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Experimental Study of Optimum Chilled Water Distribution Configuration in Air Conditioning Terminal Unit Using RSM Technique
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The distribution of chilled water flow rate in terminal unit is an important factor used to evaluate the performance of central air conditioning unit. A prototype of A/C unit has been made, which contains three terminal units with a complete set of accessories (3-way valve, 2-way valve, and sensors) to study the effect of the main parameters, such as total water flow rate and chilled water supply temperature with variable valve opening. In this work, 40 tests were carried out. These tests were in two groups, 20 test for 3-way valve case and 20 test for 2-way valve case. These tests were performed at three levels of valve opening, total water flow rate and water supply temperature according to the design matrices established by Design of Experiment (DOE) software 'version 7' with Response surface methodology (RSM) technique. The model was conducted for each case of total heat rate, then checked statistically for adequacy by Analysis of variance (ANOVA), and found good with 95% confidence level. The results showed that the water supply temperature has a significant effect on the total heat rate of two cases. It was found that the optimum solution for maximum total heat rate and minimum flow deviation represented by standard deviation was obtained at 10°C water supply temperature, 5.5 l/min total water flow rate and 70% valve opening. The total heat rate and standard deviation were (890.249 Watt), (0.000513), respectively in three-way valve case and (743.155 Watt), (0.00277), respectively in two-way valve case. Finally, the predicted and experimental results of total heat rate and standard deviation were in agreement with a maximum error of 6.6 % in three-way valve case and 1.4% in two-way valve case.


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Publication Date
Tue Oct 17 2017
Journal Name
Spe/iatmi Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference And Exhibition
Retention of Silica Nanoparticles in Limestone Porous Media
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Nanofluids (dispersion of nanoparticles in a base fluid) have been suggested as promising agents in subsurface industries including enhanced oil recovery. Nanoparticles can easily pass through small pore throats in reservoirs formations; however, physicochemical interactions between nanoparticles and between nanoparticles and rocks can cause a significant retention of nanoparticles. This study investigated the transport, attach, and retention of silica nanoparticles in core plugs. The hydrophilic silica nanoparticles were injected into limestone core as nanofluid of different nanoparticles size (5 nm, and 20 nm), concentration (0.005 – 0.1 wt% SiO2), and base fluid salinity (0 – 3 wt% NaCl) at different temperatures (23, and 50 °C). D

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Scopus (37)
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Statistical Analysis of COVID-19 Data in Iraq
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The analysis of COVID-19 data in Iraq is carried out. Data includes daily cases and deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic in Iraq on February 2020 until the 28th of June 2022. This is done by fitting some distributions to the data in order to find out the most appropriate distribution fit to both daily cases and deaths due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The statistical analysis includes estimation of the parameters, the goodness of fit tests and illustrative probability plots. It was found that the generalized extreme value and the generalized Pareto distributions may provide a good fit for the data for both daily cases and deaths. However, they were rejected by the goodness of fit test statistics due to the high variability of the data.<

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The dualism in the poetry of Ahmed Bakheet
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The study of the (dualist antagonism) of a poet, will be determined by the poet's potential, and according to the system of concepts and creativity, and this means that there is a difference between the rooting of the meaning and its roots, and poetic sources by tracking the poets and their attitudes.
Therefore, poetry is a variable function according to the values ​​of the movement, which is the freedom and continuous fuel. With these units of measurement, can measure the dose (Ahmed Bakheet) of freedom and mechanisms of investment, Bakheet (moment) of the time of hair dimensions of the limits of his experience. This is what the researchers will address in their research.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
The concept of metaphor in the contemporary sculpture
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Despite the importance of this term in linguistics and rhetoric ancient and modern literary forms in general, is that it is possible to use in clarifying the foundations of the relationship hidden and manifest between shapes in models art adjacent or successive spatially, as the artwork plastic in general and sculpture in particular consists of formal structure somewhat similar to the structure in any language text and we can decode these blades structure and analyze the implications and come to their meanings and re-read and interpreted under the guidance of the concepts and techniques of neighboring developed primarily for linguistic analysis of texts or launched from their references. This split search to four chapters included the fi

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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Dramatic Utilization of Close-up in Horror Movies
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A cinematic shot is the basis of the film, regardless of the size, angle, or motion of this shot. However, the size of the footage and the process of showing or hiding the scene or cinematic personality has a certain speciality   related to the nature of cinematic treatment and the type of the movie especially those characterized by the employment of the close-ups to induce   ambiguity or spread the mental image of the dramatic events and this relationship between the close-up and horror films is what prompted the researcher to identify the title of the search as follows:


Dramatic utilization of Close-Up in Horror Movies

The research is divided as follows:

The methodological fram

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Topics of Iraq in the Arab International Press
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The research entitled "the Iraqi Topics in International Arab Press" is an analytical study of two newspapers: Al-Arab and Al-Hayat published in London from September 1-30, 2013.

      The Arab press is one of the cultural monuments Home stretches for culture and media of Arabs outside the Arab Homeland which made them international press targeting public Arab audience's not civil audiences in a particular country and formulating their contents on this basis taking into account intake affairs and issues that have been national or international.

        Because of this international presence of the Arab press, these newspa

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
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New record species of Gypsophila L. in Iraq
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G. tuberculosa is a newly recorded species from the Caryophyllaceae family for Iraqi flora, collected from the Arbil district from May to August. Morphological descriptions with macro and micro features illustrated with plates and dimensions, the species is related to G. pallida and distinguished from calyx properties, especially the presence of large prominent druses crystals. Keywords: Caryophyllaceae, Gypsophila, Iraq, New record, pallida.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of the uncle in Islamic jurisprudence
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There is talk of the Prophet ﷺ proud of his relative, which is the uncle, and the importance of this subject, this search for doctrinal matters related to the two things between us: the interest of the Prophet ﷺ responsible, and also responsible forbidden marriage and marriage as it is forbidden to marry the uncle, and in the uncle language: mother's brother, aunt Her uncle may spend his uncle's nephew, the uncle may embrace his nephew, the uncle shall be the guardian of the little or the small, not to cut off the uncle if he steals from his nephew's money. "

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Gender Profiling of ads in Egyptian Channel MBC
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The study begins with the idea that advertising is a form of culture. Therefore, it is not possible to be surrounded by an actual briefing from one-sided premises such as those that are based solely on the artistic, aesthetic or technical aspects, without linking it to the culture in which it is produced.
The researcher attempts to shed light on the relation between the advertising letter and the concept of gender. And here lies the importance of the research as the content of the ads and their form and implicit values in the text and image reflect the cultural values that must be identified as well as the most important roles that are stereotyped in advertisements and their relationship to the culture of society.
Advertising is

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reducing Organizational Anomie in Light of Entrepreneurial Behavior
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The research aims to clarify the role of the main variable represented by the four dimensions of entrepreneurial behavior (creative, risk-taking, seizing opportunities, proactivity), in Reducing the dependent variable of organizational anomie with the dimensions (Organizational Normlessness, Organizational Cynicism, Organizational Valuelessness).

The experimental, analytical method was adopted in the completion of the research, and an intentional sample of (162) individuals in the administrative levels (higher and middle) in the factory was taken. The questionnaire was also adopted as the main tool, which

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