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A Cognition Path Planning with a Nonlinear Controller Design for Wheeled Mobile Robot Based on an Intelligent Algorithm
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This paper presents a cognition path planning with control algorithm design for a nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The aim of this work is to propose the circular roadmap (CRM) method to plan and generate optimal path with free navigation as well as to propose a nonlinear MIMO-PID-MENN controller in order to track the wheeled mobile robot on the reference path. The PSO is used to find an online tune the control parameters of the proposed controller to get the best torques actions for the wheeled mobile robot. The numerical simulation results based on the Matlab package show that the proposed structure has a precise and highly accurate distance of the generated reference path as well as it has obtained a perfect torque control action without spikes and no saturation torque state that leads to minimize the tracking error for the wheeled mobile robot.


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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculate Some Special Function For The Design of Cavity Linear Accelerator
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              The purpose of this project is to build a scientific base and computational programs in an accelerator design work. The transfer of group of laws in alinear accelerator cavity to computer codes written in Fortran power station language is inorder to get a numerical calculation of an electromagnetic field generated in the cavities of the linear accelerator. The program in put contains mainly the following, the geometrical cavity constant, and the triangular finite element method high – order polynomial. The out put contains vertical and horizontal components of the electrical field together with the electrical and the magnetic field intensity. 

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Optimum design of stiffened square plates for longitudinal and square ribs
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For a given loading, the stiffness of a plate or shell structure can be increased significantly by the addition of ribs or stiffeners. Hitherto, the optimization techniques are mainly on the sizing of the ribs. The more important issue of identifying the optimum location of the ribs has received little attention. In this investigation, finite element analysis has been achieved for the determination of the optimum locations of the ribs for a given set of design constraints. In the conclusion, the author underlines the optimum positions of the ribs or stiffeners which give the best results. 

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 18 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design and Construction of Semiconductor Laser Range Finder for Target Designation
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The aim of this research is to design and construct a semiconductor laser range finder
operating in the near infrared range for ranging and designation. The main part of the range finder is the
transmitter which is a semiconductor laser type GaAs of 0.904 mm wavelength with a beam expander,
and the receiver with its collecting optics. The characteristics of transmitter pulse width were 200ns and
threshold current 10 Amp. and maximum operating current 38 Amp. The repetition rate was set at 660 Hz
and maximum output power about 1 watt. The divergence of the beam was 0.268o. A special computer
code was used for optimum optical design and laser spot size analysis and for calculation of atmosphere

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling and optimum design band pass filter for mid IR region
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In this study, we design narrow band pass filter for window (3_5) ?m dependent on the needle optimization method , and a comparison with global designs published -Also, the effect of change parameter design on the optical performance of filter was studded and being able to overcome the difficulties of the design.In this study, the adoption of homogeneous optical properties materials as thin film depositing on a substrate of germanium at wavelength design (? = 4 ?m). For design this kind of filters we used advanced computer program (Matlab )to build a model design dependent both matrix characteristic and Needle technique. In this paper we refer to the type of Mert function , which is used for correct optical performance acces

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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In Iraq, water shortages and drought, especially during the hot summer months, necessitates that municipal authorities adopt water reuse projects like reusing treated domestic wastewater for crop irrigation. This work gives the conceptual and basic design elements for the necessary steps of filtration, UV irradiation and chlorination to make such a wastewater fit for agricultural use. A typical rural community of 50,000 people is considered as an example case for which functionality and relative simplicity of the proposed designs are prime factors. The objectives are 1) to show what is required and 2) that the presented information may be utilized to embark on the following phases of detailed design and execution of such projects.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
2015 Ieee Conference On Computational Intelligence In Bioinformatics And Computational Biology (cibcb)
Granular computing approach for the design of medical data classification systems
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design for Two Electrodes Electrostatic Mirror by using the Bimurzaev Technique
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This paper describes theoretical modeling of electrostatic mirror based on two cylindrical electrodes, A computational investigation has been carried out on the design and properties of the electrostatic  mirror. we suggest a mathematical expression to represent the axial potential of an electrostatic mirror. The  beam path  by using the Bimurzaev technique have been investigated as a mirror trajectory with the aid of Runge – Kutta  method. the electrode shape of mirror two electrode has been determined by using package SIMION computer program . The spherical and chromatic aberrations coefficients of mirror has been computed and normalized in terms of the focal length. The choice of the mirror depends on the op

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 04 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Development
The Temperature Profile for The Innovative Design of the Perforated Fin
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The development of the perforated fin had proposed in many studies to enhance the heat transfer from electronic pieces. This paper presents a novel derivative method to find the temperature distribution of the new design (inclined perforated) of the pin fin. Perforated with rectangular section and different angles of inclination was considered. Signum Function is used for modeling the variable heat transfer area. Set of parameters to handle the conduction and convection area were calculated. Degenerate Hypergeometric Equation (DHE) was used for modeling the Complex energy differential equation and then solved by Kummer’s series. In the validation process, Ansys 16.0-Steady State Thermal was used. Two geometric models were consider

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Design features of medicine box packaging for children: منى محمود حسين
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Graphic design constitutes the human necessity for the design action, so there is no design achievement that is not considered in its founding project and its final realization as a response to a specific necessity. As a result of knowledge, which is the product of experience and is the result of applied science, design is based on observation, study and development, leading to the main goal, which is the utilitarian and aesthetic function that is put into the final consideration of design, and drug packaging design has an important role in all marketing fields, as companies compete with each other to attract the largest number Possible from consumers in a way that guarantees them material profit, and in order to achieve this, it always

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Preliminary Anticancer Study for Methotrexate Silibinin Conjugates
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The spectrum of clinical efficacy of Methotrexate (MTX) is broad in that MTX is used in the treatment of certain cancers, severe psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.Various mechanisms by which cancer cells grown in tissue culture become resistant to anticancer drugs. The use of multiple  drugs with different mechanisms of entry into cells and different cellular targets allows for effective chemotherapy and high cure rates. In an efforts to develop effective strategies that increase the therapeutic potential of anticancer drugs with less systemic toxicity ,are being directed  towards the investigation of dietary supplements and other phytotherapeutic agents for their synergistic efficacy in combination with anticancer drugs. A pr

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