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Kinetics of Fixed Bed Sorption Processes
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Adsorption and ion exchange are examples of fixed-bed sorption processes that show transient behavior. This means that differential equations are needed to design them. As a result, numerical methods are commonly utilized to solve these equations. The solution frequently used in analytical methods is called the Thomas solution. Thomas gave a complete solution that adds a nonlinear equilibrium relationship that depends on second-order reaction kinetics. A computational approach was devised to solve the Thomas model. The Thomas model's validity was established by conducting three distinct sets of experiments. The first entails the adsorption of acetic acid from the air through the utilization of activated carbon. Following this, zeolite-5A adsorbs trichloroethylene (TCE) from the air. Finally, activated carbon is employed for the purpose of adsorbing o-cresol from aqueous solutions. A study was done to estimate phase equilibria and interphase mass transfer rates. To find the kinetic mass-transfer coefficient (K) for gases, the phase coefficients for mass transfer in the fluid phase ( ) and the pore phase ( ) were added together. The estimation of (K) for liquid was performed using the mass transfer coefficient  for the solid phase and togather. The results suggest that the adsorption of acetic acid from air on activated carbon gives a good agreement with the Thomas model. The other sets of data demonstrate a disparity due to the underlying assumptions inherent in the Thomas model.

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
In Silico Analysis of Regulatory Elements of the Vitamin D Receptor
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Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is a nuclear transcription factor that controls gene expression. Its impaired expression was found to be related to different diseases. VDR also acts as a regulator of different pathways including differentiation, inflammation, calcium and phosphate absorption, etc. but there is no sufficient knowledge about the regulation of the gene itself. Therefore, a better understanding of the genetic and epigenetic factors regulating the VDR may facilitate the improvement of strategies for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with dysregulation of VDR. In the present investigation, a set of databases and methods were used to identify putative functional elements in the VDR locus. Histone modifications, CpG I

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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Incidence of Hodgkin's lymphoma of head and neck in Baghdad city
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Background: Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL), formerly called Hodgkin's diseases is an uncommon form of lymphoma. The incidence of Hodgkin's lymphoma shows marked heterogeneity with respect to age, gender, race, geographic area, social class and histological subtype. This study was carried out in an attempt to evaluate the incidence of Hodgkin's lymphoma of head and neck in Baghdad city. Materials and Methods: The diagnosed cases of Hodgkin's lymphoma of head and neck region in Baghdad city between (1990-1999) were collected and analyzed according to age, gender, site and the histopathological subtypes of the tumor. Results: Out of (702) cases of Hodgkin's lymphoma of ten years between (1990-1999),(362 ) of them were occurred in the head and neck

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Environmental study of groundwater in southwest of Baghdad, Yusufiyah using GIS
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Ground water hydrochemical study in Yusufiyah depends upon (25) wells where major cations and anions were obtained as well as trace elements. The hydrochemical properties include the study of (pH, EC, TDS, and TH). The groundwater of the study area is odorless and colorless except the wells (13 and 16) with a salty taste due to the elevated (TDS) concentration in it, where the wells depth ranges between 7-20 meters. Depth of water in these wells was about 25-35 meters above sea level. Groundwater generally flows from east to west and from north east to south west. The resource of groundwater depends upon surface water. Physical specifications are measured in the water samples included temperature, color, taste, odor, pH, electrical condu

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preparation And Study Of Some Electrical Properties Of Mn-Ni Fe2O4
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 In this study, Mn-Ni Ferrite was prepared by using two composites of manganese ferrite ( MnFe2o4 )  and Nicle Ferrite ( NiFe2O4) tested by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) method. The dielectric constant (𝜀̅) and the dielectric loss tangent (𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝛿) were studied for the ferrite system prepared at different frequencies (100, 200… and 5000 kHz). It was found that the values of (𝜀̅) and (𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝛿) decrease with the  increase of frequencies.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Description of nature and the joys of life in Fatimid poetry
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This research deals with the aesthetics of describing nature and the joys of urban life in the environment of Fatimid Egypt, among a group of poets, who were deceived by its enchanting beauty and breathtaking scenery, through it they depicted the reality of the life they live, and the things that involved them, as well as showing their personal culture, and the joys of life that experience, articulating this with a descriptive and analytical study, focusing on how the poet portrayed the visual scene, in an important stage of Arabic literature in Egypt.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Traffic Performance of Ahmed Urabi Square in Baghdad City
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At present, smooth movement on the roads is a matter which is needed for each user. Many roads, especially in urban areas geometrically improved because of the number of vehicles increase from time to time.

In this research, Highway capacity software, HCS, 2000, will be adopted to determine the effectiveness of roundabout in terms of capacity of roundabout, delay and level of service of roundabout.

The results of the analysis indicated that the Ahmed Urabi roundabout operates under level of service F with an average control delay of 300 seconds per vehicle during the peak hours.

The through movements of Alkarrada- Aljadiriya direction (Major Direction) represent the heaviest traff

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sat Jul 28 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effectiveness of Meso-Scale Approach in Modeling of Plain Concrete Beam
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The main aim of this research paper is investigating the effectiveness and validity of Meso-Scale Approach (MSA) as a modern technique for the modeling of plain concrete beams. Simply supported plain concrete beam was subjected to two-point loading to detect the response in flexural. Experimentally, a concrete mix was designed and prepared to produce three similar standard concrete prisms for flexural testing. The coarse aggregate used in this mix was crushed aggregate. Numerical Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was conducted on the same concrete beam using the meso-scale modeling. The numerical model was constructed to be a bi-phasic material consisting of cement mortar and coarse aggregate. The interface between the two c

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Trends of journalists and consumers about the phenomenon of food fraud
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Food comes after air and water in terms of importance in the survival of human beings, In addition, it is the support and strength of health and support, if lost or destroyed man would die or get sick and become a heavy burden on himself and his society. Food, like other sources of life, is subject to various risks and corruption comes from countless sources. Among these dangers is the result of spontaneousness, lack of knowledge or compulsion due to the interaction of variables beyond the will of the producer and the consumer, such as pollution of water, air and environment and their reflection on food consumed by people. However, we can’t deny that some reasons of corruption are intentional and resulting from a planning in advance in

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbon for Adsorption of Fluoroquinolones Antibiotics
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           In this research, the preparation of a chemically activated carbon from date stones by using electric and microwave assisted K2CO3 activation was studied. The effect of radiation power, radiation time, and impregnation ratio on the yield and Iodine number on the activated carbons was investigated. The activated carbon characterizations were examined by its surface area, pore structure analysis, bulk density, moisture content, ash content, iodine number, FTIR, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The adsorption capacity was also studied by adsorption of fluoroquinolones antibiotics, CIP, NOR, and LEVO, by the prepared activated carbon.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Investigation of Factors Influencing Dispersion of Liquid Hydrocarbons in Porous Media
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An experimental work has been done to study the major factors that affect the axial dispersion of some hydrocarbons during liquid-liquid miscible displacement. Kerosene and gas oil are used as displacing phase while seven liquid hydrocarbons of high purity represent the displaced phase, three of the liquids are aromatics and the rest are of paraffinic base. In conducting the experiments, two packed beds of different porosity and permeability are used as porous media.

The results showed that the displacement process is not a piston flow, breakthrough of displacing fluids are shown before one pore volume has been injected. The processes are stable with no evidence of viscous fingering.

Dispersion model as a

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