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Valuation of Construction Projects Based on of Quantity Scale by using Expert System
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The subject of an valuation of quality of construction projects is one of the topics which it becomes necessary of the absence of the quantity standards in measuring the control works and the quality valuation standards in constructional projects. In the time being it depends on the experience of the workers which leads to an apparent differences in the valuation.

The idea of this research came to put the standards to evaluate the quality of the projects in a special system depending on quantity scale nor quality specifying in order to prepare an expert system “ Crystal “ to apply this special system to able the engineers to valuate the quality of their projects easily and in more accurate ways.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 18 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning (ijet)
The Effectiveness of Educational Pillars Based on Vygotsky's Theory in Achievement and Information Processing Among First Intermediate Class Students
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The aim of the research is to identify the effectiveness of the educational pillars strategy based on Vygotsky's theory in mathematical achievement and information processing of first-grade intermediate students. In pursuit of the research objectives, the experimental method was used, and the quasi-experimental design was used for two equivalent groups, one control group taught traditionally and the other experi-mental taught according to the educational pillars strategy. The research sample consisted of (66) female students from the first intermediate grade, who were inten-tionally chosen after ensuring their equivalence, taking into account several factors, most notably chronological age and their level of mathematics, and they we

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue May 28 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Heuristic D* Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Path Planning of Two-Link Robot Arm in Dynamic Environment
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 Finding a path solution in a dynamic environment represents a challenge for the robotics researchers, furthermore, it is the main issue for autonomous robots and manipulators since nowadays the world is looking forward to this challenge. The collision free path for robot in an environment with moving obstacles such as different objects, humans, animals or other robots is considered as an actual problem that needs to be solved.  In addition, the local minima and sharp edges are the most common problems in all path planning algorithms. The main objective of this work is to overcome these problems by demonstrating the robot path planning and obstacle avoidance using D star (D*) algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

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Crossref (7)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation of the lomax model based on upper record values under weighted LINEX loss function
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In this article, we developed a new loss function, as the simplification of linear exponential loss function (LINEX) by weighting LINEX function. We derive a scale parameter, reliability and the hazard functions in accordance with upper record values of the Lomax distribution (LD). To study a small sample behavior performance of the proposed loss function using a Monte Carlo simulation, we make a comparison among maximum likelihood estimator, Bayesian estimator by means of LINEX loss function and Bayesian estimator using square error loss (SE) function. The consequences have shown that a modified method is the finest for valuing a scale parameter, reliability and hazard functions.

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Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 13 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Robotics
Hierarchical Stabilization and Tracking Control of a Flexible-Joint Bipedal Robot Based on Anti-Windup and Adaptive Approximation Control
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Bipedal robotic mechanisms are unstable due to the unilateral contact passive joint between the sole and the ground. Hierarchical control layers are crucial for creating walking patterns, stabilizing locomotion, and ensuring correct angular trajectories for bipedal joints due to the system’s various degrees of freedom. This work provides a hierarchical control scheme for a bipedal robot that focuses on balance (stabilization) and low-level tracking control while considering flexible joints. The stabilization control method uses the Newton–Euler formulation to establish a mathematical relationship between the zero-moment point (ZMP) and the center of mass (COM), resulting in highly nonlinear and coupled dynamic equations. Adaptiv

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Educational Program Based on the (Guttmann) Model for Developing Awareness and Emotional Experience among University Students
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The aim of the research is to identify the level of awareness and emotional experience among university students and to identify the effect of the educational program based on (Guttmann) model for developing awareness and emotional experience among university students by verifying the validity of the following zero hypotheses: 1) There are no statistically significant differences in the development of awareness and emotional experience among university students at the level of (0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre and post-tests. 2) There are no statistically significant differences in the development of awareness and emotional experience among university students at the lev

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Determining and Predicting the Water Demand Dynamic System Model Mapping Urban Crawling and Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Determining and Predicting the Water Demand Dynamic System Model Mapping Urban Crawling and Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS
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The problem of rapid population growth is one of the main problems effecting countries of the world the reason for this the growth in different environment areas of life commercial, industrial, social, food and educational. Therefore, this study was conducted on the amount of potable water consumed using two models of the two satellite and aerial images of the Kadhimiya District-block 427 and Al-Shu,laa district-block 450 in Baghdad city for available years in the Secretariat of Baghdad (2005, 2011,2013,2015). Through the characteristics of geographic information systems, which revealed the spatial patterns of urban creep by determining the role and buildings to be created, which appear in the picture for the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Construct a New System as a Combining Function for the LFSR in the Stream Cipher Systems Using Multiplicative Cyclic Group
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In this paper, we construct a new mathematical system as Multiplicative Cyclic Group (MCG), called a New Digital Algebraic Generator (NDAG) Unit, which would generate digital sequences with good statistical properties. This new Unit can be considered as a new basic unit of stream ciphers.

A (NDAG) system can be constructed from collection of (NDAG) units using a Boolean function as a combining function of the system. This system could be used in cryptography as like as Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) unit. This unit is basic component of  a stream cipher system.

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectral Study of the Pollutants ( Gelbstoff) in Water Liquefaction of Some areas of Baghdad Province by Using the Technique of Raman, Flora
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  In this research we study one of the pollutants(Gelbstoff ) such as Humic  and Fulvic Acids  in tap waters by using the technique of  Raman, Flora to some regions of Baghdad , the results appear that the tap waters  were pollutants which know yellow substance or Gelbstoff instant of suspending waters, which appear through the scattering of the incident light to same the wave length of Raman ,also calculate Raman shift which was 3640 cm-1 and force constant to band (O – H ) was 743 N/m, where the peak of Raman was at the wave length 441 nm after used the excitation wave length 380 nm . The results were in an agreement with lectures [8][9][10].

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of the Ratios of Ligands to Metal Ion of some Metal Complexes of Triazoles by Using Eleetronie Speetra in Organie Solvents
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We found that 4,5- diphenyl- 3(2- propynyl) thio- 1??-triazole [1? forms a complex with Pd (11) ion of ratio 1:1 which absorbs light in CH2CI2 at 400 nm, and 4,5- diphenyl- 3(2- propenyl) thio- 1,2,4- triazole [II] forms complexes with Pd (II) ion of ratio 1:1 which absorbs light at 390 nm, and of ratio 2:1 which absorbs light at 435 nm. On the other hand, we found that the new derivative 4- phenyl- 5( p- amino phenyl) -3- mercapto- 1,2,4- triazole ?111? forms complexes with Cu (II) ion of the ratio 1:1 which absorbs light at 380 nm, with Ni (II) ion of the ratio 3:1 which absorbs light at 358 nm; and with Co (11) ion of the ratio 3.2:1 which absorbs light at 588 nm. The ratio of the complexes were determined by measuring the electronic spe

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