In this research the relation between skin resistances and standard penetration test of over consolidated
clay soils has been studied. The research includes doing boreholes at Babil governorate in Iraq to get
undisturbed samples and standard penetration test. Determination skin friction from direct shear test between
smooth concrete and soil was explored in laboratory for design purposes and correlated with standard
penetration test values. In many foundation design problems, the shear strength between soil and
foundation materials were estimated or correlated without any direct methods for measurement.
Twelve strain controlled direct shear tests were performed simulate the shear strength interaction
between smooth concrete and undisturbed over consolidated silty clay, determine the soil – foundation
interface friction, considering the following variables :(1) over consolidation ratio OCR between 1.4 to
2.4 (2) Concrete, smooth surface, (3) Undisturbed samples, (4) Variation of the normal load between the
friction surface. The results showed that both cohesion and internal friction should be considered in
evaluating skin friction. The results of cohesion and angle of internal friction were correlate with the
standard penetration test SPT –N . Interface friction angle was 14.5° , while the adhesion was 15.5 kPa.
The ultimate shear strength was mobilized through 10%- 16% strain in the direction of shear surface. .
A fairly good correlation between the N70-value and the interface friction parameters were established
for determination unit skin friction for driven piles. Finally, based on the test results, a simple relation was
proposed to relate the N70 value and interface friction of silty clay soils for a range of N70 between 12 and 20.
Rate of penetration plays a vital role in field development process because the drilling operation is expensive and include the cost of equipment and materials used during the penetration of rock and efforts of the crew in order to complete the well without major problems. It’s important to finish the well as soon as possible to reduce the expenditures. So, knowing the rate of penetration in the area that is going to be drilled will help in speculation of the cost and that will lead to optimize drilling outgoings. In this research, an intelligent model was built using artificial intelligence to achieve this goal. The model was built using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to predict the rate of penetration in
... Show MoreThis paper provides an attempt for modeling rate of penetration (ROP) for an Iraqi oil field with aid of mud logging data. Data of Umm Radhuma formation was selected for this modeling. These data include weight on bit, rotary speed, flow rate and mud density. A statistical approach was applied on these data for improving rate of penetration modeling. As result, an empirical linear ROP model has been developed with good fitness when compared with actual data. Also, a nonlinear regression analysis of different forms was attempted, and the results showed that the power model has good predicting capability with respect to other forms.
This paper is summarized with one of the applications of adsorption behavior; A UV-Vis method has been applied to survey the isotherm of adsorption. Results for experimental showed the applicability of Langmuir equation. The effect of temperature on the adsorption of cobalt (II) Complex by bentonite surface was studied. The results shown that the amount of adsorption was formed to increase, such as the temperature increase (Endothermic process). Cobalt (II) Complex has adsorption studies by bentonite surface at different pH values (1.6-10); these studies displayed an increase in adsorption with increasing pH. ∆G, ∆H, and ∆S thermodynamic functions of the cobalt (II) Complex for their adsorption have been calculated
This paper is summarized with one of the applications of adsorption behavior; A UV-Vis method has been applied to survey the isotherm of adsorption. Results for experimental showed the applicability of Langmuir equation. The effect of temperature on the adsorption of cobalt (II) Complex by bentonite surface was studied. The results shown that the amount of adsorption was formed to increase, such as the temperature increase (Endothermic process). Cobalt (II) Complex has adsorption studies by bentonite surface at different pH values (1.6-10); these studies displayed an increase in adsorption with increasing pH. ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS thermodynamic functions of the cobalt (II) Complex for their adsorption have been calculated.
In this paper, mesoscale modeling is performed to simulate and understand fracture behavior of two concrete composites: cement and asphalt concrete using disk-shaped compact tension (DCT) tests. Mesoscale models are used as alternative to macroscale models to obtain better realistic behavior of composite and heterogeneous materials such as cement and asphalt concrete. In mesoscale models, aggregate and matrix are represented as distinct materials and each material has its characteristic properties. Disk-shaped compact tension test is used to obtain tensile strength and fracture energy of materials. This test can be used as a better alternative to other tests such as three points bending tests because it is more convenient for both field and
... Show MoreSoil is a crucial component of environment. Total soil analysis may give information about possible enrichment of the soil with heavy metals. Heavy metals, potentially contaminate soils, may have been dumped on the ground. chromium, nickel and cadmium,
The conflict between Arab and Zionist movement before 1948 was not normal dispute about certain issue or quarrel on borders, it is comprehensive conflict, this research intraduce analytical and outlook future reading about Palestine identity in time of occupation and resistance in the first studying we take the concept of identity and the fundamental relationship identity history and geography. Our research treated the contents of palest Iain and Isralian identsunder. The political, cultural and military conflict between Israil and Palestine. The research introduce analytic study of research introduce analytic study of intellectual orientation of Zionist state in order to determine the exact meaning of this identity, beca
... Show MoreInsulin resistance is a fundamental feature of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases and contributes to many of the metabolic syndrome's abnormalities. It is defined as a subnormal reaction to normal insulin concentrations or a situation in which greater than normal insulin concentrations are necessary for normal response.
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the static frictional forces produced by monocrystalline ceramic (sapphire) bracket and polycrystalline ceramic bracket. Materials and methods: one hindered twenty brackets/segment of archwire combinations were used, each bracket/segment of archwire combination was tested 10 times. The tests were performed in a universal testing Instron machine. The data was submitted to in depended t-test. Results: The independent sample t-tests showed a highly significant difference in the static frictional forces between monocrystalline ceramic (sapphire) bracket and polycrystalline ceramic bracket. Conclusion: According to the biomechanical result gained from the present study, the monocryst
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