Al-Huweizah Marsh is considered as the largest in Iraq. This research aims to maintain thesustainability of Al-Huweizah Marsh under all circumstances and within the limits of the
available natural resources from the Iraqi side and the absence of feeding from the Iranian sidedue to the recent Iranian separation dike along the international boundaries within the marsh.
Twelve scenarios have been suggested as a first step to restore the whole marsh. But the
uncontrolled Iranian feeders and exiguity of their discharges recently, it was necessary to studyonly the northern part of the marsh as an alternative case to ensure reasonable amounts of waterfor the purpose of maintaining and restore the marsh. Hydrological routing model was used to
calculate the quantities required to restore the whole marsh, as well as the northern part. In thisresearch, the total dissolved solid (TDS) was adopted as the water quality parameter considering,three concentrations of TDS (1500, 1750, and 2000ppm). A two-dimensional flow mathematicalsimulation model was prepared using the SMS package (surface water modeling system) whereRMA-2 and RMA-4 software’s are used to study the flow and water quality patterns,
respectively. In order to improve the water quality in the marsh according to the acceptable waterquality determinants and the current conditions, we studied diverting some of Tigris River water,which is one of Shatt-Al-Arab feeders, into the marsh and releasing this amount into Tigris Riverthrough Al-Kassara control structure into Shatt-Al-Arab. A significant water qualityimprovement in the marsh was noticed as a result of mixing 25% or 50% of the Tigris Riverwater which is suppose to go to Shatt Al-Arab. According to the results of this study, it was
found that the restoration of the whole marsh cannot be achieved under the current circumstancesbecause of the limited water discharges from Iraqi feeders of the marsh and receding of feeding
from Iranian side. The best scenario was that of 3650million cubic meters/year for an area338km
and water surface elevation of 3m.a.m.s.l. The results also show that Al-Kassara controlstructure is unable to pass the required outflow at low level to improve water quality according
to the required standard determinants.
Coral reef area in northwest of the Arabian Gulf was investigated for mineralogy and geochemistry to throw lights on such unique Iraqi Marine Environment; six specimens of two main species of coral reefs, Platygyra pini Chevalier, 1975 and Octocoral Menella were collected at two sites. While eight samples of the surrounding sediments are chosen from other two sites. The mineralogy is determined by XRD, and reveals that calcite, low magnesium-calcite, and aragonite are the main minerals that comprise the Octocoral Menella in site 1, whilst aragonite and calcite are dominate in the P. pini coral reef at site 4.
The non–carbonate fractions indicate that thes
... Show MoreEcosystems provide humans with services that include benefits from food, fresh water, climate regulation, and socio-economic assets. The Mesopotamian marshlands are among the largest wetlands in the Middle East and they provide various benefits. However, ecosystem services of the Marshlands are consistently undervalued in national economic analysis and decision making. This study focusses on the Central Marshes, the first National Park in Iraq, and is the first attempt at valuing a series of ecosystem services from a valuable natural ecosystem in Iraq. We adopted the Toolkit for Ecosystem Services Site-Based Assessment (TESSA) for the determination of biophysical and economic values of services at the site level. Data on key ecosystem se
... Show MoreDuring the period 1970-2006 the Marshes-land region was exposed to several change into many sides of vanishing steeling and growth as follow :
1- Drying this region after 1991,and re-flooded again during 2003. Many other large Marsh-land, like al-Hawaisa was dried by cutting off inlet-water fed from Iran sources .As asqunance there are transferred to different kinds of swamps ,followed by major change in the structure of the region as the rural settlement concerned. Rural settlement in this area starts new push of migration. The research did not take that in consideration in this thesis because some others took it in details in some thesis and researches. The situation of Marsh-land is getting anew face after those major changes which
The Eurasian marsh frog Pelophylax ridibundus is a widespread species in Iraq. Examination of intestine of 25 marsh frogs collected in Al-Diwaniya city, middle of Iraq during the period from September to November 2014 revealed the presence of Nematotaenia dispar (Cestoda), Cosmocerca commutata and Cosmocercoides variabilis (Nematoda). Infection rates and intensity have been presented in this paper.
Theatrical techniques took upon themselves the responsibility of building and organizing the theatrical form for the various forms of performances, and it was the important tool that the show makers could rely on in carrying out the various works at the audio-visual level, and lighting is one of the most important elements of the visual formation of the image in the show, as it is related to the visual process and what it can achieve in operations The contrast that constitutes the aesthetic and intellectual values of the theatrical show, especially since the process of adjusting the element of time and the timings for receiving or delivering, moving, and the movement of the actor is what can determine the rhythm of the scene, which in it
... Show MoreThe method of work is not a method made by grammarians. We have found more than guidance from the ancients and contemporaries; That to the corruption of meaning; or to apparent cost Not accepted by good linguistic taste.
The morphology of the Pleurogenoides medians from Rana ridibunda in Iraq was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. The light microscopical studies confirmed the original observations with the ventral sucker being smaller than the oral sucker and the genital pore being laterally situated. Electron micrographs of adult P. medians revealed that the body surface had a rough appearance by hand-like spines, which are more sparsely distributed towards the posterior end with a presumed function in nutrient absorption.
A one-dimensional hydraulic model was conducted to simulate the flow in Diyala River. The research aims to study the flow capacity along Diyala River and especially concerning on reach of the river within Baqubah City during flood seasons by using HEC-RAS, 5.07 software. Moreover, specifying the hydraulic problems and then the necessary treatments to overcome them were suggested. A 190 km length of the reach of Diyala River was included in this study, starts from Diyala submerged weir to the confluence of Diyala-Tigris River south of Baghdad City. Good agreement resulted between the measured and the simulation results with a determination coefficient (R2) value of 0.84 with Manning Co