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In this research the results of applying Artificial Neural Networks with modified activation function to
perform the online and offline identification of four Degrees of Freedom (4-DOF) Selective Compliance
Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA) manipulator robot will be described. The proposed model of
identification strategy consists of a feed-forward neural network with a modified activation function that
operates in parallel with the SCARA robot model. Feed-Forward Neural Networks (FFNN) which have
been trained online and offline have been used, without requiring any previous knowledge about the
system to be identified. The activation function that is used in the hidden layer in FFNN is a modified
version of the wavelet function. This approach has been performed very successfully, with better results
obtained with the FFNN with modified wavelet activation function (FFMW) when compared with classic
FFNN with Sigmoid activation function (FFS) .One can notice from the simulation that the FFMW can be
capable of identifying the 4-Links of SCARA robot more efficiently than the classic FFS.

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
System Identification Algorithm for Systems with Interval Coefficients

In this research a new system identification algorithm is presented for obtaining an optimal set of mathematical models for system with perturbed coefficients, then this algorithm is applied practically by an “On Line System Identification Circuit”, based on real time speed response data of a permanent magnet DC motor. Such set of mathematical models represents the physical plant against all variation which may exist in its parameters, and forms a strong mathematical foundation for stability and performance analysis in control theory problems.

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Publication Date
Mon May 25 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Training for Anaerobic Differential Threshold Stand and its Impact on Lactic Acid Concentration and LDH Enzyme and VO2MaX and Cortisol Hormone for Free 400 m men-runners

The study aimed at designing a training program by using training for the anaerobic differential threshold stand and the effects of those trainings on the variables of (Concentration of Lactic Acid and LDH Enzyme, VO2 MaX and Cortisol Hormone). The Researchers used the experimental program with one-group style. Also, they used a sample with (8) men-players in a (free 400 m men-runners) and they used many instruments and procedures, most notably the training-program prepared for 10 weeks and for 3 training units weekly, (70-90 min) for each unit. They used the training intensity from 85-100% of the player's ability. After finishing the training program and doing some pre-tests and post-tests then statistically checking the results, the resea

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 11 2024
Journal Name
الموئتمخر الدولي للعلم والتعليم

Abstract. In this scientific work, we investigate the problem of the practical necessity of achieving the adequacy of translation activities with active translation from Russian into Arabic in various fields of translation. Based on the material of the latest suffix vocabulary, a serious attempt is made to clarify and specify the rules for the development of translator's intuition when translating from Russian into Arabic and vice versa. Based on the material collected by the latest suffix vocabulary, we try to make an attempt to reveal the role of suffix word creation in highlighting the general rules for achieving translation equivalence. The paper examines the process of creating words in multi-family languages, the difference between th

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Selection of an Optimum Drilling Fluid Model to Enhance Mud Hydraulic System Using Neural Networks in Iraqi Oil Field

In drilling processes, the rheological properties pointed to the nature of the run-off and the composition of the drilling mud. Drilling mud performance can be assessed for solving the problems of the hole cleaning, fluid management, and hydraulics controls. The rheology factors are typically termed through the following parameters: Yield Point (Yp) and Plastic Viscosity (μp). The relation of (YP/ μp) is used for measuring of levelling for flow. High YP/ μp percentages are responsible for well cuttings transportation through laminar flow. The adequate values of (YP/ μp) are between 0 to 1 for the rheological models which used in drilling. This is what appeared in most of the models that were used in this study. The pressure loss

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
A training program for chemistry teachers based on the knowledge economy and its impact on the productive thinking of their students

       The current research aims to build a training program for chemistry teachers based on the knowledge economy and its impact on the productive thinking of their students. To achieve the objectives of the research, the following hypothesis was formulated:

   There is no statistically significant difference at (0.05) level of significance between the average grades of the students participating in the training program according to the knowledge economy and the average grades of the students who did not participate in the training program in the test of productive thinking. The study sample consisted of (288) second intermediate grade students divided into (152) for the control group

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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology
Effect of the opposite hierarchical training method to developing explosive power, which is characterized by speed and some functional variables for basketball players

The current world seeks to supply the most of the fruits of human knowledge and tries hard to search for the most important scientific facts, programs, means and advanced devices in various fields, including the sports field, and among these means is the use of various and advanced training devices and programs for the purpose of achieving the desired goal, which is to reach the desired level, the basketball game is one of the sports that need high technology in training according to scientifically studied principles because it is one of the games that relate to the abundance of its variables, composition and speed of change, all of which require a technical and high training depth and the players ’possession of different physical charact

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of Neural Network Analysis for Seismic Data to Differentiate Reservoir Units of Yamama Formation in Nasiriya Oilfield A Case Study in Southern Iraq

      The EMERGE application from Hampsson-Russell suite programs was used in the present study. It is an interesting domain for seismic attributes that predict some of reservoir three dimensional or two dimensional properties, as well as their combination. The objective of this study is to differentiate reservoir/non reservoir units with well data in the Yamama Formation by using seismic tools. P-impedance volume (density x velocity of P-wave) was used in this research to  perform a three dimensional seismic model on the oilfield of Nasiriya by using post-stack data of  5 wells. The data (training and application) were utilized in the EMERGE analysis for estimating the reservoir properties of P-wave ve

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
NS2 – Based Experimental Analysis of Throughput for TCP and UDP Traffic During Link Failure of The Network

     Link failure refers to the failure between two connections/nodes in a perfectly working simulation scenario at a particular instance. Transport layer routing protocols form an important basis of setting up a simulation, with Transmission Control Protocol and User Datagram Protocol being the primary of them. The research makes use of Network Simulator v2.35 to conduct different simulation experiments for link failure and provide validation results. In this paper, both protocols, TCP and UDP are compared based on the throughput of packets delivered from one node to the other constrained to the condition that for a certain interval of time the link fails and the simulation time remains the same for either of the protocols. Overall,

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Results In Engineering
Electrochemical preparation and characterization of a new configuration SnO2 anode and its application for treating petroleum refinery wastewater

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrophotometric Determination of Bismuth(III) with 4-(2-pyridylazo) Resorcinol-Application to Waters and Veterinary Preparation

This paper describes the development of a simple spectrophotometric determination of bismuth III with 4-(2-pyridylazo) resorcinol (PAR) in aqueous solution in the presence of cetypyridinium chloride surfactant at pH 5 which exhibits maximum absorption at 532 nm. Beer's law is obeyed over the range 5-200 µg/25 mL. i.e. 0.2-8 ppm with a molar absorptivity of 3×104 and Sandell's sensitivity index of 0.0069 µ The method has been applied successfully in the determination of Bi (III) in waters and veterinary preparation.

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