The research investigates the political effect and its directions on the architectural thoughts and its achievements and how can this political system affect all fields of life in communities including architectural urban design. The problem of the research lies in the ambiguity effects of the ideological national directions of the Nazi Party on the architecture and urban design of the city of Berlin, then determining the aims of the research to discuss the concepts of politics and architecture and their relation to the way of thinking that plays a role in the process of design that works on property and achieving the suitable urban environments for those communities. After that, the Nazi's party's thought would be studied and analyzed, its concepts, public beliefs and its relation with renewing the city of Berlin as an example, to finish with introducing the conclusions.
There are many researches deals with constructing an efficient solutions for real problem having Multi - objective confronted with each others. In this paper we construct a decision for Multi – objectives based on building a mathematical model formulating a unique objective function by combining the confronted objectives functions. Also we are presented some theories concerning this problem. Areal application problem has been presented to show the efficiency of the performance of our model and the method. Finally we obtained some results by randomly generating some problems.