The main source of water supply in Iraq is the surface water, especially Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and their tributaries. In the recent years there was a great drop in the water levels of Tigris River within Baghdad City which had affected the operation of twelve water supply projects located on the banks of Tigris River in Baghdad City, due to significant climate changes, and the expansion of hydraulic construction (dams) and implementation of new irrigation projects in Turkey, these factors have greatly reduced the water flowrates of river by about 46%. In the present study the flow characteristics of Tigris River within Baghdad City was studied, the reach involved was about 49km in which it represents the urban zone beginning from the north of the Baghdad City at Al-Muthana Bridge to the confluence of Tigris River with the Diyala River south of Baghdad, using steady flow one-dimensional hydraulic model to achieve raising of water levels within this reach during drought periods. This model was implemented using HEC-RAS software.Three sets of observation data were used to calibrate the model to estimate suitable Manning roughness coefficient (n) considering the root mean square error (RSME) as an accurate indicator. The results showed that n of value 0.032 for the main river bed and 0.040 for flood banks of the river gave the best results with minimum RMSE of 0.076. Several treatments were suggested such as construction of barrage, inflatable weir, and the use of obstruction for the purpose of raising water levels. Moreover, selection of the suitable site of these treatments or hydraulic structures was studied, as well as their cost was analyzed. The results show that the proper solution for maintain the required water levels that ensure continuous operation of water supply project was the construction of an inflatable weirs, due to low initial cost, simplicity of operation, their ability to inflate and deflate quickly and easily to prevent upstream flooding, and offering a high level of control and easy method for recapturing water.
In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the change in water quality of the river in terms of turbidity during lockdown associated with COVID-19. Iraq announced the longest-ever lockdown on 25 March 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic.
In the absence of ground observations, remote sensing data was adopted, especially during this period. The change in the visible region's spectral reflectance of water in part of the river has been analyzed using the Landsat 8 OLI multispectral remote sensing data at Tigris River, Salah al-Din province (Bayji / near the refinery), Iraq. It was found that the green and red bands are most sensitive and can be used to estimate turbidity. Furthermore, the temporal variation in turbidity was a
... Show MoreIn this study, the amounts of activity concentrations of naturally occurring in 10 soil samples of the Tigris river and surrounding areas collected from deferent city of Baghdad have been investigated. Tigris river is an important water source for irrigation and drinking in Iraq. This study was done during 2018 in Protection Center of the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment using a high purity germanium detector. The resolution of (HPGe) at 2keV and 30% efficiency. The results of soil sample obtained showed that the effective activity concentration of 40K are ranged from 181.4 Bq/kg in sample S6 to 286.4 Bq/kg in S7. For Raeq values are ranged from 6 Bq/m3 in sample S5 to 17 Bq/m3 in sample S3. The obtained data revealed that the me
... Show MoreF0od and feeding habits of Hetropnezt.s!fes ]ossili/}:. (Bloch) have been investigated. Monthly samples (twice a m()nth} were taken during the period from March 2000 to February 20.Ql , using small -
meshed cast net. A total of l9J ftsh were used to examine the stomach
The analysis of stomach contents of H fo.s-silis in the- area of study revealed that fish were fed on the bottom, mid ·surface and surface &
... Show MoreThe present research was performed to study the qualitative and quantitative composition of epiphytic algae on the aquatic host plant Ceratophyllum demersum L. Four sites in Tigris River, at Wassit Governorate were covered, during the seasons of Autumn 2017, winter 2018, Spring 2018, and Summer 2018. The study also included measuring the physiochemical parameters (temperature of air and water, pH , water level, EC, salinity, TDS, TSS, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, total nitrogen, total phosphourus). The total number of species of epiphytic algae was145 species, 98 species belonging to Bacillariophyceae, followed by 27species of class Cyanophyceae, 19 species of class Chloroph
... Show MoreIn this study, the fission track registration technique with the CR-39 detector are using to determination the uranium concentrations for seventeen samples of teeth distributed in four districts in Baghdad City .Five samples taken from both Al-Durra District and Al-Jadiriyia District, Four samples taken from Al-Karrda (Alaatar street) Taken four samples and three samples taken from Al-Zuafrania and by 0.5gm in weight and 1.5 mm in thickness. The uranium concentrations in teeth samples measured by using fission tracks registration in (CR-39) track detector that caused by the bombardment of (U) with thermal neutrons from (241 Am-Be) neutron source that has flux of (5 ×103 n cm-2 s-1). The concen
... Show MoreThe concerns about water contaminants affect most developing countries bypassing rivers over them. The issue is challenging to introduce water quality within the allowed limits for drinking, industrial and agricultural purposes. In the present study, physical-chemical parameters measurements of water samples taken from eleven stations were collected during six months in 2020 through flow path along the whole length of Tigris River inside AL Kut city (center of Wassit government) were investigated for six parameters are total hardness TH, hydrogen ion pH, biological oxygen demand BOD5, total dissolved solids TDS, nitrate NO3, and sulfate SO4. The water quality analysis results were compared with the maximum allowable limit concentrat
... Show MoreThis paper describes the use of remote sensing techniques in verification of the polluted area in Diyala River and Tigris River and the effected of AL-Rustamiyah wastewater treatment plant, which is located on Diyala River, one of the branches of Tigris River in south of Baghdad. SPOT-5 a French satellite image of Baghdad, Iraq was used with ground resolution of 2.5 m in May 2016. ENVI 5.1 software programming was utilized for Image processing to assess the water pollution of Diyala and Tigris River’s water. Five regions were selected from a study area and then classified using the unsupervised ISODATA method. The results indicated that four classes of water quality which are successful in assessing and mapping water pollution which confi
... Show MoreThe present work included a study of benthic algae on two substrates: rocks and clay on a section of the Tigris River at the Al-Atifiyah site in the fall of 2018. The result of this study was recorded 89 species belong to 50 genus of benthic algae on both substrates and composed of Bacillariophyceae (59.6%, 61.2%), Chlorophyceae (25.8%, 20.4%) and Cyanophyceae (14.5%, 18.3%) respectively on epilithic and epipelic algae. The present study was recorded the highest total algae cell density (1173.2 cells *103/cm2) on epilithic algae while the lowest total algae cell density was recorded on epipelic algae (76.95 cells *103/gm). For measure div
The South Baghdad electrical station located on the eastern bank of the Tigris River south of Baghdad city was selected within the municipality of Karrada between two latitude ( 330 15 , 33 0 18 )North and longitude ( 44 0 27 , 44 030 ) East . The purpose of the study is to determine the contribution of the station to the effect of pollution of the Tigris water by taking water samples at the station site and two sites, one before and the other after the station, distributed over time periods of three months between each sample of water and the beginning of August and November Shabat and Mayar and analyzed water samples physically, chemically and biologic
... Show MoreIn the current study, two sites were selected from the city of Adhamiya, central Baghdad. The first site is the Adhamiya Corniche, which includes a sample of river water and the second includes domestic sewage in the same area. The total density of benthic invertebrates was 775 ind/m2, which is divided into 15 taxa. Biological indices were found, such as the stability index, the abundance index, the biodiversity index (Shannon’s index), the homogeneity index, and the invader’s guide. The result showed an increase in the density of benthic invertebrates, as well as an increase in the diversity of these organisms.