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Estimation Curve Numbers using GIS and Hec-GeoHMS Model
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Recently, the development and application of the hydrological models based on Geographical Information System (GIS) has increased around the world. One of the most important applications of GIS is mapping the Curve Number (CN) of a catchment. In this research, three softwares, such as an ArcView GIS 9.3 with ArcInfo, Arc Hydro Tool and Geospatial Hydrologic Modeling Extension (Hec-GeoHMS) model for ArcView GIS 9.3, were used to calculate CN of (19210 ha) Salt Creek watershed (SC) which is located in Osage County, Oklahoma, USA. Multi layers were combined and examined using the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcMap 2009. These layers are soil layer (Soil Survey Geographic SSURGO), 30 m x 30 m resolution of Digital Elevation Model (DEM), land use layer (LU), “Look–Up tables” and other layers resulted from running the software.  Curve Number which expresses a catchment’s response to a storm event has been estimated in this study to each land parcel based on LU layer and soil layer within each parcel.  The results showed that a CN of 100 (dark Blue) means surface water. The high curve numbers (100 -81) (Blue and light Blue) corresponding to urbanized areas means high runoff and low infiltration; whereas low curve numbers (77- 58) (Brown and light Brown) corresponding to the forested area means low runoff and high infiltration. Four classes of land cover have been identified; these are surface water, medium residential, forest and agriculture. 

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
Methotrexate effect on obestatin, progranulin and kidney function in RA Iraqi males patients
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Methotrxate (MTX) has become the standard of care and first-line therapy for patients who have RA and consider as a gold standard of treatment for RA. The role of MTX in the treatment of RA has now been well established. The use of MTX treatment of RA inhibits proliferation of the lymphocytes, reduces signs and symptoms this disease, reduces progression damage of the joints and improves quality of life outcome. Progranulin (PGRN) acts a role in autoimmune inflammatory, has important function in several processes including immune response. Present study has conducted to find the effect of MTX drugs as a therapeutic target for RA patients because of its ability to bind with tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), with progranulin, obestatin an

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicinal And Chemical Sciences
Investigation of Biofilm Formation and Antibiotic Resistant of Bacteria Isolated from Septic Neonates
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Neonatal sepsis refers to the bacterial bloodstream infections of the newborn during the neonatal period as usually the first twenty-eight days of life. The current study was done in the laboratories of AL-Batool Teaching Hospital for Gynecology and Pediatrics in Baqubah, Diyala Governorate, including 140 blood specimens collected from the neonates admitted to the hospital with suspected sepsis, the ages of the both groups was ranged from 1 day to 28 days. Out of the total cultured samples, 32.14% (45 of 140) were positive and 67.86% (95 of 140) were negative blood culture. 45 of 140 samples were negative to the blood culture chosen as control group. The results showed highest isolates were Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus (CoNS) 19 (42.2%

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Research
Evaluation of some biochemical and immunological parameters changes in Iraq male with toxoplasmosis
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A total of 33 Iraq male positive for Toxoplasmosis and Iraq male negative for Toxoplasmosis (controls) were studies to Evaluation of some biochemical and immunological parameters changes.The parameters included lipid profile such as (Cholesterol(C), Triglycerides(TG), High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and very Low-Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) and complement component C3 and C4. The results revealed significant decrease in the total cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL and non-significant in vLDL (129.96±1.63, 130.69± 2.80, 87.19±1.97, 29.24± 0.83 mg/dl respectively) and non-significant increase in HDL(24.22 ±0.62) mg/dl compared with control group(152.07± 1.63, 156.48± 6.55, 99.26 ±1.39, 31.49± 1.30 and 21.31±

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham J. For Pure & Appl. Sci.
Isolation and Partial Purifiction of Arginase from Sera of Women with Uterine Fibroids
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The first aim of the present study was performed to assay the activity of arginase in sera of women with uterine fibroid.. This study consisted of(50) women with uterine fibroid as patient's group and (30) healthy women as control group. The age ranged between (30-55) years for the two groups. The results showed that highly significant increas (P< 0.0001) in the arginase activity in sera of women with uterine fibroid (7.99± 0.23) I.U/L is found when compared with healthy group (0.52±0.02) I.U/L. The second aim was performed to isolate arginase from sera of women with uterine fibroids. The purification is done by addition of ammonium sulfate, dialysis, gel filtration chromatography by using sephadex G-50 and ion exchange chromatography by

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
كلية التربية للبنات
The rights of orphans in the Old Testament and Islam, a Comparative Study
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Allah Almighty has aggrandized the position of orphans and elevated their status in the society and has given the graces for those who sponsor the orphan and care for and protecting them, even those who rub their heads. The divine care is manifested in the verses of the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran. Therefore, the whole world cared for the orphan, and called for the rights of the orphans in the conferences and the channels. But all that was little effort that does not meet what the orphan need and some were only ink on paper that were not applied. All that mentioned above is necessary in dealing with the study (the rights of orphans in the Old Testament and Islam, a Comparative Study). The study was divided into a Preface and four inquirie

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 15 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala University
Viscosity and Volumetric studies of some amino acids in solutions at different temperatures
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Densities ρ and viscosities η for several concentrations of amino acids (Serine, Cysteine and Threonine) at different temperatures (298.15, 303.15 and 308.15K) have been measured. On the basis of these data, the apparent molal volumes v , partial molal volumes at infinite dilution v , slope Sv , Gibbs free energy of activation for viscous flow of solution ∆G1,2 and Jones – Dole Bcoefficients were calculated the nature of solute-solvent and solute-solute interactions have been discussed in terms of the values of v , v , Sv and B-coefficents

Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies
The motives of pain in the play (Bells and Trains) by Yehuda Amichai
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The upbringing of Yehuda Amichai and the conditions he lived in had a great influence on his deep sense of pain, which made him think of death and suicide. Especially after the Nazis came to power in Germany, and his emigration with his family. Amichai searched for love throughout his life, and his failure was one of the most important factors affecting his psyche, which is A deep influence that made him live in harsh and painful pains that broke him, and prevented her from achieving his ambitions in life.Dramatic texts are characterized by repetition in writing and presentation. It is a textual discourse that has two advantages, first, that it can be read as a literary text like all other literary texts, and second, that it can be consider

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
2022 4th International Conference On Current Research In Engineering And Science Applications (iccresa)
Noise Detection and Removing in Heart Sound Signals via Nuclear Norm Minimization Problems
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Heart sound is an electric signal affected by some factors during the signal's recording process, which adds unwanted information to the signal. Recently, many studies have been interested in noise removal and signal recovery problems. The first step in signal processing is noise removal; many filters are used and proposed for treating this problem. Here, the Hankel matrix is implemented from a given signal and tries to clean the signal by overcoming unwanted information from the Hankel matrix. The first step is detecting unwanted information by defining a binary operator. This operator is defined under some threshold. The unwanted information replaces by zero, and the wanted information keeping in the estimated matrix. The resulting matrix

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Study of bacterial contamination of defected eggshells and egg contents in Baghdad city
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The main aim of the current research is to focus the light on some bacterial contamination on cracked eggshell and egg content plus studying the sensitivity of these bacterial isolates to antibiotics. For this purpose, a total of 50 eggs were collected from the markets in Baghdad city (Iraq) and examined for bacterial isolation from cracked eggshells and from the egg contents. The bacterial isolates were cultured and purified then transferred to a specific media to study its sensitivity against antibiotics. The results revealed that bacteria isolated from both cracked eggshells (46%) and egg contents (44%). The bacteria isolated include E. coli, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterobacter and Pseudomonas. The results of antibiotic s

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Academy Of Accounting And Financial Studies Journal
Factors influence the growth and penetration of microfinance institutions: A case of Egypt
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Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) offers small loans with easy repayment system and till now these institutions have served millions of needy people around the globe. This study highlights the hurdles influence the smooth working and growth of Microfinance institution in Egypt. The structured interviews were conducted from the top and mid-level managers of MFI's. This study revealed that interest rate, political and economic conditions, corruption, customer outreach, competition and technology are the important elements for MFI's success. It is evident that lack of use of technology and less importance drawn on customer outreach programs are the main challenges of MFI's in Egypt. This study provides a roadmap for practitioners and strategic

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Scopus (7)