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Impact Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Side Openings Subjected to Eccentric Axial Loads
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In this research the behavior of reinforced concrete columns with large side openings under impact loads was studied. The overall cross sectional dimensions of the column specimens used in this research were (500*1400) mm with total height of (14000) mm. The dimensions of side openings were (600*2000) mm. The column was reinforced with (20) mm diameter in longitudinal direction, while (12) mm ties were used in the transverse direction. The effect of eccentric impact loads on the horizontal and vertical displacement for this column was studied.                                                                                                                             

Nonlinear finite element analysis has been carried out using ready computer finite element package (ANSYS) to simulate the behavior of the reinforced concrete column with large side openings. Two load cases were considered in this investigation (C1, C2) with three different load values for each case. In the first case (C1) the loads was applied to one side of the column and in the second case (C2) the loads was applied to both sides. An Equilateral triangular load-time function was used for simulation the impact load results from gantry cranes supported by the column with total time duration (0.1 sec).

In order to verify the analysis method, as no experimental data exist for comparing the obtained results, another analysis is made for tested conventional column under impact load at mid-height and good agreement has been obtained.

For the above mentioned column, the maximum displacements were (33.3, 22.2) mm in the horizontal and longitudinal direction respectively, location of the maximum horizontal displacement was at the crown of the column. By comparing the results of the first loading case with the second one it is shown that in the horizontal direction, maximum displacement increases by (139%), (208%), and (147%) respectively, also the maximum vertical displacement increases by (150%), (172%), and (172%) respectively.             



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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
J Bagh College Of Dentistry
Assessment of consistency and compressive strength of glass ionomer reinforced by different amount of hydroxyapatite
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Background: Glass ionomers have good biocompatibility and the ability to adhere to both enamel and dentin. However, they have certain demerits, mainly low tensile and compressive strengths. Therefore, this study was done to assess consistency and compressive strength of glass ionomer reinforced by different amount of hydroxyapatite. Materials and Methods: In this study hydroxyapatite materials were added to glass ionomer cement at different ratios, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% (by weight). The standard consistency test described in America dental association (ADA) specification No. 8 was used, so that all new base materials could be conveniently mixed and the results would be of comparable value and the compressive strength test described by

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer by Forced Convection in Channel with one-sided Semicircular Sections and Filled with Porous Media
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This research presents a numerical study to simulate the heat transfer by forced convection as a result of fluid flow inside channel’s with one-sided semicircular sections and fully filled with porous media. The study assumes that the fluid were Laminar , Steady , Incompressible and inlet Temperature was less than Isotherm temperature of a Semicircular sections .Finite difference techniques were used to present the governing equations (Momentum, Energy and Continuity). Elliptical Grid is Generated using Poisson’s equations . The Algebraic equations were solved numerically by using (LSOR (.This research studied the effect of changing the channel shapes on fluid flow and heat transfer  in two cases ,the first: cha

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Applied Mechanics And Materials
Measure and Analyze the Problems of Concrete Mixture Production via Six Sigma DMAIC Tools: Central Concrete Mix Plant as a Case Study
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The aims of this study are to measure the defect rate and analyze the problems of production of ready concrete mixture plant by using Six Sigma methodology which is a business strategy for operations improvement depending basically on the application of its sub-methodology DMAIC improvement cycle and the basic statistical tools where the process sigma level of concrete production in the case study was 2.41 σ.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Application of Sulfur-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine as Modifier for Producing an Advantageous Concrete
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In this investigative endeavor, a novel concrete variety incorporating sulfur-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine modification was developed, and its diverse attributes were explored. This innovative concrete was produced using sulfur-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine modification and an array of components. The newly created sulfur-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine modifier was synthesized. The surface texture resulting from this modifier was examined using SEM and EDS techniques. The component ratios within concrete, chemical and physical traits derived from the sulfur-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine modifier, chemical and corrosion resistance of concrete, concrete stability against water absorption, concrete resilience against freezing, physical and mechanical p

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Prestressing Force on Torsion Resistance of Concrete Beams
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
An analytical study of soil temperature with respect to its salinity
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In this study, the relationship between the bare soil temperature with respect to its salinity is presented, the bare soil feature is considered only by eliminating all other land features by classifying the site location by using the support vector machine algorithm, in the same time the salinity index that calculated from the spectral response from the satellite bands is calibrated using empirical salinity value calculated from field soil samples. A 2D probability density function is used to analyze the relationship between the temperature rising from the minimum temperature (from the sunrise time) due to the solar radiation duration tell the time of the satellite capturing the scene image and the calibrated salinity index is presented. T

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using of Some Bacterial Species to Treat Polluted Soils with Hydrocarbons.
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    Three bacterial species were isolated from three polluted soils with gasoline which leaks from electricity generators that used in different regions in Baghdad; the regions choices to collect the polluted soils were (Al-Shaab, Al- Jadryia and Al-Saydiya).     The bacterial species were identified according to international biochemical   methods. It was found that these species were Escherichia coli, Enterobacter    aerogenes and serratia marcesens.      It was found that the optimum temperature and pH were 37C°and 9 these were to cultivate E.coli and S.marcesens, while for   E.aerogenes   were 25 C° and   9. &

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
An analytical study of soil temperature with respect to its salinity
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
University Of Thiqar Journal
Problems of Translating Cultural Signs with Reference to English and Arabic
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigations on the Strength and Serviceability of Biaxial Hollow Concrete Slabs
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Biaxial hollow slab is a reinforced concrete slab system with a grid of internal spherical voids included to reduce the self-weight. This paper presents an experimental study of behavior of one-way prestressed concrete bubbled slabs. Twelve full-scale one-way concrete slabs of (3000mm) length with rectangular cross-sectional area of (460mm) width and (150mm) depth. Different parameters like type of specimen (solid or bubbled slabs), type of reinforcement (normal or prestress), range of PPR and diameter of plastic spheres (100 or 120mm) are considered. Due to the using of prestressing force in bubbled slabs (with ratio of plastic sphere diameter D to slab thickness H, D/H=0.67), the specimens showed an increase in ultimat

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