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Modeling and Simulation of Solar Module performance using Five Parameters Model by using Matlab in Baghdad City
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This work presents the modeling of the electrical response of monocrystalline photovoltaic module by using five parameters model based on manufacture data-sheet of a solar module that measured in stander test conditions (STC) at radiation 1000W/m² and cell temperature 25 . The model takes into account the series and parallel (shunt) resistance of the module. This paper considers the details of Matlab modeling of the solar module by a developed Simulink model using the basic equations, the first approach was to estimate the parameters: photocurrent Iph, saturation current Is, shunt resistance Rsh, series resistance Rs, ideality factor A at stander test condition (STC) by an iteration process. To implement the iteration process, a numerical approach based on the Newton Raphson method has been implemented and programmed in Matlab. The second mathematical model used in Matlab/Simulink using equations for each parameter to determine the parameters at all operating conditions. The Matlab program gives the information about the behavior of the practical PV module, under different atmospheric conditions. The model accuracy was also analyzed through finding out the compatibility between the practical and the theoretical aspects at different solar radiation intensity 500, 750 and 1000 W/m2 by extracting the error ratios. The results show that there is difference between theoretical (modeled) and experimental, the best validation (less error) between five parameters model and experimental maximum power results at radiation 500, 750, 1000 W/m2 and STC was 5.5%, 19%, 18% and 12.3% in January respectively, due to the decreases in ambient temperature and thus decreases in the temperature of solar module in January led to increase in maximum output power and producing best validation between model and experimental in this month.  


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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Theoretical Study for Performance Enhancement of Air Solar Collectors by Using Different Absorbers
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An experimental and theoretical study has been done to investigate the thermal performance of different types of air solar collectors, In this work air solar collector with a dimensions of (120 cm x90 cm x12 cm) , was tested under climate condition of  Baghdad city with a (43° tilt angel)  by using  the absorber plate (1.45 mm thickness, 115 cm height x 84 cm width), which was manufactured from iron painted with a black matt.

The experimental test deals with five types of absorber:-

 Conventional smooth flat plate absorber , Finned absorber , Corrugated absorber plate, Iron wire mesh on absorber And matrix of porous media  on absorber .

The hourly and average efficiency of the collectors

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Simulation for the Effect of Partial Shading on Solar Panel Performance
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Partial shading is one of the problems that affects the power production and the efficiency of photovoltaic module. A series of experimental work have been done of partial shading of   monocrystalline PV module; 50W, Isc: 3.1A, Voc: 22V with 36 cells in series is achieved. Non-linear power output responses of the module are observed by applying various cases of partial shading (vertical and horizontal shading of solar cells in the module). Shading a single cell (corner cell) has the greatest impact on output energy. Horizontal shading or vertical shading reduced the power from 41W to 18W at constant solar radiation 1000W/m2 and steady state condition. Vertical blocking a column

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modeling of Monocrystalline PV Cell Considering Ambient Conditions in Baghdad City
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The environmental conditions are important factors, because they affect both the efficiency of a photovoltaic module and the energy load. This research was carried out experimentally and modeling was done in MATLAB –Simulink by monitoring the variation in power output of the system with environmental conditions such as solar radiation, ambient temperature, wind speed, and humidity of Baghdad city. From the results, the ambient temperatures are inversely proportional to humidity and the output power performance of the system, while the wind speed is directly proportional with the output power performance of the system.  



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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison between the Methods of Ridge Regression and Liu Type to Estimate the Parameters of the Negative Binomial Regression Model Under Multicollinearity Problem by Using Simulation
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The problem of Multicollinearity is one of the most common problems, which deal to a large extent with the internal correlation between explanatory variables. This problem is especially Appear in economics and applied research, The problem of Multicollinearity has a negative effect on the regression model, such as oversized variance degree and estimation of parameters that are unstable when we use the Least Square Method ( OLS), Therefore, other methods were used to estimate the parameters of the negative binomial model, including the estimated Ridge Regression Method and the Liu type estimator, The negative binomial regression model is a nonline

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Evaluation of the Performance of One-Axis Daily Tracking and Fixed PV Module in Baghdad, Iraq
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An attempt was made to evaluate the PV performance of one-axis daily tracking and fixed system for Baghdad, Iraq. Two experimental simulations were conducted on a PV module for that purpose. Measurements included incident solar radiation, load voltage and load current. The first experiment was carried out for six months of winter half of year to simulate the one-axis daily tracking. The azimuth angle was due south while the tilt angle was being set to optimum according to each day of simulation. The second experiment was done at one day to simulate the PV module of fixed angles. It is found that there is a significant power gain of 29.6% for the tracking system in respect to the fixed one. The one-axis daily tracking was much more effect

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of the Change of the Total Solar Radiation Above Baghdad City for the Period from 1985.1989 By Using Satellite Antenna Data
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 The solar radiation plays an important role on the energy balance of the earthatmosphere, which is the main source of energy.  Also the solar radiation is a main factor of all applications which use a solar energy as renewable energy source.  The purpose of this research is to study the monthly average changes for solar radiation for the period from 1985 to 1989 by using satellite Antenna Alignment from (NASA). The result shows that the monthly average radiation changes from one year to another because of the changing of it component of atmosphere, (gases, clouds and Aerosols) and as an enhancement for this conclusion, we compared the results with the monthly average radiation at clear atmosphere where the change was slig

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science And Software Engineering
Real Time Motion Detection in Surveillance Camera Using MATLAB
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Surveillance cameras are video cameras used for the purpose of observing an area. They are often connected to a recording device or IP network, and may be watched by a security guard or law enforcement officer. In case of location have less percentage of movement (like home courtyard during night); then we need to check whole recorded video to show where and when that motion occur which are wasting in time. So this paper aims at processing the real time video captured by a Webcam to detect motion in the Scene using MATLAB 2012a, with keeping in mind that camera still recorded which means real time detection. The results show accuracy and efficiency in detecting motion

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimating the general exponential distribution parameters using the simulation method
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The main aim of this paper is to study how the different estimators of the two unknown parameters (shape and scale parameter) of a generalized exponential distribution behave for different sample sizes and for different parameter values. In particular, 

. Maximum Likelihood, Percentile and Ordinary Least Square estimators had been implemented for different sample sizes (small, medium, and large) and assumed several contrasts initial values for the two parameters. Two indicators of performance Mean Square Error and Mean Percentile Error were used and the comparisons were carried out between different methods of estimation  by using monte carlo simulation technique .. It was obse

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using simulation to estimate parameters and reliability function for extreme value distribution
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   This study includes Estimating scale parameter, location parameter  and reliability function  for Extreme Value (EXV) distribution by two methods, namely: -
- Maximum Likelihood Method (MLE).
- Probability Weighted Moments Method (PWM).

 Used simulations to generate the required samples to estimate the parameters and reliability function of different sizes(n=10,25,50,100) , and give real values for the parameters are and , replicate the simulation experiments (RP=1000)

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effectiveness of a Simulation Model of Thermal Insulation in Building Materials Using Cellulose Extracted from Agricultural Waste in Baghdad
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This study found that one of the constructive, necessary, beneficial, most effective, and cost-effective ways to meet the great challenge of rising energy prices is to develop and improve energy quality and efficiency. The process of improving the quality of energy and its means has been carried out in many buildings and around the world. It was found that the thermal insulation process in buildings and educational facilities has become the primary tool for improving energy efficiency, enabling us to improve and develop the internal thermal environment quality processes recommended for users (student - teacher). An excellent and essential empirical study has been conducted to calculate the fundamental values ​​of the

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