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The prediction of the blood flow through an axisymmetric arterial stenosis is one of the most important aspects to be considered during the Atherosclrosis. Since the blood is specified as a non-Newtonian flow, therefore the effect of fluid types and effect of rheological properties of non-Newtonian fluid on the degree of stenosis have been studied. The motion equations are written in vorticity-stream function formulation and solved numerically. A comparison is made between a Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid for blood flow at different velocities, viscosity and Reynolds number were solved also. It is found that the properties of blood must be at a certain range to preventing atheroscirasis

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Polar structure in the international system
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Conclusion The observation of the phenomenon of structural evolution of the international system and its instability on a particular situation, by its transition from unipolar to polarity to bipolarism and then to unilateralism in the early 1990s led by the United States, and to the present moment, To say that the structure by which the hierarchy of superpowers or the regime is directed in terms of its various capacities that qualify it, and with the consent of the rest of the States directing the regime to lead and lead the world's first place, has no direct relation to the stability of this system, I hope other more influential in its stability. The structure of the new international order will be completely different in terms of the r

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Babis and Baha’is in Iran
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The person who wants to learn. The history of Bab’is will notice a very
starnge phenomenon that they (Babis and Baha’is) resort to visions to prove their
The believers usually reach to each other by their visions. This phenomenon
are shared among them from Al- Ahsa’ai time till the last phase of their propaganda
which is the Baha’is propaganda, and this is due to their ignorance and under
development in doctrine of islam which was widespread in Iran and the Islamic world.
The whole secrets of Babis and Baha’is movement were restricted among
particular group, most of them were Al- Rashti’s students and knew the basic
principles of their movement which deperding or (the principles) declarati

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Score for the Group SL(2,38)
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        The set of all (n×n) non-singular matrices over the field F. And this set forms a group under the operation of matrix multiplication. This group is called the general linear group of dimension  over the field F, denoted by . The determinant of these matrices is a homomorphism from  into F* and the kernel of this homomorphism was the special linear group and denoted by  Thus  is the subgroup of  which contains all matrices of determinant one.

The rationally valued characters of the rational representations are written as a linear combination of the induced characters for the groups discussed in this paper. We find the Artin indicator for this group after studying the rationally valued characters of the rational

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Outcome for the group SL(2,57)
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The set of all (n×n) non-singular matrices over the field F this set forms a group under the operation of matrix multiplication. This group is called the general linear group of dimension  over the field F, denoted by . The determinant of these matrices is a homomorphism from  into F* and the kernel of this homomorphism was the special linear group and denoted by  Thus  is the subgroup of  which contains all matrices of determinant one.

The rational valued characters of the rational representations written as a linear combination of the induced characters for the groups  discuss in this paper and find the Artin indicator for this group after study the rational valued characters of the rational representations and the induce

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 06 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Linguistic deposits in the Arabic language
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Abstract of the research:

     This research sheds light on an important phenomenon in our Arabic language, which is linguistic sediments, and by which we mean a group of vocabulary that falls out of use and that native speakers no longer use it, and at the same time it happens that few individuals preserve the phenomenon and use it in their lives, and it is one of the most important phenomena that  It should be undertaken and studied by researchers;  Because it is at the heart of our huge linguistic heritage, as colloquial Arabic dialects retain a lot of linguistic sediments, and we usually find them at all levels of language: phonetic, banking, grammatical and semantic.  In the

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 04 2024
Journal Name
مجلة مركز بابل للدراسات الانسانية
The Rhetorical methods in Hebrew advertisements
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Advertisement is one of the Media most efficient persuasive communicative activities designed to marketing different ideas and products with the aim of influencing consumers' perception of goods and services. The present study sheds light on the most prominent rhetorical devices that constitute the persuasive structure of the Hebrew advertisements published in various media outlet. The study is conducted by means of analyzing the linguistic structure of the advertising texts and according to the analytic and descriptive approach to know the characteristics and the functions of the oratorical devices used in the advertising industry. The research elucidates that most of the advertisements are written in slang language, and this is due to th

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 05 2019
Journal Name
Gen. Lett. Math
Building a three-dimensional maritime transport model to find the best solution by using the heuristic algorithm
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The aim of this research is to construct a three-dimensional maritime transport model to transport nonhomogeneous goods (k) and different transport modes (v) from their sources (i) to their destinations (j), while limiting the optimum quantities v ijk x to be transported at the lowest possible cost v ijk c and time v ijk t using the heuristic algorithm, Transport problems have been widely studied in computer science and process research and are one of the main problems of transport problems that are usually used to reduce the cost or times of transport of goods with a number of sources and a number of destinations and by means of transport to meet the conditions of supply and demand. Transport models are a key tool in logistics an

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Sciences Journal Of Physical Education
Leadership patterns for university student activities managers according to the Blake and Moton model (The managerial Grid)
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The researcher is one of the workers in university sports student activities, as he noticed that there is a diversity in the use of leadership patterns among managers of student activities in Iraqi universities between one director and another, which leads to the impact of these leadership styles on performance, positive or negative, in the level of human relations and the achievement of results. The researcher adopted the descriptive method in the survey method with relational relationships. The research sample consisted of (184) sports coaches who represent (27) universities and governmental and private colleges. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (Spss). To extract.statisti

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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The Linguistic Vocabulary and its Role in Constructing the Design Thought: هدى محمود عمر --- سداد هشام حميد
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The importance of the Arabic language and its deep vocabulary in the live translation of the work of science and interior design can't be hidden from the whole world. The previous studies have dealt with the role of the linguistic vocabulary and Arabic calligraphy in interior spaces in terms of decoration and design. However, this research sheds light on the importance of linguistic vocabulary in the construction of design thought and how it has become the a basic motivation in the process of scientific and practical construction and not just aesthetic formations that took their place in the interior spaces, as linguistic vocabulary emerged recently and echoed within the specialization of interior design and formed a key motive to explor

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
comparison between the methods estimate nonparametric and semiparametric transfer function model in time series the Using simulation
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 The transfer function model the basic concepts in the time series. This model is used in the case of multivariate time series. As for the design of this model, it depends on the available data in the time series and other information in the series so when the representation of the transfer function model depends on the representation of the data In this research, the transfer function has been estimated using the style nonparametric represented in two method  local linear regression and cubic smoothing spline method The method of semi-parametric represented use semiparametric single index model, With four proposals, , That the goal of this research is comparing the capabilities of the above mentioned m

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