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The present work investigates the effect of magneto – hydrodynamic (MHD) laminar natural convection flow on a vertical cylinder in presence of heat generation and radiation. The governing equations which used are Continuity, Momentum and Energy equations. These equations are transformed to dimensionless equations using Vorticity-Stream Function method and the resulting nonlinear system
of partial differential equations are then solved numerically using finite difference approximation. A thermal boundary condition of a constant wall temperature is considered. A computer program (Fortran 90) was built to calculate the rate of heat transfer in terms of local Nusselt number, total mean Nusselt number, velocity distribution as well as temperature distribution for a selection of parameters sets
consisting of dimensionless heat generation parameter (0.0 ≤ Q ≤ 2.0), conduction – radiation parameter (0.0 ≤ N ≤ 10.0), and the dimensionless magneto hydrodynamic parameter (0.0 ≤ M ≤ 1.0). Numerical solution have been considered for a fluid Prandtl number fixed at (Pr=0.7), Rayleigh number (102 ≤ ≤ 105 ) l Ra . The results are shown reasonable representation to the relation between Nusselt number and Rayleigh number with other parameters (M, N and Q). Generally, Nu increase with increasing Ra, M, N and Q separately. When the MHD, N, and Q effect added to the heat transfer mechanism, the heat transfer rate increased and this effect increased with increasing in Ra, MHD, N, and Q. The effect of magneto hydrodynamic, heat generation and heat radiation on the rate of heat transfer is concluded by correlation
equations. The results are found to be in good agreement compared with the results of other researchers.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Archives Of Razi Institute
Assessment of Interleukin-13(rs20541) Genomic Polymorphism in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Relation to COVID19 Infection
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Elevated Interleukin-13 (IL-13) may play an important role in the pathophysiology of COVID-19, yet, the attenuated response did not notice across all severe cases. Susceptibility to asthma in specific populations is associated with several SNPs of multifunctional cytokines, such as IL-13, IL-31 and IL-33. This prospective case-control study is designed to investigate the extent of genetic susceptibility in subsets of Iraqi patients with COVID-19 by targeting the variants of interleukin IL-13rs20541 polymorphism in relation to disease susceptibility and severity of clinical presentation. One hundred samples were obtained from the throat, nasopharyngeal and nasal swabs enrolled in this study. Eighty samples of the throat, nasopharyngeal and

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Warning Messages of Jeanne DuPrau’sThe City of Ember to the World with Reference to Gil Kenan’s Film Adaptation: The Theory of Conspiracy
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The City of Ember is a very interesting novel that is although intended for young readers, have so many layers and messages that are misunderstood. In this research, both the novel and the film adaptation are studied with the intent to decode the warning messages that the novelist and the director tried to introduce to the audience. The research studies four vital messages; the first message is that history repeats itself for the novel has many allusions to the history of Jews and their painful holocaust and even goes back in history the days of Moses and the Exodus, the second message tackles the conspiracy theory that states nothing happens by accident and that everything is planned and connected hence comes the third message

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of auditing in analyzing the relationship between the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt and its reflection on the continuity of the institution: (بحث تطبيقي في عينة من الشركات المدرجة في سوق العراق للأوراق المالية)
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The research aims to determine the effectiveness of auditing in light of the relationship between the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt in companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange. The problem of the research is to raise the question about the effect of the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt on the effectiveness of auditing and auditors. During the research, the most important of them were: the existence of an impact relationship on the effectiveness of auditing through the relationship between the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt. The companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange lack an effective proposed guide or framework dealing with the governance of investment policy desp

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Variables (Bias-cut) of Tailoring and their Effect on the Quality of Fitting the Standard Pattern for Large-Shaped Iraqi Ladies: رشا علي صالح , بشرى فاضل صالح التميمي
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The present research is descriptive and analytical by nature; it practically presents the method of implementing the standard pattern in an unconventional way using the bias-cut line. The study aims at investigating the variables of bias-cut and their suitability for fitting large-shaped Iraqi ladies. It also aims at exploring the artistic and innovative features of the bias-cut. Therefore, one needs to understand the rules and basics of clothing and the nature of the body to reach the maximum degree of control.Consequently, the study is to answer the following questions: What is the effectiveness of tailoring on the bias-cut in fitting a standard template of a large-shaped Iraqi ladies? Is it possible to obtain from the offered possibil

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact of supervisory control requirements on the financial performance of Islamic banks in Iraq: Case Study: Islamic Cooperation Bank for Investment and Development for the years (2015-2018)
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Given the importance that the Iraqi banking system in general and Islamic banks in particular, there must be effective supervisory oversight of these banks, as supervisory oversight has an essential and effective role in the development and evaluation of the performance of banks, through the application of legal controls and rules. Banking aimed at making sure that its financial centers are safe, protecting depositors' funds, and achieving both monetary and economic stability. This research studied and evaluates the mechanisms and tools used by the Central Bank of Iraq in the supervision and supervision of these banks. Therefore, the research aimed to measure the type and direction of the relationship between the requirements of supervis

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Effect of food an appearance of ovaries cysts its relation with some variable factors in women at age 15-54 years in Baghdad – city: Effect of food an appearance of ovaries cysts its relation with some variable factors in women at age 15-54 years in Baghdad – city
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This study aimed to kmow the effect of food on appearance of ovaries cyst in women aged 15-54 year in Baghdad. City and its relation ship with reproductive health Woman samples was divided to four aged groups;15-24 , 25-34 , 35-44 and 45-54 years.
Results demonstrate that all samples of women has varied level of obesity.
Also we are noticed that all samples of women has varied level of obesity.
Also we are noticed tgat is a relation ship between obesity and marriagestatas with the highest proportion of ovarian cystsin obese marriage woman reached to37.90% The percent of un married women which have obesity class // with ovarian cysts reached50% Results refer to found that %19-24 of married women had obortians and

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Ibn Al– Haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Some Results on Fiberewise Topological Spaces
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In this paper we define and study new concepts of fibrewise topological spaces over B namely, fibrewise closure topological spaces, fibrewise wake topological spaces, fibrewise strong topological spaces over B. Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise w-closed (resp., w-coclosed, w-biclosed) and w-open (resp., w-coopen, w-biopen) topological spaces over B; Furthermore we state and prove several Propositions concerning with these concepts.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2010
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sc I
Biochemical Study on Diabetic Nephropathy Patients
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This study deals with thirty non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy in addition to twenty five healthy control.Some biochemical parameters were determined in the serum of all subjects enrolled in the study.These parameters are serum glucose,serum urea,serum creatinine,total serum protein and serum albumin.The aim of the present study was to estimate these parameters in diabetic nephropathy patients. The results of the present study revealed a significant increase in glucose,urea and creatinine in patients as compared to controls . Also a significant decrease was found in total serum protein, serum albumin and albumin to globulin ratio (A/G) in patients compared to controls,whi

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Hyper AT-ideal on AT-algebra
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Abstract<p>In this paper is to introduce the concept of hyper AT-algebras is a generalization of AT-algebras and study a hyper structure AT-algebra and investigate some of its properties. “Also, hyper AT-subalgebras and hyper AT-ideal of hyper AT-algebras are studied. We study on the fuzzy theory of hyper AT-ideal of hyper AT-algebras hyper AT-algebra”. “We study homomorphism of hyper AT-algebras which are a common generalization of AT-algebras.</p>
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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Miltefosine Efficacy on Leishmania Donovani Promastigote
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In the current study, different concentrations of miltefosine drug, which is the first effective and safe oral treatment for visceral leishmaniasis, was evaluated against L. donovani promastigotes in comparison with pentosam drug. Direct counting microscopic assay was used to find 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of miltefosine and pentostam against L. donovani promastigotes. The IC50 of miltefosine drug was 45.42μg/ml, 46.76μg/ml and 36.68μg/ml after 24 hr, 48hr and 72hr respectively, In comparison with IC 50 of pentostam drug was 75.39 μg/ml after 72hr. There were significant differences (P˂0.05) between IC50 values of miltefosine and pentostam drugs from first day to third day.

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