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Satellite Images Classification in Rural Areas Based on Fractal Dimension
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Fractal geometry is receiving increase attention as a quantitative and qualitative model for natural phenomena description, which can establish an active classification technique when applied on satellite images. In this paper, a satellite image is used which was taken by Quick Bird that contains different visible classes. After pre-processing, this image passes through two stages: segmentation and classification. The segmentation carried out by hybrid two methods used to produce effective results; the two methods are Quadtree method that operated inside Horizontal-Vertical method. The hybrid method is segmented the image into two rectangular blocks, either horizontally or vertically depending on spectral uniformity criterion; otherwise the block is segmented by the quadtree. Then, supervised classification is carried out by means the Fractal Dimension. For each block in the image, the Fractal Dimension was determined and used to classify the target part of image. The supervised classification process delivered five deferent classes were clearly appeared in the target part of image. The supervised classification produced about 97% classification score, which ensures that the adopted fractal feature was able to recognize different classes found in the image with high accuracy level.


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Publication Date
Tue Jan 04 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Text Compression & Encryption Method Based on RNA and MTF
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The sending of information at the present time requires the speed and providing protection for it. So compression of the data is used in order to provide speed and encryption is used in order to provide protection. In this paper a proposed method is presented in order to provide compression and security for the secret information before sending it. The proposed method based on especial keys with MTF transform method to provide compression and based on RNA coding with MTF encoding method to provide security. The proposed method based on multi secret keys. Every key is designed in an especial way. The main reason in designing these keys in special way is to protect these keys from the predication of the unauthorized users.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Developing a lightweight cryptographic algorithm based on DNA computing
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This work aims to develop a secure lightweight cipher algorithm for constrained devices. A secure communication among constrained devices is a critical issue during the data transmission from the client to the server devices. Lightweight cipher algorithms are defined as a secure solution for constrained devices that require low computational functions and small memory. In contrast, most lightweight algorithms suffer from the trade-off between complexity and speed in order to produce robust cipher algorithm. The PRESENT cipher has been successfully experimented on as a lightweight cryptography algorithm, which transcends other ciphers in terms of its computational processing that required low complexity operations. The mathematical model of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 10 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Iris Outer Boundary Localization Based on Leading Edge Technique
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In recent years, the iris biometric occupies a wide interesting when talking about
biometric based systems, because it is one of the most accurate biometrics to prove
users identities, thus it is providing high security for concerned systems. This
research article is showing up an efficient method to detect the outer boundary of
the iris, using a new form of leading edge detection technique. This technique is
very useful to isolate two regions that have convergent intensity levels in gray scale
images, which represents the main issue of iris isolation, because it is difficult to
find the border that can separate between the lighter gray background (sclera) and
light gray foreground (iris texture). The proposed met

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Approximation of Modified Baskakov Operators Based on Parameter s
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In this article, we define and study a family of modified Baskakov type operators based on a parameter . This family is a generalization of the classical Baskakov sequence. First, we prove that it converges to the function being approximated. Then, we find a Voronovsky-type formula and obtain that the order of approximation of this family is . This order is better than the order of the classical Baskakov sequence  whenever . Finally, we apply our sequence to approximate two test functions and analyze the numerical results obtained.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Quantum Image Watermarking Based on Wavelet and Geometric Transformation
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Like the digital watermark, which has been highlighted in previous studies, the quantum watermark aims to protect the copyright of any image and to validate its ownership using visible or invisible logos embedded in the cover image. In this paper, we propose a method to include an image logo in a cover image based on quantum fields, where a certain amount of texture is encapsulated to encode the logo image before it is included in the cover image. The method also involves transforming wavelets such as Haar base transformation and geometric transformation. These combination methods achieve a high degree of security and robustness for watermarking technology. The digital results obtained from the experiment show that the values of Peak Sig

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Image Watermarking based on Huffman Coding and Laplace Sharpening
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In this paper, an algorithm through which we can embed more data than the
regular methods under spatial domain is introduced. We compressed the secret data
using Huffman coding and then this compressed data is embedded using laplacian
sharpening method.
We used Laplace filters to determine the effective hiding places, then based on
threshold value we found the places with the highest values acquired from these filters
for embedding the watermark. In this work our aim is increasing the capacity of
information which is to be embedded by using Huffman code and at the same time
increasing the security of the algorithm by hiding data in the places that have highest
values of edges and less noticeable.
The perform

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 16 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Text Steganography Method Based On Modified Run Length Encoding
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Data hiding (Steganography) is a method used for data security purpose and to protect the data during its transmission. Steganography is used to hide the communication between two parties by embedding a secret message inside another cover (audio, text, image or video). In this paper a new text Steganography method is proposed that based on a parser and the ASCII of non-printed characters to hide the secret information in the English cover text after coding the secret message and compression it using modified Run Length Encoding method (RLE). The proposed method achieved a high capacity ratio for Steganography (five times more than the cover text length) when compared with other methods, and provides a 1.0 transparency by depending on som

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
A Cryptosystem for Database Security Based on RC4 Algorithm
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Because of vulnerable threats and attacks against database during transmission from sender to receiver, which is one of the most global security concerns of network users, a lightweight cryptosystem using Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) algorithm is proposed. This cryptosystem maintains data privacy by performing encryption of data in cipher form and transfers it over the network and again performing decryption to original data. Hens, ciphers represent encapsulating system for database tables

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 04 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Plain, Edge, and Texture Detection Based on Orthogonal Moment
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Image pattern classification is considered a significant step for image and video processing.Although various image pattern algorithms have been proposed so far that achieved adequate classification,achieving higher accuracy while reducing the computation time remains challenging to date. A robust imagepattern classification method is essential to obtain the desired accuracy. This method can be accuratelyclassify image blocks into plain, edge, and texture (PET) using an efficient feature extraction mechanism.Moreover, to date, most of the existing studies are focused on evaluating their methods based on specificorthogonal moments, which limits the understanding of their potential application to various DiscreteOrthogonal Moments (DOMs). The

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Review on Vision Based Real Time Fingertip Detection Approaches
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    Computer vision is an emerging area with a huge number of applications. Identification of the fingertip is one of the major parts of those areas. Augmented reality and virtual reality are the most recent technological advancements that use fingertip identification. The interaction between computers and humans can be performed easily by this technique. Virtual reality, robotics, smart gaming are the main application domains of these fingertip detection techniques. Gesture recognition is one of the most fascinating fields of fingertip detection. Gestures are the easiest and productive methods of communication with regard to collaboration with the computer. This analysis examines the different studies done in the field of

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