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Experimental Study of Optimum Chilled Water Distribution Configuration in Air Conditioning Terminal Unit Using RSM Technique

The distribution of chilled water flow rate in terminal unit is an important factor used to evaluate the performance of central air conditioning unit. A prototype of A/C unit has been made, which contains three terminal units with a complete set of accessories (3-way valve, 2-way valve, and sensors) to study the effect of the main parameters, such as total water flow rate and chilled water supply temperature with variable valve opening. In this work, 40 tests were carried out. These tests were in two groups, 20 test for 3-way valve case and 20 test for 2-way valve case. These tests were performed at three levels of valve opening, total water flow rate and water supply temperature according to the design matrices established by Design of Experiment (DOE) software 'version 7' with Response surface methodology (RSM) technique. The model was conducted for each case of total heat rate, then checked statistically for adequacy by Analysis of variance (ANOVA), and found good with 95% confidence level. The results showed that the water supply temperature has a significant effect on the total heat rate of two cases. It was found that the optimum solution for maximum total heat rate and minimum flow deviation represented by standard deviation was obtained at 10°C water supply temperature, 5.5 l/min total water flow rate and 70% valve opening. The total heat rate and standard deviation were (890.249 Watt), (0.000513), respectively in three-way valve case and (743.155 Watt), (0.00277), respectively in two-way valve case. Finally, the predicted and experimental results of total heat rate and standard deviation were in agreement with a maximum error of 6.6 % in three-way valve case and 1.4% in two-way valve case.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Environmental Science And Development
Estimation of the Concentrations of Some Pollutants Resulting from the Use of Arabian Bakhour and Their Effect in Patients with Asthma in the City of Baghdad

This research focus on studying 3 types of Bakhour in the markets of Baghdad city and assessing their impact on the quality of life for asthmatic whom used Bakhour at their houses through investigating particles physical properties, also estimating the levels of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn), Particulate Matter PM2.5, PM10, Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) and formaldehyde (HCHO). The quality of life for asthmatic patients whom use Bakhour was assessing by Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire. The results indicated that shapes of Bakhour particles were irregular or spherical. Burning process generated the higher percent of PM ˂1μm. Type 2 Bakhour showed the highest percent of <1μm which was 73%.The amount of

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Level of Emotional Intelligence among Principals of Basic Education Schools in Al dakhiliyah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman from the Teacher's Point of View.


This study aims to identify the level of emotional intelligence among principals of basic education schools in Al-Dakhiliya Governorate. The descriptive approach was used. A questionnaire of two parts was utilized; its second part included (27) items divided into five dimensions related to emotional intelligence. The study sample consisted of (337) teachers representing 52% of the study sample were randomly selected. The study result showed that level of the emotional intelligence is high and the motivation dimension is the highest. There were no statistical differences at the level (α≤ 0.05) due to the impact of (the social type, the educational qualification, and the years of experience) in all the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Patterns of Feedback Used in the E-Learning System from the Teachers of the First Cycle in the Governorate of Muscat at the Sultanate of Oman



This study aims to identify the degree to which the first cycle teachers use different feedback patterns in the e-learning system in addition to the differences in the degree of use according to specialization, teaching experience, and in-service training in the field of classroom assessment, as well as the interaction between them. The study sample consisted of (350) female teachers of the first cycle in government schools in Muscat Governorate for the academic year 2020/2021. The study used a questionnaire that contained four different patterns of feedback, which are reinforcement, informative, corrective, and interpretive feedback. The psychometric properties of the que

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

Active compounds were extracted from Anethum gravoelens to produce safety vegetable treat for diabetic, the results showed that alcoholic extract of Anethum gravoelens contain Alkaloid, glycosides, phenols, resins, saponins, coumarins, flavonoide, terpenes, steroids and volatile oils. after that it was studied the effect of alcoholic extract at dose 50, 100 mg/kg of body weight in reduced glucose level in serum of diabetic rats induced by alloxan, after the end of experiment for period 30 days the rats fasting 12 hours to measure the level of glucose in serum, the result showed asignificant decrease in serum glucose level of rats treated with extract in comparison with positive group (alloxan), So biochemical tests showed significant dec

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Advances In Mathematics
B-Closed Topological Spaces in Terms of Grills

The concept of -closedness, a kind of covering property for topological spaces, has already been studied with meticulous care from different angles and via different approaches. In this paper, we continue the said investigation in terms of a different concept viz. grills. The deliberations in the article include certain characterizations and a few necessary conditions for the -closedness of a space, the latter conditions are also shown to be equivalent to -closedness in a - almost regular space. All these and the associated discussions and results are done with grills as the prime supporting tool.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 03 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Advances In Mathematics
On types of Delay in Delay Differential equation

Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Histopathological Changes in Placentas of Gestational Hypertension Women

Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Research And Islamic Studies Journal
The artistic in the poetry of Kazem Jawad

the researchers pointed that the poet relied on several means in the form of poetic images, including analogy, and the metaphor with its various elements, The chromatic component has also been used in the formation of its poetic image,and resorted to the correspondence of the senses and the symbol of two types:Self-code, public code : And we find a variety of symbolic stems from different sources, from these symbols, what is religious, including what is historical and what is legendary, and such symbols, which resorted to the rare places of his poems confined to the myths contained in the Bible, His use of the general symbols was ineffective in the poetic picture, relying on the metaphor and metaphor.

Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
History Of Medicine
Correlation of Afamin with oxidative stress in GDM

It is becoming a public health issue to predict which expectant women will develop gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The goal of this case control research is to investigate the role of maternal oxidative stress levels in the first, second, and third trimesters, as well as other factors, in the development of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Methods Between October and December 2021, 142 women participated in this research. The 101 GDM patients were split into three groups based on their gestation (T1, T2, and T3), and 41 healthy pregnant women were chosen as the comparison group. TAS and TOS levels of oxidative stress and XO were calculated using a Spectrophotometer for colorimetric techniques; fasting and random sugar levels, as

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Formalism in Mortgage Accordance of Amarican Law

This research deals with the formalities of the mortgage contract according to American law, We have given an overview of the provisions of this law related to the subject, We have also taken into consideration the role of American jurisprudence and the judiciary in finding legal solutions to the aforementioned formality, We have discussed the formality of mortgage in American law in two sections, In the first section we showed the formalism in immovable  mortgage, and the second section specified to studying the formalism in movable mortgage.

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