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Using Alternative Cogeneration Plants in Iraqi Petroleum Industry
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The present paper describes and analyses three proposed cogeneration plants include back pressure steam-turbine system, gas turbine system, diesel-engine system, and the present Dura refinery plant. Selected actual operating data are employed for analysis. The same amount of electrical and thermal product outputs is considered for all systems to facilitate comparisons. The theoretical analysis was done according to 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamic. The results demonstrate that exergy analysis is a useful tool in performance analysis of cogeneration systems and permits meaningful comparisons of different cogeneration systems based on their merits, also the result showed that the back pressure steam-turbine is more efficient than other proposals. Moreover, the results of the present work indicate that these alternative plants can produce more electric power than that required in the refinery. At present time, the industrial cogeneration plants are recommended in Iraq, especially in petroleum industry sectors, in order to contribute with ministry of electricity to solve the present crisis of electric power generation. Such excess in the power can sold to the main electric network. The economic analysis are proved the feasibility of the proposed cogeneration plants with payback period of four year and six months ,three year and eight months, and ten years for steam cogeneration plant, gas turbine cogeneration plant and diesel engine cogeneration plant respectively.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 05 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Review Article: Green Synthesis by using Different Plants to preparation Oxide Nanoparticles
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Green nanotechnology is a thrilling and rising place of technology and generation that braces the ideas of inexperienced chemistry with ability advantages for sustainability, protection, and the general protection from the race human. The inexperienced chemistry method introduces a proper technique for the production, processing, and alertness of much less dangerous chemical substances to lessen threats to human fitness and the environment. The technique calls for in- intensity expertise of the uncooked materials, particularly in phrases in their creation into nanomaterials and the resultant bioactivities that pose very few dangerous outcomes for people and the environment. In the twenty-first century, nanotechnology has become a systematic

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Scholars' Press
Determination of Pollutants in Water Treatment for Petroleum Refinery
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Dora petroleum refinery waste water is the one of the important source of pollution by priority pollutant aromatic compound discharged to Tigris river in Iraq. the station has waste water treatment unit contains many treatment subunits The most important sub units is :skimmer units ,physiochemical unit ,daf unit, biological unit. The aim of research project is to study the ability of unit to remove the priority pollutant aromatic compound and follow up these compounds in river to study ability of river to self removal. A solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by high performance liquid chromatography-ultra violet (HPLC-UV) technique is depicted for the quantitative estimation of benzidines and phenols. Experimental studies were performed to

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Treatment of Al-Muthanna Petroleum Refinery Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Using a Tubular batch Electrochemical Reactor
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Abstract<p>An electrocoagulation process has been used to eliminate the chemical oxygen demand (COD) from wastewaters discharged from the Al-Muthanna petroleum refinery plant. In this process, a circular aluminum bar was used as a sacrificial anode, and hallow cylinder made from stainless steel was used as a cathode in a tubular batch electrochemical Reactor. Impacts of the operating factors like current density (5-25mAcm<sup>-2</sup>), NaCl addition at concentrations (0-2g/l), and pH at values (3-11) on the COD removal efficiency were studied.</p><p>Results revealed that the increase in current density increases the COD removal efficiency, whereas an increase</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Removal of COD from Petroleum refinery Wastewater by Electro-Coagulation Process Using SS/Al electrodes
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Abstract<p>In the present study, the effectiveness of a procedure of electrocoagulation for removing chemical oxygen demand (COD) from the wastewater of petroleum refinery has been evaluated. Aluminum and stainless steel electrodes were used as a sacrificial anode and cathode respectively. The effect of current density (4-20mAcm<sup>−2</sup>), pH (3-11), and NaCl concentration (0-4g/l) on efficiency of removal of chemical oxygen demand was investigated. The results have shown that increasing of current density led to increase the efficiency of COD removal while increasing NaCl concentration resulted in decreasing of COD removal efficiency. Effect of pH was found to be lowering COD re</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using Tools Lean Accounting to Reduce the Costing: An Applied Research in General Company for Electric Industry
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The developments accelerated in technology and rapid changes in the environment and increase numbers industrial countries and different desires and requirements of customers, lead to be produced in large quantities is not feasible due to changes listed above as well as the need to product variety and change in tastes and desires of consumers, all above led not to enable companies to discharge their products in the case of mass production and created the need to devise ways and new methods fit with the current situation, and accounting point no longer the traditional accounting systems able to meet the requirements needed by the companies to make decisions and know where waste and loss of resources resulting to invent new style away from

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Procurement Management of Power Plants Construction Projects in Iraq
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The government of Iraq states that despite the massive amounts invested in the power generating sector, the country has been plagued by power outages for more than three decades; One of the most common sources of the problem and significant impact on the waste of public funds in contractual processes. The Ministry of Planning issued the sectorial
specialized standard bidding documents (SSBD) of Design, Supply, and Installation of the Electromechanical Works (DSIoEW), which is primarily designed to support the Ministry of Electricity (MoE) by developing economic projects to improve the contractual process that led to raisings Iraqi electricity generation field. The research evaluates the impact of
applying the SSBD-DSIoEW for

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Can the automated pump be an alternative to tourniquet in knee arthroscopy ?
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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Arthroscopic knee surgeries are performed in very large numbers worldwide, and in spite of relatively low complication rate, but the total number is significant. Some of these complications are due to tourniquet use and can be serious. OBJECTIVE: Is to asses if automated pump (with or without) dilute epinephrine saline irrigation can replace the tourniquet use in soft tissue arthroscopic knee surgeries. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 36 patients (9 females 25 % and 27 males 75 %) were included in this prospective experimental nonrandomized study, and were necessitated soft tissue arthroscopic knee surgeries. Patients were divided into two groups, in group A (patients) tourniquet and automated pump were used. In group B (18 pati

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Deification of kings and the phenomenon of alternative king in ancient Iraq
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Faith is a feature of the Mesopotamian population, since the ancient Mesopotamian was a believer and obedient to his God in any case, and this encouraged the emergence of some of the phenomena interpreted by historians as an integral part of the civilization and ancient history of this country, and these phenomena are the phenomena of the deification of kings for themselves, The first phenomenon was a personal endeavor for the uniqueness of power, sometimes to correct some mistakes in societies to balance the state, and civil rule is independent of religious rule, and the second was the result of divination and predictions of omen, in the case of any bad harbinger of the king, such as the occurrence of eclipse To the sun or a lunar eclip

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Radium and Uranium Concentration in Some Plants in Iraq
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In this study, the concentration of radium and uranium in the samples radish leaves, radish stalk, onion leaves, onion stalk and garlic fruits were grown in arable soil in the Botanical Garden in the College of Science for women, and garlic in special plates, the soil was taken from the above at the beginning of November 2016 was studied by using CR-39 nuclear track detectors. The radium and uranium concentration varied from 0.023 to 0.052 and from 23.13 to 52.68 Bq/kg with an average value of 0.037 and 37.58 Bq/kg respectively. The maximum value of radon concentration was 0.052 Bq/kg in fruits of garlic sample, while the minimum value was 0.023 Bq/kg in radish leaves. The values of the radium and uranium concentrations obtained from this s

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Second Engineering Scientific Conference
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This paper describes the transport of Alkaloids through Rotating Discs Contactor (RDC) using n-decane as a liquid membrane. The transport of Pelletierine Alkaloid from a source phase through bulk liquid membrane to the receiving phase has been investigated. The general behaviour of Pertraction process indicates that% Extraction of pelletierine Alkaloid increased with increase in the number of stages and the agitation speed but high agitation speed was not favoured due to the increased risk of droplet formation during the operation. The pH of source and receiving phases were also investigated. The effect of organic solvent membrane on the extraction of Pelletierine was evaluated using ndecane, n-hexane and methyl cyclohexane. The results sho

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