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Studying the Effects of Different Polymers on Rheological Properties of Water Base Muds
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This research is focusing on finding more effective polymers that leads to enhance the rheological properties of Water Base Muds. The experiments are done for different types of mud for all substances which are Polyacrylamide, Xanthan gum, CMC (Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose). This study shows the effect of add polymer to red bentonite mud, effect of add polymer to Iraqi bentonite mud, the effect of add bentonite to polymer mud. The mud properties of Iraqi bentonite blank are enhanced after adding the polymers to the blank mix, CMC gives the highest value of plastic viscosity and Gel strength than others; X-anthan gives the highest value of yield point and gel strength than others. For the red bentonite mud, Polyacrylamide has the highest shear stress and yield point than the others polymers, but Xanthan has the highest effect on plastic viscosity than other polymers. All polymers reduce filtration loss. The polymer solution mud failed to suspend the barite so we cannot use it as drilling fluid even so this mud has good Rheological properties (PV and YP). The maximum amount of each polymer is founded for the studied clay types.                                                           


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Electonic management   And its role in the development of the Zakat Foundation
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The world is witnessing a remarkable development in the use of technology, which has made it an essential means of investment, especially in the field of management, which provided many of the facilities experienced by the institutions, including improving revenues, shortening time and saving labor. Islamic investment technology as a successful means of management and we touched on the Zakat Foundation as an application model.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of moral values in the tourism service ,An analytical study
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Business Ethics play a major role in explaining the behavior of those interested in the management of tourism enterprises in the field of management gains, which sometimes turn to manipulation in the specification of the service of tourism and influence in the technical characteristics at the expense of the brand and market share, as well as misleading beneficiaries about the fact that the performance of the service of tourism, may depend activities tourist dramatically when submitting and sharing various services on the types of mutual relations the framework for moral distinct, in interaction or direct contact between producers of tourism services and tourists or their beneficiaries, in order to provide comfort and recreation a

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Induction informational, informational use, the behavior of the product and user information.
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This study seeks to shed light on the important processes are linked to the impact of accounting information on the behavior of producer and user of information and are urging informational and informational use. That accounting as a system of accounting information and functions of the delivery of information to decision makers Under behavioral entrance to the formulation of accounting theory should be taken into account Othertlk accounting information in the behavior of the decision maker which requires an explanation of human behavior and predictable.

On the other hand that the accounting information that should be delivered to the decision maker will affect your beha

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Some indicators of the economic productivity in the industrial sector in Iraq
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Industry represents a cornerstone of the process of economic development and a measure of progress and contribute to increased prosperity and high standard of living.

The researcher analyzed the productivity indicators in industrial facilities large and small at several time periods ranging from 1970 to 2009, according to the economic situation that prevailed in each period.

    Different impact of periods under discussion, it made ​​Iraq the cash surpluses during the period 70-1980 then the effects of the war after 1980 and the economic blockade since 1990, and the subsequent events of the year

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Possibility of Applying Agile Internal Auditing in the Iraqi Economic Units
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The research problem is that the traditional methods of internal auditing are somewhat heavy with long and rigid procedures for the members of the audit process team, especially in light of the current developments that are reflected in the business environment and internal audit reports, so it is necessary to reconsider the traditional internal audit work method and assess the extent of its development by agile methods to reduce the time of the audit process on the activities and elements that add value and direct the effort and time to the activities and elements that add value to the work of the economic unit and the report of the internal auditor.

The research aims to study the possibility of applying agile internal auditing

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Development and innovation in the theory of singing   In the Umayyad era
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The Umayyad era is characterized by the diversity of the subjects and their multiplicity in the literary phenomena. These phenomena are singing phenomena, although they were known in previous eras, they took a distinctive form in the era.
  In this light, the researcher tried to prove that singing theory in the Umayyad period was characterized by development and renewal. The research was entitled (evolution and renewal in the theory of singing in the Umayyad era).

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Effectiveness of the Symbol in Iraqi Monodrama Texts: محمد علي ابراهيم
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This research studies the effectiveness of the symbol in the Iraqi monodrama texts. The methodological framework is devoted to the research problem and the need for conducting it, its importance, the purpose of research, and the definition of the most important terms. The research problem dealt with the concept of the effectiveness of the symbol, the monodrama, and the working levels of the symbol in the monodrama texts of the author, in addition to the disclosure of the artistic vision embodied by the playwright in the use of the symbol within the literary product, as well as the development of the creative process. The research problem was defined by the following question: How effective is the symbol in the Iraqi Monodrama texts?

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical School in Medina             Until the end of the second century AH
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Medina was according to its importance and religious status the basis for the emergence and emergence of historical schools, it is the emigration of the Prophet  and the presence of the companions , and it was natural to shine the beginnings of historical codification, whether in the process of collecting and codification of the verses of the Koran or the Hadith, and once the pillars settled Islam in the Islamic areas until the Muslims began to go to the city to provide a broader knowledge of the Islamic religion and everything related to the biography of the Prophet and the significance and actions, and in return took the jurists and preservation and readers of the companions and followers to undertake the task of teaching in work

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 03 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the variation of synodic month for the moon through 2000-2100
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In this research study the synodic month for the moon and theirrelationship with the mean anomaly for the moon orbit and date A.Dand for long periods of time (100 years), we was design a computerprogram that calculates the period of synodic months, and thecoordinates of the moon at the moment of the new moon with highaccuracy. During the 100 year, there are 1236 period of synodicmonths.We found that the when New Moon occurs near perigee (meananomaly = 0°), the length of the synodic month at a minimum.Similarly, when New Moon occurs near apogee (mean anomaly =180°), the length of the synodic month reaches a maximum. Theshortest synodic month on 2053 /1/ 16 and lasted (29.27436) days.The longest synodic month began on 2008 /11/ 27 a

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 30 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Online Journal Of Qualitative Inquiry (tojqi)
A Pragmatic Study of the Student-Teacher Relationship in the Dangerous Minds
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