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Applying Cognitive Methodology in Designing On-Line Auto-Tuning Robust PID Controller for the Real Heating System
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A novel design and implementation of a cognitive methodology for the on-line auto-tuning robust PID controller in a real heating system is presented in this paper. The aim of the proposed work is to construct a cognitive control methodology that gives optimal control signal to the heating system, which achieve the following objectives: fast and precise search efficiency in finding the on- line optimal PID controller parameters in order to find the optimal output temperature response for the heating system. The cognitive methodology (CM) consists of three engines: breeding engine based Routh-Hurwitz criterion stability, search engine based particle
swarm optimization (PSO) and aggregation knowledge engine based cultural algorithm (CA). Matlab simulation package is used to carry out the proposed methodology that finds and tunes the optimal values of the robust PID parameters on-line. In real-time, the LabVIEW package is guided to design the on-line robust PID controller for the heating system. Numerical simulations and experimental results are compared with each other and showed the effectiveness of the proposed control methodology in terms of fast and smooth dynamic response for the heating system, especially when the control methodology considers the external disturbance attenuation problem.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم الاحصائية
Robust Estimator for Semiparametric Generalized Additive Model
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Generalized Additive Model has been considered as a multivariate smoother that appeared recently in Nonparametric Regression Analysis. Thus, this research is devoted to study the mixed situation, i.e. for the phenomena that changes its behaviour from linear (with known functional form) represented in parametric part, to nonlinear (with unknown functional form: here, smoothing spline) represented in nonparametric part of the model. Furthermore, we propose robust semiparametric GAM estimator, which compared with two other existed techniques.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 10 2018
Journal Name
Aro-the Scientific Journal Of Koya University
Membrane Computing for Real Medical Image Segmentation
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In this paper, membrane-based computing image segmentation, both region-based and edge-based, is proposed for medical images that involve two types of neighborhood relations between pixels. These neighborhood relations—namely, 4-adjacency and 8-adjacency of a membrane computing approach—construct a family of tissue-like P systems for segmenting actual 2D medical images in a constant number of steps; the two types of adjacency were compared using different hardware platforms. The process involves the generation of membrane-based segmentation rules for 2D medical images. The rules are written in the P-Lingua format and appended to the input image for visualization. The findings show that the neighborhood relations between pixels o

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Comparative Study of Various Intelligent Optimization Algorithms Based on Path Planning and Neural Controller for Mobile Robot
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In this paper, a cognitive system based on a nonlinear neural controller and intelligent algorithm that will guide an autonomous mobile robot during continuous path-tracking and navigate over solid obstacles with avoidance was proposed. The goal of the proposed structure is to plan and track the reference path equation for the autonomous mobile robot in the mining environment to avoid the obstacles and reach to the target position by using intelligent optimization algorithms. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithms are used to finding the solutions of the mobile robot navigation problems in the mine by searching the optimal paths and finding the reference path equation of the optimal

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Cognition Path Planning with a Nonlinear Controller Design for Wheeled Mobile Robot Based on an Intelligent Algorithm
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This paper presents a cognition path planning with control algorithm design for a nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The aim of this work is to propose the circular roadmap (CRM) method to plan and generate optimal path with free navigation as well as to propose a nonlinear MIMO-PID-MENN controller in order to track the wheeled mobile robot on the reference path. The PSO is used to find an online tune the control parameters of the proposed controller to get the best torques actions for the wheeled mobile robot. The numerical simulation results based on the Matlab package show that the proposed structure has a precise and highly accurate distance of the generated refere

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm with System Reduction and Restoration for Rapid and Reliable Power Flow Solution of Power Systems
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The paper presents a highly accurate power flow solution, reducing the possibility of ending at local minima, by using Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) with system reduction and restoration. The proposed method (RCGA) is modified to reduce the total computing time by reducing the system in size to that of the generator buses, which, for any realistic system, will be smaller in number, and the load buses are eliminated. Then solving the power flow problem for the generator buses only by real-coded GA to calculate the voltage phase angles, whereas the voltage magnitudes are specified resulted in reduced computation time for the solution. Then the system is restored by calculating the voltages of the load buses in terms

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
PC-Based Controller for Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
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PC-based controller is an approach to control systems with Real-Time parameters by controlling selected manipulating variable to accomplish the objectives. Shell and tube heat exchanger have been identified as process models that are inherently nonlinear and hard to control due to unavailability of the exact models’ descriptions. PC and analogue input output card will be used as the controller that controls the heat exchanger hot stream to the desired temperature.
The control methodology by using four speed pump as manipulating variable to control the temperature of the hot stream to cool to the desired temperature.
In this work, the dynamics of cross flow shell and tube heat exchanger is modeled from step changes in cold water f

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Diagnosing the reality of applying the operating requirement according to the international specification for the business continuity management system (ISO 22301:2019) : applied research in the General Tax Authority
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                 The research aims to diagnose the reality of applying the eighth requirement (operation) of the business continuity management system according to the international standard (ISO 22301: 2019), in the General Tax Authority, which is related to planning, implementing and controlling specific processes and procedures to address risks and opportunities, and the research adopted the checklist of the standard ( ISO 22301: 2019), in obtaining information, to measure the extent of application and documentation, the percentages and the weighted arithmetic mean were relied upon, and the research reached a set of result

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Computer Systems Science & Engineering
Parameters' fine tuning of differential evolution algorithm
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Most heuristic search method's performances are dependent on parameter choices. These parameter settings govern how new candidate solutions are generated and then applied by the algorithm. They essentially play a key role in determining the quality of the solution obtained and the efficiency of the search. Their fine-tuning techniques are still an on-going research area. Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is a very powerful optimization method and has become popular in many fields. Based on the prolonged research work on DE, it is now arguably one of the most outstanding stochastic optimization algorithms for real-parameter optimization. One reason for its popularity is its widely appreciated property of having only a small number of par

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Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 14 2021
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Real wastewater Treatment by Electrocoagulation- Electro-oxidation Combined System: Optimization using Taguchi Approach
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In this study, the optimum conditions for COD removal from petroleum refinery wastewater by using a combined electrocoagulation- electro-oxidation system were attained by Taguchi method. An orthogonal array experimental design (L18) which is of four controllable parameters including NaCl concentration, C.D. (current density), PH, and time (time of electrolysis) was employed. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal percentage was considered as the quality characteristics to be enhanced. Also, the value of turbidity and TDS (total dissolved solid) were estimated. The optimum levels of the studied parameters were determined precisely by implementing S/N analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The optimum conditions were found to be NaCl = 2.5

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Scopus (6)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Cognitive Balance of Students in the Kindergarten department
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Balance is a psychological need and a requirement of importance as the individual seeks to maintain it.  The research problem is summarized in the question: do students in the kindergarten department have a cognitive balance? The research aims to identify the cognitive balance of students in the kindergarten department and to identify if there are differences among students of the four stages according to the cognitive balance. The research community was limited to the students in the kindergarten department at the University of Baghdad / College of Education for Women and Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education and Iraqi University / College of Education for Women for the academic y

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