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Improvement of the Water Use Efficiency and Yield of Eggplant by Using Subsurface Water Retention Technology
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Sustainable crop production in a coarse soil texture is challenging due to high water permeability and low soil water holding capacity. In this paper, subsurface water retention technology (SWRT) through impermeable polyethylene membranes was placed at depth 35 cm below ground surface and within the root zone to evaluate and compare the impact of these membranes and control treatment (without using the membranes) on yield and water use efficiency of eggplant inside the greenhouse. The study was conducted in Al-Fahamah Township, Baghdad, Iraq during spring growing season 2017. Results demonstrated the yield and water use efficiencies were 3.483 kg/m2 and 5.653 kg/m3, respectively for SWRT treatment plot and 3.286 kg/m2 and 3.709 kg/m3, respectively for treatment without using SWRT. The increasing percentages for yield and water use efficiency were 6% and 52%, respectively. Additionally, saving in irrigation water in the SWRT membrane was about 44% of the total applied depth comparing with the control treatment.  


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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
The Communicative Functions in The Speech of The UAE National Anthem in The Light of The Eloquence of The Audience: زينب دريانورد (الغيصي) - رسول بلاوي - أحمد موسى البطاينة
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  The national anthem is one of the most eloquent communicative discourses that the language establishes due to its deep impact on the audience and forms a broad mass base that interacts with the chanting of the national anthem. Moreover, communication is the cornerstone in building social and educational relations. From this point of view, the communicative approach studies language in the communicative context and its six important functions identified by linguist Roman Jacobson. The official UAE national anthem is considered as a model for expressing the enthusiasm of the Emirati Arab public, who is proud of their Arabism, loyalty and love of the homeland, because of the expressions that this anthem carries, urging the public to

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The social and psychological effects of ISIS in the conductive press An analytical study in the Iraqi newspapers “Economic City” and “Mosul News” for the period from 30/8/2017 until 31/7/2019 : (Research derived from Master Thesis)
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The research seeks to find out the extent of the coverage of the Mosul press to the issues of psychological and social effects of the organization "IS" on the community of Mosul, by analyzing the content of the newspapers “Economic City” and “Mosul News”. As well as to stand at the types of psychological and social effects and their repercussions on the Mosul community including figures, statistics and evidence that were covered in the theoretical study of these topics.

This study is the first scientific diagnosis to reveal the size and types of psychological and social effects of the “ISIS” organization  through what was monitored by the Mosul press. The study seeks to draw the attention of officials, decision-m

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of a University Professor in the Development of Democracy with the Contents of a University Student in the Light of a Democratic Society
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The current research aims to answer the following questions: what is the substance of democracy? What is the content of a democratic society? What is the role of university professor in the democratic development of the student university in light of the new Iraqi society? In order to achieve the goals of the research, the researcher developed an a questionnaire based on literature, Iraq's draft constitution in 2005, and his experience of the field of teaching human rights and public freedoms and the teaching of democracy. It was applied to a sample of faculty members in Department of Education and Psychology / College of Education / University Baghdad for the year 20014 were obtained their answers were then processed statistically. Henc

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of the performance of private hospitals from the point of view of the beneficiaries (A field Study in the private Sector hospitals in Baghdad)
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Objectives: This Paper is an attempt to evaluate the services provided by the private hospitals
and to identify the strength and weakness in
their performance The results can be utilized in stating conclusion and recommendations to improve
and activate the role of private medical sector in society .
Methodology: A questionnaire has be designed for this purpose and distributed to ( 132 ) beneficiaries
mostly from Baghdad private hospitals .
Results: The paper has come out with many important results . Among These are the following :
* these who benefit from services provided by private hospitals believe that the good performance of
such hospital is not due to the medical services alone but also to scientific aspect

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of the differences in the correlation pattern of the micro blogging in the educational attainment of computer science curriculum for 12th grade students
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The object of this research is to determine the effect in the differences of the correlation pattern of the micro blogging on the educational attainment of computer science curriculum for 12th grade students. I will try to test the best suited correlation and I might use the demo curriculum as well to achieve its objectives , The research method that will be used in this research is the quantitative method where we will use a sample of 60 students divided into two groups ( correlate the micro blogging - adopted the sequence pattern of relating the micro blogging) As a result, we found out that there are quantitative differences among the two groups' median , The differences goes back to the main effect of the correlation pattern of the m

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of political thinking on the decision maker in analyzing the strategic environment of the state (applied study in the Iraqi Ministry of Finance)
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The Political Thinking Regarded as an important element for the formulation of the stat, weather in its formation, the structure of it s entity, its political system and it s governmental instruments .The political thinking can not act without determined strategy, So they intend to work hard to formulate a railed strategy that make them able to determine its  directions to general issues.

   The Study aimed to solve the problem through the following question:

1- What are the levels of Political Thinking and Strategic Analysis in the financial ministry?

2- What are the relation ship between the dimensions of Political  T

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Synbiotic Effect Of Volaticle Oil Extracted From Leaves Rosmarinus Officinolis And Nigellai Sativa On Microbial And Sensory Characteristics Of Minced Poultry Meat During Cold Storage
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The objective of present study was to investigate the effect of using duplex volaticle oil of Rosmarinusoficinolis and Nigella sativain microbial quality, sensing and extending storage time of minced cold poultry meat. Duplex volaticle oil was added at 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg to minced poultry meat , these treatments were stored individually for (0 ,4 and 7) days at( 4-7) C0 . After making several microbial and sensing test. The following results were obtained:- The process of adding duplex volaticle oil of Rosmarinus officinolis and Nigella sativa to minced poultry meat led to significant reduced (P<0.01) in total arobic count, psychrophilic count and coliform bacteria during refrigerated storage periods. The results showed asignificant sens

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
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Simulation As One Of The Tools Of Visual Thinking And Its Effect On Developing Drawing And Design Skills To Produce Innovative Artworks: عائشة عبد الجبار العيسى
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The research emphasizes importance of preliminary drawings in design of any product. Therefore, using of simulation as tools for visual thinking in developing drawing and design skills. So that practice of drawing by hand, considering shape of ideas in first stage of visualizations, and practice of its techniques and continuous training.
Hence, the research problem arose with the role of simulation method for developing preliminary sketches in the sample of students of the Product Design Department at the College of Design and Art, PNU, as it is important tool for visual thinking that helps the designer in designing and producing innovative artistic works.
Therefore, the research axes, a number of findings and recommendations were

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
The directorial vision of the theatrical text In the concept of a picture theater
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أثر تنوع الرؤى الاخراجية للاتجاهات والحركات المسرحية المعاصرة في أتساعالاشتراطات الجمالية لبنية الخطاب المسرحي + الامر الذي ادى الى انزياح مكوناتالعرض وعناصره ؛ ومنها المنظومة السردية للنص التي شكلت في بدايات المسرحجغرافية العرض المسرحي والمرتكز النظري والفكري الذي يمد العرض المسرحي أغلبتدفقه الجمالي وعنصر أستعلائي لعناصر العرض الاخرى ؛ وضمن التطورات اللاحقةأنسحب المخرج المسرحي من سطوة البنية النص

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 08 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Online Journal Of Qualitative Inquiry (tojqi)
Legislative Insufficiency in the Legal Regulation of the Trademark Study of the Iraqi Law
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