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A Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm with System Reduction and Restoration for Rapid and Reliable Power Flow Solution of Power Systems

The paper presents a highly accurate power flow solution, reducing the possibility of ending at local minima, by using Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) with system reduction and restoration. The proposed method (RCGA) is modified to reduce the total computing time by reducing the system in size to that of the generator buses, which, for any realistic system, will be smaller in number, and the load buses are eliminated. Then solving the power flow problem for the generator buses only by real-coded GA to calculate the voltage phase angles, whereas the voltage magnitudes are specified resulted in reduced computation time for the solution. Then the system is restored by calculating the voltages of the load buses in terms of the calculated voltages of the generator buses, after a derivation of equations for calculating the voltages of the load busbars. The proposed method was demonstrated on 14-bus IEEE test systems and the practical system 362-busbar IRAQI NATIONAL GRID (ING). The proposed method has reliable convergence, a highly accurate solution and less computing time for on-line applications. The method can conveniently be applied for on-line analysis and planning studies of large power systems.                                                           



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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
US strategy in conflict management: between hard power and soft power

تتحقق اهداف الدول عبر توظيف امكانياتها ومواردها ، وهذا التوظيف يقترن بوسائل مختلفة باختلاف الامكانيات المتاحة. وتتفاوت هذه الوسائل ما بين الاكراه والترغيب ، واحياناً من الممكن استخدام كلا الوسيلتين ، وتندرج هذه الوسائل من حيث تصنيفها ضمن نوعين رئيسين هما: القوة الصلبة ]القوة العسكرية والاقتصادية[ والقوة الناعمة ]استخدام جميع ادوات الترغيب وتسخيرها من اجل ان تُعجب بها الدول الاخرى وتنصاع

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 05 2011
Journal Name
International Journal Of Chemical Reactor Engineering
Mass Transport Properties of a Flow-Through Electrolytic Reactor Using Zinc Reduction System

An electrolytic process for the removal of Zn(II) from aqueous solution using a parallel amalgamated copper screens cathode operated in the flow through mode is proposed. The current-potential curves recorded at a rotating amalgamated copper disc electrode were used to determine diffusion coefficient of Zn(II). The performance of electrolytic reactor was investigated by using different flow rates at initial zinc ion concentration(48 mg/L). Taking into account the residential Zn(II) concentration, the best results were obtained for cathode potential of (-1.35 V vs. SCE) at flow rate (320 L/h). Zinc ion concentration was found to decrease from 48 mg/L to 1 mg/L during 120 min. of electrolysis. The experimental data are well correlate

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Reinforcement Steel Corrosion Reduction by Using Fly Ash from South Baghdad Power Plant

Corrosion- induced damage in reinforced concrete structure such as bridges, parking garages, and buildings, and the related cost for maintaining them in a serviceable condition, is a source of major concern for the owners of these structures.
Fly ash produced from south Baghdad power plant with different concentrations (20, 25 and 30) % by weight from the cement ratio were used as a corrosion inhibitor as a weight ratio from the cement content.
The concrete batch ratio under study was (1:1.5:3) cement, sand and gravel respectively which is used in Iraq. All the raw materials used were locally manufactured.
Concrete slabs (250x250x70) mm dimensions were casted, using Poly-wood molds. Two steel bars were embedded in the central po

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

The objective of the current research is to find an optimum design of hybrid laminated moderate thick composite plates with static constraint. The stacking sequence and ply angle is required for optimization to achieve minimum deflection for hybrid laminated composite plates consist of glass and carbon long fibers reinforcements that impeded in epoxy matrix with known plates dimension and loading. The analysis of plate is by adopting the first-order shear deformation theory and using Navier's solution with Genetic Algorithm to approach the current objective. A program written with MATLAB to find best stacking sequence and ply angles that give minimum deflection, and the results comparing with ANSYS.

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Publication Date
Thu May 31 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Control And Automation
Power Flow Control of Iraqi International Super Grid with Two-Terminal HVDC Techniques Using PSS/E

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Model of Intelligent Traffic Light System with Saving Power

In this paper, a FPGA model of intelligent traffic light system with power saving was built. The intelligent traffic light system consists of sensors placed on the side's ends of the intersection to sense the presence or absence of vehicles. This system reduces the waiting time when the traffic light is red, through the transition from traffic light state to the other state, when the first state spends a lot of time, because there are no more vehicles. The proposed system is built using VHDL, simulated using Xilinx ISE 9.2i package, and implemented using Spartan-3A XC3S700A FPGA kit. Implementation and Simulation behavioral model results show that the proposed intelligent traffic light system model satisfies the specified operational req

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of an Automatic Control for Two Axis Tracking System for Applications of Concentrated Solar Thermal Power

The present work presents design and implementation of an automated two-axis solar tracking system using local materials with minimum cost, light weight and reliable structure. The tracking system consists of two parts, mechanical units (fixed and moving parts) and control units (four LDR sensors and Arduino UNO microcontroller to control two DC servomotors). The tracking system was fitted and assembled together with a parabolic trough solar concentrator (PTSC) system to move it according to information come from the sensors so as to keep the PTSC always perpendicular to sun rays. The experimental tests have been done on the PTSC system to investigate its thermal performance in two cases, with tracking system (case 1) and without trackin

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Utilizing the Main Outfall Drain-Addalmage Lake System for Hydroelectric Power Generation

The basic idea of the Main Outfall Drain, MOD, was to construct a main channel to collect saline drained water of the irrigation projects within central and southern parts of Iraq and discharge it down to the Arabian Gulf. The MOD has a navigation lock structures near Addalmage Lake at station 299.4km. This structure is designed to ensure navigation within the MOD. The water level difference upstream the cross regulator and the downstream conjugation structure is about 9m. This head difference can be used to generate electrical power by constricting a low head power plant. This study aimed to utilize the head difference in navigation lock structures for power generation. Different operation condition an

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Voltage Profile Enhancing Using HVDC for 132KV Power System: Kurdistan Case Study

Nowadays power systems are huge networks that consist of electrical energy sources, static and lumped load components, connected over long distances by A.C. transmission lines. Voltage improvement is an important aspect of the power system. If the issue is not dealt with properly, may lead to voltage collapse.  In this paper, HVDC links/bipolar connections were inserted in a power system in order to improve the voltage profile. The load flow was simulated by Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP.16) program in which Newton- Raphson method is used. The load flow simulation studies show a significant enhancement of the power system performance after applying HVDC links on Kurdistan power systems. Th

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2021
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Reliable Recurrence Algorithm for High-Order Krawtchouk Polynomials

Krawtchouk polynomials (KPs) and their moments are promising techniques for applications of information theory, coding theory, and signal processing. This is due to the special capabilities of KPs in feature extraction and classification processes. The main challenge in existing KPs recurrence algorithms is that of numerical errors, which occur during the computation of the coefficients in large polynomial sizes, particularly when the KP parameter (p) values deviate away from 0.5 to 0 and 1. To this end, this paper proposes a new recurrence relation in order to compute the coefficients of KPs in high orders. In particular, this paper discusses the development of a new algorithm and presents a new mathematical model for computing the

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