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Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) were widely used in strengthening reinforced concrete members
in the last few years, these fibers consist mainly of high strength fibers which increase the member capacity in addition to changing the mode of failure of the reinforced concrete beams. Experimental and theoretical investigations were carried to find the behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by CFRP in shear and bending. The experimental work included testing of 12 beams divided into 4 groups; each group contains 3 beams. The following parameters were taken into consideration: - Concrete crushing strength. - CFRP strengthening location (shear strengthening and both shear and flexure strengthening). Reinforced beams were simply supported subjected to two point loads. Each group consists of three beams; the first beam without CFRP, the second one, is strengthened with CFRP in shear and the third is strengthened with CFRP in both flexure and shear. Four groups with different crushing strength of (12, 20, 30 and 39 MPa). The CFRP sheets are attached externally.
It was found that in beam with low crushing strength loads transfer to the CFRP at early stages while in
those of high crushing strength, CFRP contribution only starts when full strength of the beam is fulfilled. A
full bond between CFRP sheets and the concrete is assumed in the theoretical analysis. Comparison between the theoretical and the experimental results revealed the validity of the numerical analysis and the developed methods such that there was a difference of 13% in the ultimate strength for the tested and analyzed beams.

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Anatomical histological structure of the cerebellum in the Iraqi frog Rana ridibunda ridibunda
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Abstract<p>The current study was designed to investigate the histological structure of the cerebellum in the Iraqi frog <italic>Rana ridibunda ridibunda</italic>. The cerebellum was removed surgically from 20 Iraqi frogs, <italic>Rana ridibunda ridibunda</italic>, and preserved in fixative of 10% formalin solution for a period of 72 hr, then the histological sections were prepared by the method of paraffin. The results of the study showed that the cerebellum of the adult Iraqi frog is one of the rhombencephalon regions, and consists of three layers, molecular layer, purkinje cells layer, and granular layer. The present histological findings suggest that the cerebellum of the </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 05 2019
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
Prevalence and Public Health Importance of Hydatidosis in Sheep Slaughtered by Unlicensed Ways
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Hydatidosis is a zoonotic, helminthes parasitic disease that cause veterinary and human problems due to economic burden. Amis of the current study was to estimate the prevalence rate of hydatidosis infecting different organs of sheep slaughtered in street. In addition, investigate the relationship between age, gender and the infected rates in some Baghdad areas during a period from may to end of July 2018.A total of 188 sheep was examined for detection of Hydatid cyst in different organs using macroscopic and microscopic examination The overall prevalence rate of 47.9% was recorded. The results indicate non significant differences according to age and gender, the highest rate 57% was observed in sheep more than one year old compare

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2023
Journal Name
Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental
The Moderating Effect of Burnout in Relationship Between Job Complexity and Psychological Detachment
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Objective: this search aims to test the correlation between job complexity and psychological detachment then stats how the burnout can affect in this relationship and dose the burnout can contribute in development of this relationship.   Theoretical framework: the research adopted some questions like how can psychological detachment can make the employee keeping away from work and isolates himself from work environment and how can the job complexity enhance this behavior for employee ,and how can the burnout increase the correlation between job complexity and psychological detachment ?, then trying to extraction some of recommendations may contributes in enhancing practicing and adopting these three variables (job complexity, psych

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 06 2023
Journal Name
Al- Ustath Journal
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Abstract Infinitives and gerunds are non-finite verb forms which cannot be indicated by tense, number, or person. The construction of non-finite verbs is intricate because of their nature of meanings, forms, and functions. The major problem is that both infinitival and gerundial complements have identical functions and occupy identical positions in the sentences. Thus, there is a confusion in using an infinitival and gerundial forms after aspectual verbs. The selection of either one of these two forms as complements is controlled syntactically or semantically. Moreover, both forms can be used usually with similar predicate but with neat difference in meaning. In addition, there are problems with controlling the use of aspect, since aspectua

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
A study of Irrigation Water Pollution By Some Heavy Metals in Baghdad Governorate
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Abstract<p>A study of irrigation water was conducted Baghdad city to find out extent of its pollution by some heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Ni, Co, CU, Cr, Zn and Fe). Water samples were collected randomly from different sources (river, well and stream). Results showed that the concentration of studied heavy metals were as follows: Lead between 0.43-11.75 mg L<sup>-1</sup>, Cadmium between 0.01-0.95 mg L<sup>-1</sup>, Nickel between 0.008-0.46 mg L<sup>-1</sup>, Cobalt between Nil - 0.185 mg L<sup>-1</sup>, Copper is between 0.326 - 1.58 mg L<sup>-1</sup>, Chromium is between Nil-0.068 mg L<sup>-1</sup>, Zinc 0.398-1.182 mg L<sup>-1</sup>, as for Iro</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 16 2023
Journal Name
مجلة الاستاذ للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية- كلية التربية ابن رشد – جامعة بغداد،
Using the Theory of Conceptual Metaphor in Two Sonnets by Victorian Female Poets
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This study has applied the theoretical framework of conceptual metaphor theory to the analysis of the source and target domains of metaphors that are used in two English nineteenth century sonnets, both written by contemporaneous female poets. The quantitative and qualitative results of the textual analysis have clearly revealed that Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s sonnet 23 centres around the conceptual mapping of the journey of love and life with that of possession. In contrast, Christina Rossetti’s sonnet Remember tackles the central conceptual mapping of death as a journey in relation to its further experiential connections. In addition, the application of conceptual metaphor theory in identifying the frequencies and densities of metap

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Automatic Determination of Liquid's Interface in Crude Oil Tank using Capacitive Sensing Techniques
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The petroleum sector has a significant influence on the development of multiphase detection sensor techniques; to separate the crude oil from water, the crude oil tank is used. In this paper, a measuring system using a simple and low cost two parallel plate capacitance sensor is designed and implemented based on a Micro controlled embedded system plus PC to automatically identify the (gas/oil) and (oil/water) dynamic multi-interface in the crude oil tank. The Permittivity differences of two-phase liquids are used to determine the interface of them by measuring the relative changes of the sensor’s capacitance when passes through the liquid’s interface. The experiment results to determine the liquid’s interface is sa

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Effect of Insurace Company Capital Adequacy in it’s Profitafility: An Empirical Study
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The Purpose of this research is analysis and discussion " The Effect of Insurace Company Capital Adequacy in it’s Profitafility: An Empirical Study compared the two insurance (national, Iraqi), for a period of one year (2005) and the year (2014), as it is framed theoretical side for two topics head adequacy money the insurance company, and the profitability of the insurance company, and I've been using the research methodology and analytical, in the analysis and measurement of the capital of the insurance company adequacy, and profitability of the company, as the capital adequacy ratio was measured by dividing the total capital available on the total capital rate risk, after measured and appreciated in two insurance research, while I u

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological Description and Histological Study of Thyroid Gland in Felis catus (Linnaeus,1758)
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The results of the current study showed that the thyroid gland in an adult domestic cat (Felis catus) is located in the neck area on both sides of the trachea at rings 1–5. The gland consists of two lobes (right and left), and it is surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue consisting of two outer and inner layers, and a layer of fatty tissue overlaps with the outer layer of the capsule. In addition, the results of this study found that the histological structure of the thyroid gland is composed of several follicles that appear in different sizes and shapes. The follicles are lined with simple cuboidal epithelial tissue and sometimes appear lined with high and low simple cuboidal epithelial tissue. The gland is histologically c

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Publication Date
Fri May 18 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Simulation: Systems, Science &amp; Technology
A Review of Advances in Pressurizer Response Research for Pressurized Water Reactor Systems
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