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In this study, structures damage identification method based on changes in the dynamic characteristics
(frequencies) of the structure are examined, stiffness as well as mass matrices of the curved
(in and out-of-plane vibration) beam elements is formulated using Hamilton's principle. Each node
of both of them possesses seven degrees of freedom including the warping degree of freedom. The
curved beam element had been derived based on the Kang and Yoo’s thin-walled curved beam theory
in 1994. A computer program was developing to carry out free vibration analyses of the curved
beam as well as straight beam. Comparing with the frequencies for other researchers using the general
purpose program MATLAB. Fuzzy logic system (FLS) applied in two stages to calculate the
damage extent and location in simply in and out-of- plane curved beam, the damage deduce by reduction
in stiffness for three levels (20%, 40%, 60%). At the first stage the output faults of the fuzzy system represented by four levels of damage in curved beam (undamaged, slight, moderate, and severe), and at second stage indicate damage location at element with two defuzzification methods (centroid and middle of maximum). The results show that the frequency difference method is efficient to indicate and quantify
damage with accuracy about (99.5%) for slight and moderate damage about (100%) for severe damage. Consequently fuzzy logic performs well for detecting, locating and quantifying damage in curved beam.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Nanoelectronics And Optoelectronics
Hypothetical Design of Carbon Nanotube Materials Based on [8]Circulene
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B3LYP/6-31G, DFT method was applied to hypothetical study the design of six carbon nanotube materials based on [8]circulene, through the use of cyclic polymerization of two and three molecules of [8]circulene. Optimized structures of [8]circulene have saddle-shaped. Design of six carbon nanotubes reactions were done by thermodynamically calculating (Δ S, Δ G and Δ H) and the stability of these hypothetical nanotubes depending on the value of HOMO energy level. Nanotubes obtained have the most efficient gap energy, making them potentially useful for solar cell applications.

Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
An efficient multistage CBIR based on Squared Krawtchouk-Tchebichef polynomials
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Abstract<p>Image databases are increasing exponentially because of rapid developments in social networking and digital technologies. To search these databases, an efficient search technique is required. CBIR is considered one of these techniques. This paper presents a multistage CBIR to address the computational cost issues while reasonably preserving accuracy. In the presented work, the first stage acts as a filter that passes images to the next stage based on SKTP, which is the first time used in the CBIR domain. While in the second stage, LBP and Canny edge detectors are employed for extracting texture and shape features from the query image and images in the newly constructed database. The p</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Text image secret sharing with hiding based on color feature
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Programming a Pneumatic Processes Sequence based on PLC by Demonstration
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Pneumatic processes sequence (PPS) is used widely in industrial applications. It is common to do a predetermined PPS to achieve a specific larger task within the industrial application like the PPS achieved by the pick and place industrial robot arm. This sequence may require change depending on changing the required task and usually this requires the programmer intervention to change the sequence’ sprogram, which is costly and may take long time. In this research a PLC-based PPS control system is designed and implemented, in which the PPS is programmed by demonstration. The PPS could be changed by demonstrating the new required sequence via the user by following simple series of manual steps without h

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Chemical Sensor Based on a Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber
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In this work a chemical sensor was built by using Plane Wave Expansion (PWE) modeling technique by filling the core of 1550 hollow core photonic crystal fiber with chloroform that has different concentrations after being diluted with distilled water. The minimum photonic bandgap width is.0003 and .0005 rad/sec with 19 and 7 cells respectively and a concentration of chloroform that filled these two fibers is 75%.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Iraqi stock market structure analysis based on minimum spanning tree
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tock markets changed up and down during time. Some companies’ affect others due to dependency on each other . In this work, the network model of the stock market is discribed as a complete weighted graph. This paper aims to investigate the Iraqi stock markets using graph theory tools. The vertices of this graph correspond to the Iraqi markets companies, and the weights of the edges are set ulrametric distance of minimum spanning tree.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of Spatial Data Infrastructure based on Free Data Integration
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In recent years, the performance of Spatial Data Infrastructures for governments and companies is a task that has gained ample attention. Different categories of geospatial data such as digital maps, coordinates, web maps, aerial and satellite images, etc., are required to realize the geospatial data components of Spatial Data Infrastructures. In general, there are two distinct types of geospatial data sources exist over the Internet: formal and informal data sources. Despite the growth of informal geospatial data sources, the integration between different free sources is not being achieved effectively. The adoption of this task can be considered the main advantage of this research. This article addresses the research question of ho

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Defence Technology
A novel facial emotion recognition scheme based on graph mining
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Recent years have seen an explosion in graph data from a variety of scientific, social and technological fields. From these fields, emotion recognition is an interesting research area because it finds many applications in real life such as in effective social robotics to increase the interactivity of the robot with human, driver safety during driving, pain monitoring during surgery etc. A novel facial emotion recognition based on graph mining has been proposed in this paper to make a paradigm shift in the way of representing the face region, where the face region is represented as a graph of nodes and edges and the gSpan frequent sub-graphs mining algorithm is used to find the frequent sub-structures in the graph database of each emotion. T

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 Ieee 9th International Conference On System Engineering And Technology (icset)
A Digital Signature System Based on Real Time Face Recognition
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This study proposed a biometric-based digital signature scheme proposed for facial recognition. The scheme is designed and built to verify the person’s identity during a registration process and retrieve their public and private keys stored in the database. The RSA algorithm has been used as asymmetric encryption method to encrypt hashes generated for digital documents. It uses the hash function (SHA-256) to generate digital signatures. In this study, local binary patterns histograms (LBPH) were used for facial recognition. The facial recognition method was evaluated on ORL faces retrieved from the database of Cambridge University. From the analysis, the LBPH algorithm achieved 97.5% accuracy; the real-time testing was done on thirty subj

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Art Image Compression Based on Lossless LZW Hashing Ciphering Algorithm
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Abstract<p>Color image compression is a good way to encode digital images by decreasing the number of bits wanted to supply the image. The main objective is to reduce storage space, reduce transportation costs and maintain good quality. In current research work, a simple effective methodology is proposed for the purpose of compressing color art digital images and obtaining a low bit rate by compressing the matrix resulting from the scalar quantization process (reducing the number of bits from 24 to 8 bits) using displacement coding and then compressing the remainder using the Mabel ZF algorithm Welch LZW. The proposed methodology maintains the quality of the reconstructed image. Macroscopic and </p> ... Show More
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