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Impact of Aggregate Gradation and Filler Type on Marshall Properties of Asphalt Concrete
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As asphalt concrete wearing course (ACWC) is the top layer in the pavement structure, the material should be able to sustain stresses caused by direct traffic loading. The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of aggregate gradation and mineral filler type on Marshall Properties.  A detailed laboratory study is carried out by preparing asphalt mixtures specimens using locally available materials including asphalt binder (40-50) penetration grade, two types of aggregate gradation representing SCRB and ROAD NOTE 31 specifications and two types of  mineral filler including limestone dust and coal fly ash. Four types of mixtures were prepared and tested. The first type included SCRB specification and limestone dust, the second type included SCRB specification and coal fly ash, the third types included ROAD NOTE 31 specification and limestone dust and the fourth type included ROAD NOTE 31 specification and coal fly ash. The optimum asphalt content of each type of mixtures was determined using Marshall Method of mix design. 60 specimen were prepared and tested with dimension of 10.16 cm in diameter and 6.35 cm in height. Results of this study indicated that aggregate gradation and filler type have a significant effect on optimum asphalt content and Marshall Properties. From the experimental data, it was observed that the value of Marshall Stability is comparatively higher when using fly ash as filler as compared to limestone dust.


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Publication Date
Wed May 30 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Indirect Way for the Assay of Captopril Drug in Dosage FormsUsing1,10-Phenanthroline as a Selective Spectrophotometric Agent for Fe(II) Via Homemade CFIA /Merging Zones Technique
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        A new speed and sensitive batch and merging zones-flow injection analysis spectrophotometric ways for estimation of captopril in a fine material and in pharmaceutical formulations were suggested. The procedure was depended on the  decline of Fe(III) as FeCl3 to Fe(II) by captopril in acetic acid as medium, the produced Fe(II) interplays with 1,10-phenanthroline to compose a soluble orange-red colored product that is determined at maximum wave length of 511nm. The manifold FIA system was able to determine of CPL. with a throughput 51 sample/h. Calibration curves of absorbance against concentration sign of that Beer, s law is submitted to within the concentration scale o

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Adopting the green value chain to achieve sustainable competitive advantage: study to views of a sample from Ur General Company for Engineering Industries in Dhi Qar
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       In light of the developments and intense competition that the world has witnessed, the need to search for a sustainable and continuous competitive advantage for economic units has emerged, as the economic units must not lose sight of their interest in the activities they perform to achieve that advantage, and it can be said that the goal of the research is to identify the theoretical dimensions of the green value chain represented by: (Green research and development, green design, green manufacturing, green marketing, green services) and the dimensions of the sustainable competitive advantage represented by (quality, creativity, innovation, cost, response to the customer), as well as identifyi

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The extent to which the Iraqi environment responds to the requirements of IAS 12 in determining income tax: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب/ قسم الشركات
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The importance of this research comes from the possibility of achieving positive interaction between accounting and tax through the interest in setting accounting standards and adapting them to local tax legislation, as the adoption of the application of the international standard (IAS 12) for income taxes helps to measure and determine the base for income tax and may lead to an increase in the tax outcome. Through the reliance of enterprises on many accounting bases, and that the tax administration in Iraq depends on the element of personal judgment in determining the tax base, which leads to lack of objectivity in determining the tax outcome, as the impact of the accounting standard (IAS 12) on the tax base and tax outcome is one of th

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Semiology of Narrative Construction in Television Advertising to an Announce "God Will not Forget us" about the Covid-19 Pandemic for Zain Mobile Telecommunication Company
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This research paper tries to show the significance of the narrative structure in the television advertisement and its connotations. The researchers chose the annual advertisement of Zain Mobile Telecommunication Company for the year 2020, which shed light on the global Corona pandemic crisis. The idea of the advertisement won wide approval as it focused on the suffering that everyone is witnessing like medical and security personnel in particular, and family relationships consequences.
In addition to the positive global interaction with the message presented by the Company in these exceptional circumstances. The advertisement, which lasted for 2.35 minutes, exceeded 13 million views in a short period of time. This prompted us to choos

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Problem of Translating Antonyms in The Holy Qur’an into German’’, in an analytical manner: Das Übersetzungsproblem der Antonyme im Heiligen Koran ins Deutsche Analytische Studie
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The present study is entitled “Problems of Translating Holy Qur’an Antonyms into German: An Analytical Study”. It discusses some of the problems of translating Holy Qur’an verses that contain words so opposite in meaning to another word. The main concern of the study stresses some of the errors in translating the oppositeness of certain words of Holy Qur’an from Arabic into other languages like German, a problem that can be traced back to the fact that such words may have two opposites in meaning, one is considered and the other is completely neglected.

      The errors in translating al Qur’an Antonyms can be summarized for several reasons: literal translation, ignorance of the different view

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Passive Design Strategies to Enhance Natural Ventilation in Buildings "Election of Passive Design Strategies to Achieve Natural Ventilation in Iraqi Urban Environment with Hot Arid Climate"
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The natural ventilation in buildings is one of effective strategies for achieving energy efficiency in buildings by employing methods and ways of passive design, as well as its efficiency in providing high ranges of thermal comfort for occupants in buildings and raises their productivity. Because the concept of natural ventilation for many people confined to achieve through the windows and openings only, become necessary to provide this research to demonstrate the various passive design strategies for natural ventilation. Then, research problem: Insufficient knowledge about the importance and mechanism of the application of passive design strategies for natural ventilation in buildings. The research objective is: Analysis of passive desi

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
فارسی Practical application of Jean René Ladmiral's model in translation from Arabic to Persian: کاربست عملی الگوی ژان رنه لادمیرال در ترجمه از عربی به فارسی
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Translation is a dynamic and living process that cannot be considered equal to the original text and requires the appropriate structure, language, thought and culture of the target language, and the translator's intellectual, linguistic and cultural influences inadvertently penetrate into the translated text. It causes heterogeneity of the destination text with the source text.

Admiral's theory is trying to help by providing components and suggested approaches to resolve these inconsistencies. In the meantime, in addition to the mission of putting words together, the translator must sometimes sit in the position of the reader and judge and evaluate the translated text in order to understand its shortcomings and try to correct it a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Die Wirkungen der Nachkriegsliteraur Die Kurzgeschichte " Das Brot" von Wolfgang Borchert als Beispiel Eine analytische Studie The effect of post-war literature / short story ( The Bread )
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Die Zusammenfassung :

In der  Forschung „ Die Wirkungen der  Nachkriegliteratur „ findet man einen Überblick über die Wirkungen der Literatur im Allgemeinen und besonders über die Wirkungen der Nachkriegliteratur in Deutschland. Das Kurzgeschichte „ das Brot“ von Wolfgang Borchert „  wird in dieser Forschung als Beispiel analysiuert, weil sie die Nachteile des Kriegs und ihre Wirkungen auf die Familienbeziehungen behandelt. Die Hauptfiguren der Kurzgeschichte sind ein alter Mann und seine Frau. Der Schriftsteller bestimmt die Rolle der Frauen in Deutschland. Die Frau in dieser Geschichte ist stärker als ihren Mann , denn er war lügner und schwach.

Post-war Literature has an e

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Inform the people of the Enlightenment including what was said in detail In photography For Mohammed Hashim bin Ahmed footy famous Balva Hashim (Tel: 1349 e)
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Inform the people of the Enlightenment including what was said in detail
In photography
For Mohammed Hashim bin Ahmed footy famous Balva Hashim (Tel: 1349 e)

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Animal-Based Metaphors as Being a Lingua-Cultural Way in the Field of Football Club Titles: Зооморфная метафора как лингвокультурологический способ в области прозвищ футбольных клубов
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       Metaphor is a linguistic phenomenon related to people's cultures. It is an integral part of cultural heritage. This paper tackles the use of animal-based metaphors in the field of football club titles so as to draw comparisons between those in Russian with their counterparts in Arabic. Names of animals are used to refer to some clubs and teams, where these names or titles reflect animal features such as strength, preying on victims; or animal figures are employed in the club symbols, or due to the similarity of the club shirt to the animal outer shapes in colours. For instance, "an-Nawaris", which means gulls in English, is used to refer to az-Zawraa club du

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