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Evaluation The Performance Geodetic of the Receivers Using Static Positioning Technique

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is considered to be one of the most crucial tools for different applications, i.e. transportation, geographic information systems, mobile satellite communications, and others. Without a doubt, the GNSS has been widely employed for different scientific applications, such as land surveying, mapping, and precise monitoring for huge structures, etc. Thus, an intense competitive has appeared between companies which produce geodetic GNSS hardware devices to meet all the requirements of GNSS communities. This study aims to assess the performance of different GNSS receivers to provide reliable positions. In this study, three different receivers, which are produced by different manufacturers, were fixed to form a triangle. Simultaneous observations were made in static mode (2.5 to 3 hours). This observation technique was carried out three times by changing the location of receivers in each time to ensure that three receivers observed each station three times. To evaluate the performance of each receiver, OPUS web-based processing software and TOPCON TOOLS were used to process the raw GNSS observations. The distances between adjacent stations were computed for each observation and compared to standard distances, which were measured using a total station. Furthermore, the internal angles were also computed and compared to those measured by Total Stations. The results showed that some calculated distances are closer to the corresponding distances measured by the total station. This indicates that the receivers involved in the composition of these distances are the most accurate.


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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Numerical study of the mixed convection flow over a square cylinder

In this work, a numerical study is performed to predict the solution of two – dimensional, steady and laminar mixed convection flow over a square cylinder placed symmetrically in a vertical parallel plate. A finite difference method is employed to solve the governing differential equations, continuity, momentum, and energy equation balances. The solution is obtained for stream function, vorticity and temperature as dependent variables by iterative technique known as successive over relaxation. The flow and temperature patterns are obtained for Reynolds number and Grashof number at (Re= -50,50,100,-100) (positive or negative value refers to aidding or opposing buoyancy , +1 assisting flow, -1 opposing flow) and (102 to 105) , respective

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Logic of Balancing in Structural Realism: Anarchy and Expansionist Policies

This research discusses the logic of the balance of power in the field of International Relations. It focuses on the structural-systemic version of the theory because of its centrality to the realist research program within the field. The paper examines the conventional wisdom, which argues that balances of power, in a self-help system, will form regardless of the state’s motives (or intentions); It emerges as an unintended recurring consequence of the interaction of units in anarchy, which primarily seeks superior, not an equal power. This logic assumes that hegemony does not form (or fail) in a multi-state system, because its threats (actual or perceived) to the system instill fear and provoke counterbalancing behavior by other state

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Suggestion Plan for the Reclassification of U.N Publications in Central Library

Suggestion Plan for the Reclassification of U.N Publications in Central Library

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The frequency of hypoglycemia in macrosomic neonates in Amarah governorate, Iraq

Background: Neonatal macrosomia is defined as a birth weight of more than 4000 g. Significant maternal and neonatal complications can result from the birth of macrosomic infants like hypoglycemia and birth injuries.Objectives: To determine the frequency of hypoglycemia in neonates with macrosomia in Amarah, IraqMethods: The study involved 146 macrosomic newborn neonates delivered in 2 maternity hospitals in Amarah, Iraq during a period from June 2011 to June 2014.Results: Hypoglycemia was observed in 16% of neonates affected by macrosomia. Maternal diabetes was the most common cause of fetal macrosomia (28%).Our results were compared with those from other parts of the world.Conclusion Macrosomia is associated with increase rate ofneonata

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Employment educational and artistic style of fiction in the textbook materials

Find goal to detect educational and technical staffing of style fiction in book reading school materials so determine the current research on the specific book reading in fourth grade of primary for the academic year 2014 issued by the Ministry of Education / Republic Iraq stories. Come in the importance of research to draw attention to the best of these stories and strengthened, and the negative deny it and claim his deportation in order to protect the thought of the learner, and the study may contribute to the development of some frameworks to write a story appropriate for elementary school. This McCann within the first chapter The second chapter included the theoretical framework has been contained on two main sections included the co

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Publication Date
Thu May 05 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of Strain Elastography in Evaluating Borderline Axillary Lymph nodes

Background: Axillary lymph node (ALN) enlargement with diffuse cortical thickening and conserved echogenic hilum may represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Sonographic strain elastography may help the characterization of borderline ALN. 

Aim: To evaluate the strain elastography of borderline ALN and to calculate a cutoff value of strain ratio (SR) that can identify suspicious ALN with the highest sensitivity and specificity to reduce unnecessary invasive procedures. 

Subjects and Methods: A prospective study included 45 patients who attended the Breast clinic in Oncology Teaching Hospital with borderline axillary lymphadenopathy (intact hilum and diffusely thic

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Encoding errors in reading the first grade of primary (analytical study)

    Aims current research to identify the mistakes coding contained in the reading first grade. Encoding knew that he had failed in Retrieval or identifying information, the researcher diagnosis of mistakes and presented to a group of teachers first grade and they have an appropriate adjustment and using the percentage shows that the agreement on the mistakes ratio and adjusted researcher recommended a set of proposals and recommendations can work out the future for the advancement of scientific level

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Analysis of the Zernike Moments for Single Object Retrieval

Zernike Moments has been popularly used in many shape-based image retrieval studies due to its powerful shape representation. However its strength and weaknesses have not been clearly highlighted in the previous studies. Thus, its powerful shape representation could not be fully utilized. In this paper, a method to fully capture the shape representation properties of Zernike Moments is implemented and tested on a single object for binary and grey level images. The proposed method works by determining the boundary of the shape object and then resizing the object shape to the boundary of the image. Three case studies were made. Case 1 is the Zernike Moments implementation on the original shape object image. In Case 2, the centroid of the s

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Data visualization and distinct features extraction of the comet Ison 2013

The distribution of the intensity of the comet Ison C/2013 is studied by taking its histogram. This distribution reveals four distinct regions that related to the background, tail, coma and nucleus. One dimensional temperature distribution fitting is achieved by using two mathematical equations that related to the coordinate of the center of the comet. The quiver plot of the gradient of the comet shows very clearly that arrows headed towards the maximum intensity of the comet.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effect of Atenolol on CK-MB Levels in Hypertensive Patients

Atenolol is one of beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent. It is widely used for the treatment of hypertension as a selective antihypertensive drug. But long term usage of atenolol may cause one of the cardiovascular diseases like myocardial infarction. To prove the relationship between atenolol and cardiovascular disease, measurement of creatinekinase-MB as a diagnostic indicator in early and long term usage of this drug by hypertensive patients is recommended.  A comparative study was conducted in Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital–Emergency Department- on 30 hypertensive patients using atenolol. They were divided into (2) groups A and B according to the duration of the drug usage. Group A- (15) patients with a mean age (56

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