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Numerical investigation on heat transfer enhancement and turbulent flow characteristics in a high aspect ratio rectangular duct roughened by intersecting ribs with inclined ribs
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In this study, the effect of intersecting ribs with inclined ribs on the heat transfer and flow characteristics of a high aspect ratio duct has been numerically investigated. The Relative roughness pitch (P/e) is 10 and the Reynolds number range from 35,700 to 72,800. ANSYS (Fluent-Workbench 18.0) software has been utilized to solve the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with the Standard k-ε turbulence model. Three ribbed models have been used in this study. Model 1 which is a just inclined ribs, Model 2 which has a single longitudinal rib at the center with inclined ribs and Model 3 which has two longitudinal ribs at the sides. The results showed that the heat transfer rate has been enhanced when the intersecting ribs are used. Model 3 has achieved the highest overall thermal performance. The increasing in Nusselt number ratio (Nu /Nus ) for Model 3 and 2, relative to Model 1, are 13.19% and 7.03%, respectively. Consequently, the hybridizing by intersecting ribs with inclined ribs is considered as an advantageous technique to enhance the heat transfer.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
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Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy to Detect Different Oxidation Levels of Diesel Engine Oil
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Diesel engine oil was subjected to thermal oxidization (TO) for six periods of time (0 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, and 120 h) and was subsequently characterized by terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). The THz refractive index generally increased with oxidation time. The measurement method illustrated the potential of THz-TDS when a fixed setup with a single cuvette is used. A future miniaturized setup installed in an engine would be an example of a fixed setup. For the refractive index, there were highly significant differences among the oxidation times across most of the 0.3–1.7 THz range.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 06 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The reality of teaching performance materials for teachers of social primary stage
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    The teacher is the most able to achieve the goals of education in education because he has the ability to affect the behavior of the disciples testified and its actions and appearance and other actions that convey pupils with it sometimes in a manner unconscious or unconscious , and the importance of the role of the teacher in the educational process , it is necessary to compromise the care and attention to the extent that commensurate with the important role that the rise in the preparation of youth and composition , and as a result is needed to continue efforts to improve the quality of teacher preparation so that it can be more effective and positive in the educational process .
First - Research Goals -<

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Stability of Personal Dosimeter
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The study is carried out by using personal dosimeters (film badge). The films are irradiated to absorbed dose of range (0.01-10000 rad). The calibration curves are drawn by using the ordinary method taking into account the filtration effects in three regions (D (Pb/Sn),D(Du),D(300). The calibration films are stored in ambient condition. It is found that the optical density increases, which is attributed to the photodegradation of the films may induce localized states in the energy gap causing increasing in optical absorption, but optical density decreases, which attributed to the photodegradation of the films may cause some cracks at the film surface during the first month, whereas at the rest months we see clear stability in optical d

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 03 2021
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UV-Visible Spectrophotometer for Distinguishing Oxidation Time of Engine Oil
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Samples of gasoline engine oil (SAE 5W20) that had been exposed to various oxidation times were inspected with a UV-Visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer to select the best wavelengths and wavelength ranges for distinguishing oxidation times. Engine oil samples were subjected to different thermal oxidation periods of 0, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and 144 hours, resulting in a range of total base number (TBN) levels. Each wavelength (190.5 – 849.5 nm) and selected wavelength ranges were evaluated to determine the wavelength or wavelength ranges that could best distinguish among all oxidation times. The best wavelengths and wavelength ranges were analyzed with linear regression to determine the best wavelength or range to predict oxidation t

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Application of Sulfur-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine as Modifier for Producing an Advantageous Concrete
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In this investigative endeavor, a novel concrete variety incorporating sulfur-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine modification was developed, and its diverse attributes were explored. This innovative concrete was produced using sulfur-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine modification and an array of components. The newly created sulfur-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine modifier was synthesized. The surface texture resulting from this modifier was examined using SEM and EDS techniques. The component ratios within concrete, chemical and physical traits derived from the sulfur-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine modifier, chemical and corrosion resistance of concrete, concrete stability against water absorption, concrete resilience against freezing, physical and mechanical p

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Thermal Buckling of Angle-Ply Laminated Plates Using New Displacement Function
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Critical buckling temperature of angle-ply laminated plate is developed using a higher-order displacement field. This displacement field used by Mantari et al based on a constant ‘‘m’’, which is determined to give results closest to the three dimensions elasticity (3-D) theory. Equations of motion based on higher-order theory angle ply plates are derived through Hamilton, s principle, and solved using Navier-type solution to obtain critical buckling temperature for simply supported laminated plates. Changing (α2/ α1) ratios, number of layers, aspect ratios, E1/E2 ratios for thick and thin plates and their effect on thermal

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research
Horizontal Fragmentation for Most Frequency Frequent Pattern Growth Algorithm
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Abstract: Data mining is become very important at the present time, especially with the increase in the area of information it's became huge, so it was necessary to use data mining to contain them and using them, one of the data mining techniques are association rules here using the Pattern Growth method kind enhancer for the apriori. The pattern growth method depends on fp-tree structure, this paper presents modify of fp-tree algorithm called HFMFFP-Growth by divided dataset and for each part take most frequent item in fp-tree so final nodes for conditional tree less than the original fp-tree. And less memory space and time.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Analyses of 15 kW Grid-Tied Photo Voltaic Solar System Type under Baghdad city climate
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The performance analyses of 15 kWp (kW peak) Grid -Tied solar PV system (that considered first of its type) implemented at the Training and Energy Research Center Subsidiary of Iraqi Ministry of Electricity in Baghdad city has been achieved. The system consists of 72 modules arranged in 6 strings were each string contains 12 modules connected in series to increase the voltage output while these strings connected in parallel to increase the current output. According to the observed duration, the reference daily yields, array daily yields and final daily yields of this system were (5.9, 4.56, 4.4) kWh/kWp/day respectively. The energy yield was 1585 kWh/kWp/year while the annual total solar irradiation received by solar array system was 198

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2024
Journal Name
مجلة المستنصرية لعلوم الرياضة
تأثير تمرينات خاصة لتطوير التحمل الخاص والاداء المهاري الدفاعي الفردي للاعبي بأعمار (14-16) سنة بكرة السلة
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The game of basketball (orange ball) is considered one of the fast and exciting games in the world. It is played by both sexes and different ages. It has Olympic and international championships and has various performance skills, including defensive ones. This game requires physical abilities that players must have for duties during matches, including special endurance that is compatible with... The peculiarity of the game is the changing rhythm and positions on the field. The importance of the research lies in the importance of special exercises to develop special endurance and its role in influencing the defensive skill performance of the players throughout the duration of the match.The problem of the research appeared in the decline in i

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Research In Hr And Organizational Management
Entrepreneurial Performance of the Organization According to the Approved Training Strategy
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The research aims to determine the role of the training strategy with its dimensions of (strategic analysis, formulation of training strategy, implementation of training strategy, evaluation) in the pioneering performance of the organization with its dimensions of (pre-planning , renewal and modernization, efficiency, effectiveness). Important and modern in pioneering performance and training strategy, and in recognition of the importance of the subject and the expected results of the surveyed banks, an analysis was made of the data obtained through field visits in addition to the questionnaire and interviews ,and the most prominent results that were reached were taking the research sample into consideration all the requirements of the trai

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