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Producing Coordinate Time Series for Iraq's CORS Site for Detection Geophysical Phenomena
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Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have become an integral part of wide range of applications. One of these applications of GNSS is implementation of the cellular phone to locate the position of users and this technology has been employed in social media applications. Moreover, GNSS have been effectively employed in transportation, GIS, mobile satellite communications, and etc. On the other hand, the geomatics sciences use the GNSS for many practical and scientific applications such as surveying and mapping and monitoring, etc.

In this study, the GNSS raw data of ISER CORS, which is located in the North of Iraq, are processed and analyzed to build up coordinate time series for the purpose of detection the Arabian tectonic plate motion over seven years and a half. Such coordinates time series have been produced very efficiently using GNSS Precise Point Positioning (PPP). The daily PPP results were processed, analyzed, and presented as coordinate time series using GPS Interactive Time Series Analysis. Furthermore, MATLAB (V.2013a) is used in this study to computerize GITSA with Graphic User Interface (GUI).

The objective of this study was to investigate both of the homogeneity and consistency of the Iraq CORSs GNSS raw data for detection any geophysical changes over long period of time. Additionally, this study aims to employ free online PPP services, such as CSRS_PPP software, for processing GNSS raw data for generation GNSS coordinate time series.

The coordinate time series of ISER station showed a +20.9 mm per year, +27.2 mm per year, and -11.3 mm per year in the East, North, and up-down components, respectively. These findings showed a remarkable similarity with those obtained by long-term monitoring of Earth's crust deformation and movement based on global studies and this highlights the importance of using GNSS for monitoring the movement of tectonic plate motion based on CORS and online GNSS data processing services over long period of time.


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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of Flow in Rectangular Duct with Different Obstruction Heights
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       In this study, a simulation model inside a channel of rectangular section with high of (0.16 m) containing two rectangular obstruction plates were aligned variable heights normal to the direction of flow, use six model of the obstructions height of (0.059, 0.066, 0.073, 0.08 and 0.087 m) were compared with the flow behavior of the same duct without obstructions. To predict the velocity profile, pressure distribution, pressure coefficient and turbulence kinetic energy flow of air, the differential equations which describe the flow were approximated by the finite volumes method for two dimensional, by using commercial software package (FLUENT) with standard of k-ε model two dimensions turbulence flow.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Role of Extracted Genomic DNA on Biofilm Formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae in vitro
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   Bacteria form complex and highly elaborate surface adherent communities known as biofilms.Biofilm have been shown to be associated with several human diseases ,and to colonize a wide variety of medical devices . The current study focuses on contribution of extracted genomic   DNA in  biofilm formation by   P. aeruginosa and  K. pneumoniae isolates   .The percentages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa recovery from drinking water  in this study were  10%(20 positive P. aeruginosa  samples ) and K. pneumonia.,  7%(14 positive K. pneumonia samples).The results showed that all P.aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae isolates (100%) were slime producer but in different degrees by forming  of black

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Steel Fiber Enhancement upon Punching Shear Strength of Concrete Flat Plates Exposed to Fire Flame
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In this study, the effect of fire flame on the punching shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete flat plates was experimentally investigated using nine half-scale specimens with dimensions of 1500×1500 mm and a total thickness of 100 mm. The main investigated variables comprised the steel fiber volume fraction 0, 1, and 1.5% and the burning steady state temperature 500 and 600 °C. The specimens were divided into three groups, each group consists of three specimens. The specimens in the first group were tested with no fire effect to be the reference specimens, while the others of the second and third groups were tested after being exposed to fire-flame effect. The adopted characteristics of the fire test were; (one hour) b

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Adaptive inter frame compression using image segmented technique
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The computer vision branch of the artificial intelligence field is concerned with developing algorithms for analyzing video image content. Extracting edge information, which is the essential process in most pictorial pattern recognition problems. A new method of edge detection technique has been introduces in this research, for detecting boundaries.

           Selection of typical lossy techniques for encoding edge video images are also discussed in this research. The concentration is devoted to discuss the Block-Truncation coding technique and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coding technique. In order to reduce the volume of pictorial data which one may need to store or transmit,

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
Motion Scenes Direction Treatment in TV Drama: عشتار حبيب
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The sense of motion generates a sense of the subject of action. The movement of the camera, the movement of actors, the movement of colors and lights, and other elements of the visual discourse, work together to enrich the image with a complete dynamic flow to reach the recipient. The research subject has been identified under the title "Motion Scenes Dramatic Treatment   in TV Drama".  The research is divided into an introduction and two theoretical sections in the theoretical framework:

The first section: The motion in TV drama in which the researcher dealt with the concept of motion and its types and the expressive and aesthetic role in television drama. The second section dealt with the elements of the visual a

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The objective of the current research is to find an optimum design of hybrid laminated moderate thick composite plates with static constraint. The stacking sequence and ply angle is required for optimization to achieve minimum deflection for hybrid laminated composite plates consist of glass and carbon long fibers reinforcements that impeded in epoxy matrix with known plates dimension and loading. The analysis of plate is by adopting the first-order shear deformation theory and using Navier's solution with Genetic Algorithm to approach the current objective. A program written with MATLAB to find best stacking sequence and ply angles that give minimum deflection, and the results comparing with ANSYS.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mechanical Engineering And Robotics Research
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research
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This paper proposes feedback linearization control (FBLC) based on function approximation technique (FAT) to regulate the vibrational motion of a smart thin plate considering the effect of axial stretching. The FBLC includes designing a nonlinear control law for the stabilization of the target dynamic system while the closed-loop dynamics are linear with ensured stability. The objective of the FAT is to estimate the cubic nonlinear restoring force vector using the linear parameterization of weighting and orthogonal basis function matrices. Orthogonal Chebyshev polynomials are used as strong approximators for adaptive schemes. The proposed control architecture is applied to a thin plate with a large deflection that stimulates the axial loadi

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Crossref (33)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Oscillatory Motion in Enhancing the Natural Convection Heat Transfer from a Vertical Channel
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This paper reports an experimental study regarding the influence of vertical oscillations on the natural convection heat transfer from a vertical channel. An experimental set-up was constructed and calibrated; the vertical channel was tested in atmosphere at 25o
C. The channel-to-ambient temperature difference was varied with the power supply to the electrical heater ranging between
15W to 70W divided into five levels. Data sets were measured under different operating condition from a test rig under six vibrating velocities (VVs) levels ranging from (5-30 m/s) in addition to the stationary state. The results show that the maximum heat transfer enhancement factor (E) occurs at Rayleigh number (Ra=2.328×103 ) and vibrational Reynol

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Punching Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Flat Plates with Openings
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Test results of six half-scale reinforced concrete flat plates connections with an opening in the vicinity of the column are reported. The test specimens represent a portion of a slab bounded by the lines of contraflexure around the column. The tests were designed to study the effect of openings on the punching shear behavior of the slab-column connections. The test parameters were the location and the size of the openings. One specimen had no opening and the remaining five had various arrangements of openings around the column. All specimens were cast with normal density concrete of approximately 30 MPa compressive strength. The openings in the specimens were square, with the sides parallel to the sides of the column. Three sizes of ope

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Crossref (16)
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering
Depositional environment, seismic stratigraphy, and Sr-isotope geochronology, Bangestan reservoir, Ahwaz oilfield, SW Iran
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The Bangestan reservoir, which occurs in the Ahwaz oilfield, consists of the middle Cretaceous limestone Ilam and Sarvak Formations that were deposited in the Zagros Basin. The reservoir is divided into ten Zones (A to J) formed in the upper Albian-Santonian and contains considerable hydrocarbon accumulations. The limestones were deposited on an extensive shallow carbonate platform on a passive margin and are dominated by rudist biostrome and grainstone facies. Paleogeographical changes mean that identification of the facies is complex. Seismic stratigraphy and isotopic data are used to better understand the structural and geological setting and develop an understanding of the sedimentary environment. The results show that the rudist biostr

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