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Demand Priority in a Power System With Wind Power Contribution Load Shedding Scheme Based
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The load shedding  scheme has been extensively implemented as a fast solution for unbalance conditions. Therefore, it's crucial to investigate supply-demand balancing in order to protect the network from collapsing and to sustain stability as possible, however its implementation is mostly undesirable. One of the solutions to minimize the amount of load shedding is the integration renewable energy  resources, such as wind power, in the electric power generation could contribute significantly to minimizing power cuts as it is ability to positively improving the stability of the electric grid. In this paper propose a method for shedding the load base on the priority demands with incorporating the wind power generated. The higher priority demands are fed with a reliable wind energy resource in order to protect them from shedding under contingency condition such as high overloading by the real time monitoring of the network accompanied with power reducing for the lower priority demands. The simulation results prove effectiveness and practicality of the applied method paving the way for possible applications in power systems.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
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Textual thresholds and its Aesthetic in history: "Mamo Zain" by its author, the famous Kurdish poet Sheikh Ahmad Al-Khani, deceased (1118 AH / 707 AD), translated by Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti. Research on the connotation and manifestations of interconnection
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Literary works include, for the most part, text thresholds, which are the first entry into reading them and understanding their connotations, and (literary works) vary according to text thresholds, some of which are limited to the title and on the cover page only, and others, in addition to these two thresholds, are based on the dedication threshold too, and others ...

This study takes the story of "Mamo Zain" of the poet Ahmed Al-Khani and his translator Sheikh Muhammad Ramadan Al-Bouti as the field of study, as it is a unique literary work, which included a number of textual thresholds which supported each other and cooperated with the content of the work.

The threshold of dedication in the story of "Mamo Zain" was a spee

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The footnote of The Scholar Abdul Rahman Al-Penjawni on collecting mosques and explaining it to the local by the scholar Abdul Rahman Ibn Mulla Mohammed Ibn Mulla Tahir Al-Penjweni Died in: 1319 AH School: (Absolute and restricted) Study and Observation
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Indeed, being busy with the understanding of religion is the best sort of worship that the almighty God has given each period of time a number of scholars and wise men. They receive what has been passed down to them from their great ancestors, and those who are willing to learn will learn, their students preserve their knowledge through teaching and writing. Thus, the scholars were pioneers in this field due to the value and importance of their knowledge. They have strived in learning, explaining, and writing new subjects.

One of those scholars is sheikh (Abdulrahman Al-Penjweni) who passed away 1319 AH in one of the villages of the city of Sulaimani in Iraq. He was one of the wisest scholars, a br

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design and study the effect of inner bore diameter on the magnetic and optical properties of the unipolar lens
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    Many designs have been suggested for unipolar magnetic lenses based on changing the width of the inner bore and fixing the other geometrical parameters of the lens to improve the performance of unipolar magnetic lenses. The investigation of a study of each design included the calculation of its axial magnetic field the magnetization of the lens in addition to the magnetic flux density using the Finite Element Method (FEM) the Magnetic Electron Lenses Operation (MELOP) program version 1 at three different values of current density (6,4,2 A/mm2). As a result, the clearest values and behaviors were obtained at current density (2 A/mm2). it was found that the best magnetizing properties, the high

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Chinese Journal Of Physics
Investigation of the thermoelectric properties of one-layer transition metal dichalcogenides
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priorities of materials research due to their promising properties, especially in the field of thermoelectricity. The efficiency or performance of thermoelectric devices is expressed in terms of the thermoelectric figure-of-merit (ZT) – a standard indicator of a material’s thermoelectric properties for use in cooling systems. The evaluation of ZT is principally determined by the thermoelectric characteristics of the nanomaterials. In this paper, a set of investigative computations was performed to study the thermoelectric properties of monolayer TMDCs according to the semiclassical treatment of the Boltzmann transport equation. It was confirmed that the thermoelectric properties of 2D materials can be greatly improved compared with thei

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 26 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Dynamic Behavior of Water Flowing Through Packed Bed of Different Particle Shapes and Sizes
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An experimental study was conducted on pressure drop of water flow through vertical cylindrical packed beds in turbulent region and the influence of the operating parameters on its behavior. The bed packing was made of spherical and non-spherical particles (spheres, Rasching rings and intalox saddle) with aspect ratio range 3.46  D/dp  8.486 obtaining bed porosities 0.396 0.84 and Reynolds number 1217  21758. The system is consisted of 5 cm inside diameter Perspex column, 50 cm long; distilled water was pumped through the bed with flow rate 875, 1000, 1125, 1250,1375 and 1500 l/h and inlet water temperature 20, 30, 40 and 50 ˚C. The packed bed system was monitored by using LabVIEW program, were the result

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
US Policy Image Regarding the Middle East Region as Reported by the Iraqi Newspapers (An Analytical Study of the Public Opinion in Editorials: Al-Sabah, Al-Mashriq and Tariq Al-Shaab Papers Over the Period from 1st of July to 30th of September 2013)
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The present study is an attempt to throw light on the nature of the US policy regarding the Middle East region as portrayed by AI-Sabah, Al-Mashriq and Tariq Al-Shaab papers over a period of three months from 1st of July to 30th of September 2013.

In writing this study, a number of goals have been set by the researcher. These goals may include but in no way limited to the nature of the US image as carried by the above three papers, the nature of the topics tackled by them and the nature of the Arab countries which received more and extensive coverage than others.

A qualitative research approach is proposed for the study. This approach has allowed the researcher to arrive at definite answers for the possible questions rais

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 11 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Collision in the dispute between the two imams Shafi’i and Abu Hanifa by Sheikh Mansour bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Jabbar al-Marwazi al-Samani Abi al-Muzaffar (d. 498 AH) from the issue (If one of the Muslim spouses apostatized and one of the infidel spouses
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The science of jurisprudence is one of the legal sciences that scholars have been interested in since the first centuries of Islam, and they wrote many books about it, and the science of manuscripts is considered one of the scientific achievements in which many scholars emerged, including Imam Al-Samaani, so I chose this manuscript related to Istism to clarify its concept and meaning for all people, The student (Ali Ahmed Abdel-Aziz Sheikh Hamad) preceded me in the investigation of part of the book, and it was facilitated for me, by the grace of God Almighty, to investigate the issue (if one of the Muslim spouses apostatized and one of the infidel spouses converted to Islam until the end of the issue of if the two spouses were taken capt

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Anti-Disturbance Compensator Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
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In this paper, an Anti-Disturbance Compensator is suggested for the stabilization of a 6-DoF quadrotor Unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAV) system, namely, the Improved Active Disturbance Rejection Control (IADRC). The proposed Control Scheme rejects the disturbances subjected to this system and eliminates the effect of the uncertainties that the quadrotor system exhibits. The complete nonlinear mathematical model of the 6-DoF quadrotor UAV system has been used to design the four ADRCs units for the attitude and altitude stabilization. Stability analysis has been demonstrated for the Linear Extended State Observer (LESO) of each IADRC unit and the overall closed-loop system using Hurwitz stability criterion. A minimization to a

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Crossref (11)
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
An Analytical Study of Viewpoint in Parsi Pour's and Ar-Rikabi's Novels: The Dog and the Long Night and Alibaba's Sad Night as Examples: بررسی تحليلی زاویه¬ی دید در رمان¬های پارسی پور و الرکابی باتكيه بر رمان "سگ و زمستان بلند" و "ليل علی بابا الحزین"
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It is noted in the title that the paper studies the viewpoint in the novel The Dog and the Long Night by the Iranian novelist Shahranoush Parsi Pour and in the novel Alibaba's Sad Night by the Iraqi novelist Abdulkhaliq Ar-Rikabi. Both are well known novelists, and about whose stories and novels many critical books, MA theses, and Ph.D. dissertations have been written. Also, some of their literary works have won prizes. Here, the researcher shed light on the concept of viewpoint, its types, and its importance in novels in general. This was done along with tackling the two viewpoints in both novels, where similarities and differences were identified. For this end, the researcher has adopted the analytic-descriptive appro

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The vision of Hebrew writers and critics of the future of the Jews in their writings at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the twentieth c: דעותיהם של הסופרים והמבקרים העבריים על עתידם של היהודים לפי כתבותיהם בשלהי המאה ה-19 ובתחילת המאה ה-20
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It is very known  how great is the  role of the Jewish writers in the system of the Zionist movement. The movement relied on writers and writers to carry out their programs, especially those pertaining to the creation of a "national homeland" for Jews. Most Jewish writers sang of  Palestine even though they were not born there.

    On such a  basis, we have followed closely the writings of writers, critics and others by the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. We found that these writings are based on one common question: What is the fate of the Jewish people?

    Most of these writings were accompanied by Theodor Herzl's proj

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