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Removal of Cadmium from Industrial Wastewater using Electrocoagulation Process
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Cadmium is one of the heavy metal found in the wastewater of many industries. The electrocoagulation offers many advantages for the removal of cadmium over other methods. So the removal of cadmium from wastewater by using electrocoagulation was studied to investigate the effect of operating parameters on the removal efficiency. The studied parameters were the initial pH, initial concentration, and applied voltage. The study experiments were conducted in a batch reactor with  with two pairs of aluminum electrodes with dimension  and 2mm in thick with 1.5 cm space between them. The optimum removal was obtained at pH =7, initial concentration = 50 mg/L, and applied voltage = 20 V and it was 90%.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Testing the efficiency of duckweed Lemna spp. in reducing the concentration of zinc and iron from the wastewater when increase biomass
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The study searches for the possibility of using duckweed Lemna spp. to reduce the concentration of heavy metals (zinc and iron) in the wastewater of Baghdad by culturing two different densities of the plant with a fresh weights 5 and 10 g/l and without the plant under optimum uncontrolled conditions. The result showed that there was a significant differences at the possibility level of (p? 0.05) for the three treatments, as the highest percentages for zinc removal in the second day for the plant treatment of 5 g/l were 66.40%, while the highest percentage of iron removal were in the tenth days for the plant treatment 10 g/l were 80 %, and noticed that the increase of the heavy metals concentrations accumulated in the plant after bei

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modeling and Simulation of Copper Removal from the Contaminated Soil by a Combination of Adsorption and Electro-kinetic Remediation
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Electro-kinetic remediation technology is one of the developing technologies that offer great promise for the cleanup of soils contaminated with heavy metals. A numerical model was formulated to simulate copper (Cu) transport under an electric field using one-dimensional diffusion-advection equations describing the contaminant transport driven by chemical and electrical gradients in soil during the electro-kinetic remediation as a function of time and space. This model included complex physicochemical factors affecting the transport phenomena, such as soil pH value, aqueous phase reaction, adsorption, and precipitation. One-dimensional finitedifference computer program successfully predicted meaningful values for soil pH profiles and Cu

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Hazardous Materials
Hierarchical porous structured zeolite composite for removal of ionic contaminants from waste streams and effective encapsulation of hazardous waste
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Performance Study of Electrodialysis for Treatment Fuel Washing Wastewater
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In this work, electrodialysis (ED) has been demonstrated to be appropriate technique for reducing the electrical conductivity of real wastewater from fuel washing unit, which has been previously treated by other electrochemical technology (electrocoagulation and electrooxidation).  A five cell electrodialysis stack, with an active membrane area of 60 cm2 per cell was employed. During a batch recirculation mode ED system, the effects of parameters such as electrical potential applied (6-18 V) and flow rate of streams (0.5-1.7 L/min.) on the performance of the total dissolved solids (TDS) separation and specific power consumption (SPC) were studied. The results indicate that the process of ED under potential (15 V) and flow

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Sustainable Materials And Technologies
Green approach for fabrication of graphene from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle waste as reactive material for dyes removal from aqueous solution: Batch and continuous study
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology (ijaret)
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ABSTRACT: Thin film of CdS has been deposited onto clean glass substrate by using Spray pyrolysis technique. Results of Morphological (AFM) studied; electrical properties and optical conductivity studied are analysis. AFM results show a crystalline nature of the films. From the conductivity measurement at different temperatures, the activation energy of the films was calculated and found to be between 0.188 - 0.124 eV for low temperature regions, and between 1.67-1.19eV for high temperature regions. Hall measurements of electrical properties at room temperature show that the resistivity and mobility of CdS polycrystalline films deposited at 400 C0, were 3.878x103 . cm and 1.302x104cm2/ (V.s), respectively. The electrical conductivity of th

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 10 2023
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Enhancement efficiency of cadmium selenium solar cell by doping within silver
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We studied at the morphology, structural setup, and optical characteristics of thin cadmium (CdSe) films a thickness of 250 nm that were created by thermal evaporation over glass, The films exhibited a hexagonal shape were crystalline, and tended to form grains in the (111) crystallographic direction, according to the X-ray diffraction examinations. These characteristics were established using the investigation's findings. Through the use of thin films of CdSe doped with Ag at a concentration of 1.5%, the crystal structure orientations for pure CdSe (25.32, 41.84) and CdSe:Ag (25.39, 41.01) that were both pure as well as those that were doped with silver were both determined. The band gap of the optical spectrum decreased by 1.93–

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Removal of Cu2+, Pb2+ , And Ni 2+ Ions From Simulated Waste Water By Ion Exchange Method On Zeolite And Purolite C105 Resin
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The removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater by ion exchange resins ( zeolite and purolite C105), was investigated. The adsorption process, which is pH dependent, shows maximum removal of metal ions at pH 6 and 7 for zeolite and purolite C105 for initial metal ion
concentrations of 50-250 mg/l, with resin dose of 0.25-3 g. The maximum ion exchange capacity was found to be 9.74, 9.23 and 9.71 mg/g for Cu2+, Pb2+, and Ni2+ on zeolite respectively, while on purolite C105 the maximum ion exchange capacity was found to be 9.64 ,8.73 and 9.39 for Cu2+, Pb2+, and Ni2+ respectively. The maximum removal was 97-98% for Cu2+ and Ni2+ and 92- 93% for Pb2+ on zeolite, while it was 93-94% for Cu2+, 96-97% for Ni2+, and 87-88% for Pb2+ on puroli

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Emulsion Liquid Membrane for Pesticides Removal from Aqueous Solution: Emulsion Stability, Extraction Efficiency and Mass Transfer Studies
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The current study investigated the stability and the extraction efficiency of emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) for Abamectin pesticide removal from aqueous solution. The stability was investigated in terms of droplet emulsion size distribution and emulsion breakage percent. The proposed ELM included a mixture of corn oil and kerosene (1:1) as a diluent, Span 80 (sorbitan monooleate) as a surfactant and hydrochloric acid (HCl) as a stripping agent without utilizing a carrier agent. Parameters such as homogenizer speed, surfactant concentration, emulsification time and internal to organic volume ratio (I/O) were evaluated. Results show that the lower droplet size of 0.9 µm and higher stable emulsion in terms of breakage percent of 1.12 % were

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Emulsion Liquid Membrane for Pesticides Removal from Aqueous Solution: Emulsion Stability, Extraction Efficiency and Mass Transfer Studies
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The current study investigated the stability and the extraction efficiency of emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) for Abamectin pesticide removal from aqueous solution. The stability was investigated in terms of droplet emulsion size distribution and emulsion breakage percent. The proposed ELM included a mixture of corn oil and kerosene (1:1) as a diluent, Span 80 (sorbitan monooleate) as a surfactant and hydrochloric acid (HCl) as a stripping agent without utilizing a carrier agent. Parameters such as homogenizer speed, surfactant concentration, emulsification time and internal to organic volume ratio (I/O) were evaluated. Results show that the lower droplet size of 0.9 µm and higher stable emulsion in terms of breakage percent of 1.12 % we

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