحضري مع النموذج المعماري في تكاملية البنية الشكلية للمراكز الحضرية
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هناك عوامل عديدة تؤثر في البنية الشكلية للم ا ركز الحضرية التي تشهد تحولات وبصورة مستمرة ومع
توسع المدينة ونموها تفقد هذه الم ا ركز لمقومات بنيتها الحضرية المتكاملة بسبب تلك التحولات الحاصلة
ضمنه وبصورة ديناميكية من اضافات وتغيرات في النمط الحضري الذي يتشكل من عدة نماذج معمارية
جديدة مؤثرة ولأجل ذلك جاء البحث لايضاح اثر هذه العلاقة بين النمط الحضري والنموذج المعماري
وتحولاته في تكاملية البنية ا

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of Some of Estimation methods of Stress-Strength Model: R = P(Y < X < Z)
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In this study, the stress-strength model R = P(Y < X < Z)  is discussed as an important parts of reliability system by assuming that the random variables follow Invers Rayleigh Distribution. Some traditional estimation methods are used    to estimate the parameters  namely; Maximum Likelihood, Moment method, and Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased estimator and Shrinkage estimator using three types of shrinkage weight factors. As well as, Monte Carlo simulation are used to compare the estimation methods based on mean squared error criteria.  

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Spe Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium And Exhibition
Optimization of Infill Drilling in Whicher Range Field in Australia
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Abstract<p>Now that most of the conventional reservoirs are being depleted at a rapid pace, the focus is on unconventional reservoirs like tight gas reservoirs. Due to the heterogeneous nature and low permeability of unconventional reservoirs, they require a huge number of wells to hit all the isolated hydrocarbon zones. Infill drilling is one of the most common and effective methods of increasing the recovery, by reducing the well spacing and increasing the sweep efficiency. However, the problem with drilling such a large number of wells is the determination of the optimum location for each well that ensures minimum interference between wells, and accelerates the recovery from the field. Detail</p> ... Show More
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