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Multi-Sites Multi-Variables Forecasting Model for Hydrological Data using Genetic Algorithm Modeling
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A two time step stochastic multi-variables multi-sites hydrological data forecasting model was developed and verified using a case study. The philosophy of this model is to use the cross-variables correlations, cross-sites correlations and the two steps time lag correlations simultaneously, for estimating the parameters of the model which then are modified using the mutation process of the genetic algorithm optimization model. The objective function that to be minimized is the Akiake test value. The case study is of four variables and three sites. The variables are the monthly air temperature, humidity, precipitation, and evaporation; the sites are Sulaimania, Chwarta, and Penjwin, which are located north Iraq. The model performance was checked by comparing it's results with the results of six forecasting models developed for the same data by Al-Suhili and khanbilvardi, 2014.The check of the performance of the new developed model was made for three forecasted series for each variable, using the Akaike test which indicates that the developed model is more successful, since it gave the minimum (AIC) values for (91.67 %) of the forecasted series. This indicates that the developed model had improved the forecasting performance. For the rest of cases (8.33%), other models gave the lowest AIC value, however it is slightly lower than that given by the developed model. Moreover the t-test for monthly means comparison between the models indicates that the developed model has the highest percent of succeed (100%).


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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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The sports field is one of the fields that are concerned with the various methods and methods because of their positive impact on the development of actual training, the investment of the exerted effort in time, and through the follow-up of the researcher in the field and academic field, I noticed that there is a weakness in explosive ability, which affects performance and skill level during training and competition Therefore, the researcher decided to prepare maximum physical exertion exercises according to the anaerobic threshold as a principle of development in many physical and skill variables because good physical performance leads to reaching the best achievements and since the skill of shooting by jumping high - either constitutes a

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The period for challenging the unconstitutionality of the medium-term general budget law In light of the decision of the Federal Supreme Court No. 155 and its unified No. 163 / Federal / 2022
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يتعرض قانون الموازنة العامة الاتحادية للطعن بعدم الدستورية كغيره من القوانين، بل أن الطعن فيه يكاد يكون سنوياً حال نشره في الجريدة الرسمية ، وتوجه إليه المطاعن بعدم الدستورية إما عن إجراءات تشريعه أو لمضامينه المتعارضة مع الدستور نصاً أو روحاً ، ولكنّه إذا كانت مدة الطعن بعدم دستورية القوانين كافة متاحة دون قيد زمني محدد ولا تتطلب سوى إجراءات إقامة الدعوى العامة وأخصها قيام شرط المصلحة في حالة الدعوى ال

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The relationship between the profits management and profits quality and their impact on users of accounting information (A comparative study of a sample of banks listed in the Iraqi market for securities)
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The aim of the research is to determine the impact of profit management practices on the quality of profits through the use of flexibility in determining accounting methods and practices profit information is one of the most important information that concerns current users in general and observing users in particular. Some corporations managements manipulate the results of the company's profit or loss (income statement) and financial position statement with multiple reasons, including capital market motivations to raise their share prices in the stock market and attract investors, and on the other hand the motives of funding and borrowing loans, and the use of the flexibility in accounting policies and estimates to change the in

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the relationship between the skills required for the labor market and the employment of graduates of community colleges in KSA: An applied study on a sample of faculty members at KKU
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This study has aimed to measure the relationship between the skills required for the labor market and the employment of graduates of community colleges at King Khalid University. For gathering the required data, a questionnaire has been designed and distributed to the faculty members of community colleges at King Khalid University in a random sample method. The chosen sample size has covered (123) individuals. Questionnaire forms have been distributed and retrieved from (117) participants. Therefore, the estimated response has reached 95 % of the total sample size. The results of the study have shown that there is not any significant relationship between the skills which the graduates   acquire and the requirements of employmen

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Achieve breastfeeding book and theft book To the end of the door cut the way of the manuscript Sailing Forum for Sheikh Ibrahim bin Mohammed Halabi (T: 659 H): Study and achieve
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Achieve breastfeeding book and theft book
To the end of the door cut the way of the manuscript
Sailing Forum for Sheikh Ibrahim bin Mohammed Halabi
(T: 659 H)

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
An investigation into the implications of partial substitution of selenium with lead on the thermal properties for S<sub>60</sub>Se<sub>40-X</sub>Pb<sub>X</sub> Chalcogenide Compound
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Abstract<p>This study includes the manufacture of four ternary alloys represented S<sub>60</sub>Se<sub>40-X</sub>Pb<sub>X</sub> with weight ratios x = 0, 10, 20, and 30 by the melting point method. The components of each alloy were mixed separately, then placed in quartz ampoules and vacuumed out with a vacuum of roger that 10<sup>−4</sup> Torr. The ampule was heated in two stages to avoid sudden dissipation and precipitation of selenium on the inner mass of the quartz tube. The ampoule was gradually heated and kept at 450°C for approximately 4 hours followed by 950°C for 10 a rate of 10 degrees Celsius, the temperature of the electric furnace</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2021
Journal Name
Fundamentals of Financial Statistics- (Third Edition)
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This Book is intended to be a textbook studied for undergraduate course in financial statistics/ department of Financial Sciences and Banking. This book is designed to be used in semester system. To achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters. Chapter one introduces basic concepts. Chapter two devotes to frequency distribution and data representation. Chapter three discusses central tendency measures (all types of means, mode, and median). Chapter four deals with dispersion Measures (standard deviation, variance, and coefficient of variation). Chapter five concerned with correlation and regression analysis. While chapter six concerned with testing Hypotheses (One population mean test, Two "independent" populati

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New algorithms to Enhanced Fused Images from Auto-Focus Images
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Enhancing quality image fusion was proposed using new algorithms in auto-focus image fusion. The first algorithm is based on determining the standard deviation to combine two images. The second algorithm concentrates on the contrast at edge points and correlation method as the criteria parameter for the resulted image quality. This algorithm considers three blocks with different sizes at the homogenous region and moves it 10 pixels within the same homogenous region. These blocks examine the statistical properties of the block and decide automatically the next step. The resulted combined image is better in the contras

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Seasonal variation and correlation between the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water in selected area in Egypt (Case study): physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water
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Fresh water resources in terms of water quality is a crucial issue worldwide. In Egypt, the Nile River is the main source of fresh water in the country and monitoring its water quality is a major task on governments and research levels. In the present case study, the physical, chemical and algal distribution in Nile River was monitored over two seasons (winter and summer) in 2019. The aims of the study were to check the seasonal variation among the different water parameters and also to check the correlations between those parameters. Water samples were collected from the Nile in Cairo governorate in EGYPT. The different physiochemical and microbiological properties in water samples were assessed. The studied parameters were included: te

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Scopus (13)
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Image Steganography Based on Wavelet Transform and Histogram Modification
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      Recently, digital communication has become a critical necessity and so the Internet has become the most used medium and most efficient for digital communication. At the same time, data transmitted through the Internet are becoming more vulnerable. Therefore, the issue of maintaining secrecy of data is very important, especially if the data is personal or confidential. Steganography has provided a reliable method for solving such problems. Steganography is an effective technique in secret communication in digital worlds where data sharing and transfer is increasing through the Internet, emails and other ways. The main challenges of steganography methods are the undetectability and the imperceptibility of con

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