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Derivation of Operation Rule for Ilisu Dam
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Tigris River water that comes from Turkey represents the main water resource of this river in Iraq. The expansion in water river implementations has formed a source of trouble for the workers in the water resources management field in Iraqi. Unfortunately, there is no agreement between Iraq and Turkey till now to share the water of this international river. Consequently, the optimal operation of water resources systems, particularly a multi-objective, multi-reservoir, is of the most necessity at the present time.

 In this research two approaches, were used the dynamic programming (DP) approach and simulation model to find the optimal monthly operation of Ilisu Dam (from an Iraqi point of view) through a computer program (in Q. Basic language) to find the optimum monthly release and storage by adopting an objective function that minimizes the release and storage losses (penalty). The historical inflow data of 588 months from (Oct. 1961 to Sep. 2009) formed the input data to the optimization models. Storage rule curves for the reservoir at (lower, mean, upper) of (10%, 50%, and 90%), respectively, were found according to the results of the optimized operation. A simulation model was developed to operate the system using these rule curves.


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of Rabi’a tribe in the history of Iraq in the rightly guided caliph’s period Prof. Dr.: The role of Rabi’a tribe in the history of Iraq in the rightly guided caliph’s period Prof. Dr.
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Rabi’a tribe lived on the land of Euphrates since the first century of the
Christ. Then that land becomes her homeland. The Persians tried many times
to drive her away from that land, but with out result.
In the course of time Rabi’a become more knowledgeable of Persia.
This tribe proved her love and sanctification to the land of Euphrates, in the
battle of Dhyqar.
Rabi’a converted to Islam quickly and helped the Muslims to conquer
Iraq with a big number of fighters in many battles like al- Qadisyyah. That
influenced the anger of Mudriat Arab tribes who were their old enemies.
Mudriat tribes did their efforts to reduce the importance of Rabi’a because of
some its branches were among of t

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 07 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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A microbial study conducted for a number of flour samples (30 samples) Uses in the bakery ovens in various areas of the city of Baghdad, by used the conventional methods used in laboratories in microbial tests and compared with the modern techniqueby usedof BacTrac Device 3400 equipped from SY-LAB Impedance analysersAustrian company.The results of two ways showed (The conventional way and BacTrac Device test)that the total counts of aerobic bacteria, coliform bacteria, StaphylococcusSpp. bacteria, Bacillus cereus bacteria and yeasts and molds,Most of them were within the permissible borders in the Iraqi standard for grain and its products With free samples from SalmonellaSpp. bacteria, and that the screening by BacTrac device are shorten

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Mediator Role of Workplace Spirituality in The Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Entrepreneurial Behavior: Field Research in the center of the Iraqi Ministry of Oil
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      The research aims to identify the mediator role of  workplace spirituality in the  relationship between psychological capital and entrepreneurial  behavior: field research to a sample opinions from employees at the center of the Iraqi ministry of Oil . The importance of the current research emerged from paucity of studies that have attempted to identify and know the nature of the relationship between the variables as well as trying to find the current address and realistic problem directly affects the performance of employees in the Iraqi oil sector.

 In order to achieve the goal of research the use of the analytical method (quantitative)

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of changing the evacuated tube tilt angle and the fluid of the solar collector on the performance of a hybrid solar air conditioning system
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In the hybrid coolingsolar systems , a solar collectoris used to convertsolar energy intoheat sourcein order to super heat therefrigerant leave thecompressor,andthisprocess helpsin the transformation ofrefrigerant state from gaseous statetothe liquid statein upper two-thirdsof thecondenserinstead of the lower two-thirdssuchas in thetraditional air-conditioning systems and this willreduce theenergyneeded torun the process ofcooling.In this research two hybrid air-conditioning system with an evacuated tube solar collector were used, therefrigerant was R22 and the capacity was 2 tons each.The tilt angle of the evacuated tube solar collector was changed and the solar collector fluid was replaced into oil instead of water.A comparison wasi

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
This study sought to determine the impact of spreading the culture of quality in improving the quality of tourism service in some hotels in Erbil governorate
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This study sought to determine the impact of spreading the culture of quality in improving the quality of tourism service in some hotels in Erbil governorate. The theme of excellence in providing service and attention to it has become the concern of most organizations in general and tourism service organizations in particular. Tourists try to establish the mental status of customers about their tourism organizations had to pay attention to the quality of service provided to the customer and work to develop them to the advanced stages of satisfaction and happiness of customers and this will certainly positively affect the improvement of service in the tourism sector, Of the research variables were examined statistically by distrib

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The image of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the independent Iraqi press: An analytical study of the Al—Zaman, Al-Dustour, and Al-Mada newspapers
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Through this descriptive study of the image of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the independent Iraqi press, the researcher relies on surveys, content analysis, and observation tools. The research community selected was the Iraqi independent press, represented by the Al-Zaman, Al-Dustour, and Al-Mada newspapers. The researcher adopts the comprehensive inventory method for newspaper issues produced between October 2019 and January 2020.

The results of this study show that Iran's interference in Iraq's internal affairs was one of the most prominent components of the picture that independent Iraqi newspapers seek to paint about the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Immunohistochemical expression of MMP9, as a marker of local invasion in Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the head and neck region
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Background: Malignant lymphoma is the generic term given to tumors of the lymphoid system and specifically of lymphocytes and their precursor cells, While all lymphomas are malignant neoplasms, there is a wide spectrum of clinical behavior, with some following an indolent clinical course and others behaving in an aggressive manner (will causing death in a short time frame if left untreated). The metastatic process involves intravasation and extravasation of tumor cells, followed by reimplantation of tumor cells, formation of a new tumor stoma, Degradation of the extracellular matrix and components of the basement membrane by proteases facilitates the detachment of tumor cells, their crossing of tissue boundaries, and invasion into adjacent

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of leader-member exchange in the organizational citizenship behavior according to organizational trust Analytical research at the center of Ministry of Migration and Displaced
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This research aimed to examine the correlation and influence of leader-member exchange in the organizational citizenship behavior in the existence of organizational trust as mediator variable among workers in ministry of migration and displaced, has been collecting data and information relating to research by designing questionnaire was distributed to the stratified random sample included (56) member of the workers in the ministry mentioned, and through the use of several statistical method were the main findings of research was the existence of a correlation relationship and influence between leader- member exchange and organizational trust, while the results confirmed no correlation and influen

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Marketing decisions as an intermediary variable of the nature of the relationship between Environmental Turbulence and marketing effectiveness exploratory study of Carrefour branches in Erbil Governorate
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The organizations, represented by its Management, are working hard in various ways to identify the environmental disturbances that occur in their environment and to investigate and follow up the movement of these disturbances and to respond to them through the decisions they make in an attempt to keep pace with the work and sustainability of their activities, including those decisions, marketing decisions taken by the environmental disturbulence in the market of the organization, the inability of these organizations to read the indicators of these disturbulence correctly displays their marketing effectiveness to vibration and decline in the negative.The current research is based on a fundamental problem that envi

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of NPK fertilizer and root fertilizers Inicium on some physiological characters of Lycopersicon esculentum and its effect on mitotic division index of seedling radical apex
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The experiment was carried out to study the effect of NPK and Inicium using two concentration for each of them 1 and 2 gm/L for NPK and 5 and 10 ml/L for Inicium on some physiological characters of Lycopersicon esculentum and mitotic division index of seedling radical apex. The results showed that all the characters increased plant height, stem diameter, leaves number, length of leaf, lobs number in one leaf, length of root and root diameter. The data showed that the percentage of cell division, mitotic division and Telophase stage increased in seedling radical apex comparison with control plants.

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