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Anaerobic Co-digestion of Giant Reed for Biogas Recovery

This study investigated the feasibility of anaerobic co-digestion of giant reed (GR) inoculated with waste manure as a co-substrate for biogas production. The performance of co-digestion was evaluated in 4 anaerobic digesters operated in batch mode at different conditions. The effects of alkali pretreatment with NaOH (4% w/v) solution, inoculum type, and thermal condition were studied. The results demonstrated that the alkali-pretreatment of GR enhanced the biogas generation by about 15% at mesophilic conditions. Thermophilic conditions enhanced the biogas recovery from both alkali-free and alkali pretreated GR by 15% and 127%, respectively. The kinetic study of the co-digestion process of GR for biogas recovery suggested a significant agreement between measured and predicted values obtained by Modified Gompertz Model with correlation coefficients ≥ 0.98 indicating favorable conditions for the co-digestion of inoculated GR.


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Publication Date
Mon Nov 29 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessment of Heavy Metals Pollution in Sediment of Shatt Al-Hilla by Using Ecological Indices

Surficial sediment samples were collected from four stations at Shatt Al-Hilla from Western Zoer area to Almaimirh in Babylon province for the period from August 2016 to April 2017.The level of contamination in the sediments of Shatt Al-Hilla, by Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), Nickle (Ni), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Arsenic (As), and Cobalt (Co) has been evaluated using the index of Geo-accumulation (I-Geo), Contamination factor (CF), pollution load index (PLI) and Potential ecological risk index (Eire). In the present study the levels of heavy metals in sediment samples were found in the range of (10-15.22 ppm) for Pb, (25.6-46.09 ppm) for Cu,(144.9-413.7 ppm) for Ni, (666.1- 906.3 ppm) for Mn, (68.69- 119.2 ppm) for Zn, for As (5.22- 8.25 ppm

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Cost of Optimum Design of Trunk Mains Network Using Geographical Information System and Support Programs

Sewer network is one of the important utilities in modern cities which discharge the sewage from all facilities. The increase of population numbers consequently leads to the increase in water consumption; hence waste water generation. Sewer networks work is very expensive and need to be designed accurately. Thus construction effective sewer network system with minimum cost is very necessary to handle waste water generation.

 In this study trunk mains networks design was applied which connect the pump stations together by underground pipes for too long distances. They usually have large diameters with varying depths which consequently need excavations and gathering from pump stations and transport the sewage

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of Mechanical, Thermal and Barrier Properties of Biodegradable Polylactic acid-Polyethylene Glycol- Alumina Nanocomposite

Tensile , thermal, and barrier properties of polylactide PLA-based
nanocomposite films that were prepared by solvent casting method with
polyethylene glycol (PEG), and alumina were studied. PLA/PEG blend showed
decrease in tensile strength and Young modulus but increased in elongation in
PLA/PEG and increased in crystalline of PLA but decrease in glass transition
temperature with the increasing of PEG concentration . A nano blend composites of
PLA/PEG/alumina (50/50/4) when compared to PLA/PEG blend indicated that
tensile strength , Young modulus and glass transition temperature (Tg) increased
with adding alumina nano particles, concentration and barrier properties
improvement due to its nucleating and reinforc

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of Phenol Components in Rachis and Leaves of Some Grape Varieties (Vitis vinifera L.)

    Total phenols, Proanthocyanidin, Catechin  and Epicatechin wrer extracted and determined in ten rachis and leaves of grape  varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) namely: Shadda Soudda, Rush Meo, Rossi 5, Kamali, Halawani, Black Monica, Dase Al-Anz,  Buhrizi, Rossi 7 and Thompson. through two seasons. The results indicated that the rachis of the tested varieties contain total phenol in concentration (2079.76 and 2557.59), (1458.18 and 2119.89), (2233.01 and 3322.26), (3106.22 and 4613.43), (3251.15 and 4739.05), (1668.88 and 2548.59) and (4163.11 and 6202.90). (3922.22 and 5848.17), (3359.03 and 4915.36) and (1035.45 and 1502.27) mg/kg for the tow seasons, respectively. The rachis of  the white grape varieti

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of Beta - irradiation effects on the microstructure of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) using (PALT)

Beta-irradiation effects on the microstructure of LDPE samples have been investigated
using Positron Annihilation Lifetime Technique (PALT). These effects on the orthopositronium
(o-Ps) Lifetime t3, the free positron annihilation lifetime 2 t , the free-volume
hole size (Vh) and the free volume fraction (fh) were measured as functions of Beta
irradiation - dose up to a total dose of 30.28 kGy.
The results show that the values of t3, Vh and fh increase gradually with increasing Beta
dose up to a total dose of 1.289 kGy, and reach a maximum increment of 17.4%, 32.8% and
5.86%, respectively, while t2 reachs maximum increment of 211.9% at a total dose of 1.59
kGy. Above these doses, the values show nonlinear changes u

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 31 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Catalytic Cracking of Iraqi Vacuum Gasoil Using Large and Medium Pore Size of Zeolite Catalysts


The catalytic cracking conversion of Iraqi vacuum gas oil was studied on large and medium pore size (HY, HX, ZSM-22 and ZSM-11) of zeolite catalysts. These catalysts were prepared locally and used in the present work. The catalytic conversion performed on a continuous fixed-bed laboratory reaction unit. Experiments were performed in the temperature range of 673 to 823K, pressure range of 3 to 15bar, and LHSV range of 0.5-3h-1. The results show that the catalytic conversion of vacuum gas oil increases with increase in reaction temperature and decreases with increase in LHSV. The catalytic activity for the proposed catalysts arranged in the following order:


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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of CO2 Laser Irradiation on the Topographic and Optical Properties of CdO Thin Films

     In this study, cadmium oxide (CdO) was deposited on glass bases by thermal chemical spraying technique at three concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.15) M and then was irradiated by CO2 laser with 10.6 μm wave length and 1W power. The results of the atomic force microscope AFM test showed that the surfaces of these CdO thin films were homogenous and that the laser irradiated effect resulted in decreasing the roughness of the surface as well as the heights of the granular peaks, indicating a greater uniformity and homogeneity of the surfaces. The optical properties were studied to determine laser effect. The results of optical tests of these thin films showed that the photoluminescence spectra and absorption s

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of violence in political thought (Theoretical study, compared with the concept of terrorism)

The researcher of human history finds that the first social relations on earth were represented by the violence of Adam, peace be upon him, Cain and Abel. Violence has been a phenomenon of life and society. The history of history is full of all forms of violence and its forms. It speaks of cruelty, oppression and states. History began, in some of its chapters, written with the blood of the victims. It is a testimony to the cruelty of human beings. His human nature and his sin have played a major role that can not be overlooked in the development of important and fundamental developments in some historical turning points where violence was a necessity for life, and its launching change, renewal and reform, and major revolutions in human h

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of temperature and chemical solutions on the Compressive strength of particulate hybrid composites

In this work a hybrid composite materials were prepared containing matrix of polymer (polyethylene PE) reinforced by different reinforcing materials (Alumina powder + Carbon black powder CB + Silica powder). The hybrid composite materials prepared are: • H1 = PE + Al2O3 + CB • H2 = PE + CB + SiO2 • H3 = PE + Al2O3 + CB + SiO2 All samples related to electrical tests were prepared by injection molding process. Mechanical tests include compression with different temperatures and different chemical solutions at different immersion times The mechanical experimentations results were in favour of the samples (H3) with an obvious weakness of the samples (H1) and a decrease of these properties with a rise in temperature and the increasing

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Green Synthesis Zinc Nanoparticles in the Treatment of Heavy Metals in the form of Complexes

Myrtle plant was washed, dried, and powdered after harvesting to produce a fine powder that was used in water treatment. created an alcoholic extract from the myrtle plant using ethanol, which was then analyzed using GC-Mass, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy to identify the active components. Zinc nanoparticles were created using alcoholic extract. We used FTIR, UV-Vis, SEM, EDX, and TEM to characterize zinc nanoparticles. Using a continuous processing procedure, zinc nanoparticles with myrtle extract and powder were employed to clean polluted water containing heavy metals.

Firstly used 2g with 20ml polluted water and the result was ( Fe 96.20%, Cr 84%, Pb 100%, Sb 93.70, Cd 100%, andCu

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