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The prediction of the blood flow through an axisymmetric arterial stenosis is one of the most important aspects to be considered during the Atherosclrosis. Since the blood is specified as a non-Newtonian flow, therefore the effect of fluid types and effect of rheological properties of non-Newtonian fluid on the degree of stenosis have been studied. The motion equations are written in vorticity-stream function formulation and solved numerically. A comparison is made between a Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid for blood flow at different velocities, viscosity and Reynolds number were solved also. It is found that the properties of blood must be at a certain range to preventing atheroscirasis

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 04 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study the optimum conditions for production of inulunase from isolate Kluyveromyces marxianus AY2.: Study the optimum conditions for production of inulunase from isolate Kluyveromyces marxianus AY2.

Results showed that the optimum conditions for production of inulunase from isolate Kluyveromyces marxianus AY2 by submerged culture could be achieved by using inulin as carbon source at a concentration of 2% with mixture of yeast extract and ammonium sulphate in a ratio of 1:1 in a concentration of 1% at initial pH 5.5 after incubation for 42 hours at 30ºC.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

The purpose of this study is to determine the useful of Schiff bases derivatives containing (oxazepine, tetrazole) rings with biological activity which can be used as drug and antimicrobial, the present work is started from [Binary (2,5(4,'4-diaminophenyl) – 1,3,4 – oxadiazole]. A variety of Schiff bases and heterocyclic (oxazepine, tetrazole) have been synthesis, and confirm that structures by physical properties , FTIR , 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, elemental analysis, [Microbial study against three type of bacteria (staphylococcus aurea and klebsiella pneumonia) and (Canadida albncans) fungi].All analyzation performed in center of consulatation University of Jordan.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Символичность деревни (( Джикора )) в лирике иракского поэта Бадра Шакера ас-Саййаба Symbolism of Jekor Village in the Poetry of the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab


       В данном исследовании рассматривается символичность (( Джикора )) в лирике иракского поэта ас-Саййаба и перевода лирики o деревне и городе с арабского на русский. Русский читатель пока не имеет возможности познакомиться с стихотворениями Бадра Шакера.


     The paper aims at making the Russian reader acquainted with the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab, and showing the effect of the village an

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
The system and Disorder of shape and content in Interior Design Educational halls in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Analytical study): رجاء سعدي لفتة

Dealing with this study to find a link principle in the construction of the system and disorder to the promise of the principles and concepts of intellectual and philosophical form and content in the act of interior design of the halls education in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs , which leads to a reaction design objective and functionally and to increase the strength of the effect on users of the coaches and trainers . As it informs the side cognitive and developmental study of the design of the interior spaces . So it was the goal of research in the detection of the nature of the system and disorder with Focus indicators and the type of regulations and privacy and what constitutes the framework of knowledge in order to explai

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 25 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Health TV shows and consumer awareness/ Analytical study of the Green Apple program.: Health TV shows and consumer awareness/ Analytical study of the Green Apple program.

Television plays an important role in health education development of the consumer, where the health programs offered by satellite channels offering a variety of subjects that deal with human health in general, as do people with some misconceptions health practices either due to lack of awareness or a low level of culture they have is one of the problems that require a search, so the research aims to clarify what the TV play in health education to the consumer through a content analysis of health issues covered by the television health programs and identify health issues positive and negative in everyday human life, it has been identified green apple program Broadcast of the channel mbc1 as a model for health programs offered by the Arab

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

The transfer of chemical pollutants from bottled water into water due to heat, sunlight and poor storage is one of the most serious threats to human health around the world, the objective of this study was to estimate the pH value and the transport of heavy metals from plastic bottles to water, for this purpose, 30 bottles of water for 10 local brands were collected and divided into three groups, the first was left at room temperature 25°C, The second was placed in a heat oven at 25°C and the third in another oven at 50°C for two weeks. The results showed significant differences at (P<0.05) between water samples, pH value and concentrations of heavy metals (Sb, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr, Cd and Fe) we

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Availability Assessment of theManaging the Audit Program. According to the Specification Standard (ISO 19011:2018): A case study in Ministry of Construction Housing and General Municipalities


The research aims to study the reliability of government institutions, including the audit directors, which are one of the most important oversight formations in the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, on which the responsibility for comprehensive auditing of all the Ministry's (municipalities) formations falls on the Managing the Audit Program according to the specification (ISO 19011: 2018) to improve the audit performance which requires compliance with the application of the audit management system in accordance with the standard Specification (ISO 19011: 2018), depending on the methodology of the case study, and using of checklists, which were chosen ac

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Role of the Internet in Spreading Rumors Social networking sites "Facebook" model For the duration of 1-7-2017 until 30-11-2017: يوسف محمد حسين

This study is about the role of the Internet in spreading rumors, especially through social networking sites "Facebook" model as the effectiveness of social networks lies in the speed of transmission of events; these two characteristics are important to the public, making the Internet a strong contender for television and its relationship with the public. That's why we find that the Internet today has become a fertile environment for the growth and spread of rumors. The more limited the platforms and places of publication, the greater the responsibility in the search for the original source in   spreading this or that rumor, as the Internet is considered an easy means in the production, spreading  and re-spreading  of

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
العربية Atheism A study in the most important foundations of atheism, and the most prominent suspicions of its advocates: دراسة في أهمّ مرتكزاته، وأبرز شبهات دُعاته


Atheism is one of the most dangerous absurd doctrines that have swept the world in the modern era. Its strength lies in the bodies that stand behind it and adopt its ideologies which are accompanied by the tremendous media momentum of the theses of its supporters based on scientific and non-scientific levels. And since the denial of the existence of the Creator is the main focus and central point which the atheists based their view towards the universe, life and man, this humble research came to discuss the claim of the existence of the world by pure chance, and try to explain this scientifically through the theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest developed by the English biologist Charles Darwin. The resea

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The art of patchwork in designing and making night gowns and their supplements: The art of patchwork in designing and making night gowns and their supplements

If we neglect the value of historical fashions as a source of inspiration for
contemporary fashion designers we will neglect a treasure of original designs.
In neglecting such a treasure how could we then know what is original. Today
the most famous fashion designers are often inspired, in the outwardly from
and internal lines of their fashions, by fashion designed during the ages of the
Designers can find such fashions in books of history and museums. But
the historical ages are not equal in the fertility of the originality and novelty of
their fashions. Thus the contemporary designer may not find the old designs
inspiring so he invents them.
The researcher was keen in this paper to inclu

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