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The Influence of Politics on Architectural Thought A Descriptive and Analytical Study of the Effect of Political Ideology on the Achieved Architecture (Berlin City as an Example)
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The research investigates the political effect and its directions on the architectural thoughts and its achievements and how can this political system affect all fields of life in communities including architectural urban design. The problem of the research lies in the ambiguity effects of the ideological national directions of the Nazi Party on the architecture and urban design of the city of Berlin, then determining the aims of the research to discuss the concepts of politics and architecture and their relation to the way of thinking that plays a role in the process of design that works on property and achieving the suitable urban environments for those communities. After that, the Nazi's party's thought would be studied and analyzed, its concepts, public beliefs and its relation with renewing the city of Berlin as an example, to finish with introducing the conclusions. 

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposed Entropy Loss function and application to find Bayesian estimator for Exponential distribution parameter
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The aim of this paper to find Bayes estimator under new loss function assemble between symmetric and asymmetric loss functions, namely, proposed entropy loss function, where this function that merge between entropy loss function and the squared Log error Loss function, which is quite asymmetric in nature. then comparison a the Bayes estimators of exponential distribution under the proposed function, whoever, loss functions ingredient for the proposed function the using a standard mean square error (MSE) and Bias quantity (Mbias), where the generation of the random data using the simulation for estimate exponential distribution parameters different sample sizes (n=10,50,100) and (N=1000), taking initial

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 03 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Medical Sciences
Ligasure versus clamp and tie technique to achieve henostasis in thyroidectomy for benign diseases
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 04 2019
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Differential Expression for Genes in Response to Drought and Salinity in Ruta graveolens Plantlets
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Abiotic stress-induced genes may lead to understand the response of plants and adaptability to salinity and drought stresses. Differential display reverse transcriptase – polymerase chain reaction (DDRT-PCR) was used to investigate the differences in gene expression between drought- and salinity-stressed plantlets of Ruta graveolens. Direct and stepwise exposures to drought- or salt-responsive genes were screened in R. graveolens plantlets using the DDRT technique. Gene expression was investigated both in the control and in the salt or drought-stressed plantlets and differential banding patterns with different molecular sizes were observed using the primers OPA-01 (646,770 and 983 pb), OPA-08 (593 and 988 pb), OPA-11 (674 and 831 pb

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
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Baylisascaris procyonis roundworm infection patterns in raccoons (Procyon lotor) from Missouri and Arkansas, USA
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Summary<p> Baylisascaris procyonis is a helminth parasite of raccoons Procyon lotor and represents a health concern in paratenic hosts, including humans and diverse domestic and wildlife species. In North America the helminth is expanding its geographic range. To better understand patterns of infection in the Ozark region of the USA, raccoons (n = 61) were collected in 2013-2014 from five counties in Missouri and Arkansas, USA and necropsied. We documented B. procyonis in all surveyed locations. The overall prevalence of B. procyonis was 44.3 % (95 % CI = 31.9 - 57.4) and was significantly higher in females than males. There were also significant differences in prevalence among raccoons sampled </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 03 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Correlation between oxidative stress and clopidogrel drug in Iraqi patients with coronary artery disease
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Background: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is one of the largest causes of mortality worldwide. Clopidogrel, antiplatelet drug, has been widely used for management of CAD. The current study aimed to investigate the effect of clopidogrel on the oxidative stress in CAD patients. Methods: One hundred CAD patients, who were followed-up for 5 days after receiving clopidogrel, and 50 healthy volunteers were included in this study. Parameters include catalase (CAT), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total oxidant capacity (TOC), total protein, albumin, and globulins were determined before and after treatment with clopidogrel. Results: CAT, TAC, and Tp were significantly decreased (P<0.0001) in CAD patients compared to healthy control and

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Bild Law Journal
Law and its influential role for strategic leadership in managing security crises in Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Modified Radial Based Neural Network for Clustering and Routing Optimal Path in Wireless Network
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Several methods have been developed for routing problem in MANETs wireless network, because it considered very important problem in this network ,we suggested proposed method based on modified radial basis function networks RBFN and Kmean++ algorithm. The modification in RBFN for routing operation in order to find the optimal path between source and destination in MANETs clusters. Modified Radial Based Neural Network is very simple, adaptable and efficient method to increase the life time of nodes, packet delivery ratio and the throughput of the network will increase and connection become more useful because the optimal path has the best parameters from other paths including the best bitrate and best life link with minimum delays. The re

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental Health and Its Role in Enhancing Self-Confidence Positive Behavior among University Students
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The current research aims to identify mental health and its role in promoting self-confidence and positive behavior of female university students. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach in this research. The researcher depended on the availability of sources and references, literature, and previous field studies to analyze and study all aspects related to mental health and its role in promoting self-confidence and positive behavior of university students and then expand its importance and identify the areas of mental health, self-confidence, positive behavior, and university. The second chapter included the concept of mental health, the importance of the study, the most important factors of health and psyc

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Jour Of Adv Research In Dynamical & Control Systems
Strategic Cost Management Tools Under Technological Development and Change in Customer Tastes Critical Studies
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Strategic Cost Management Tools Under Technological Development and Change in Customer Tastes Critical Studies

Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Al-Khriet Agricultural Waste Adsorbent, for Removal Lead and Cadmium Ion from Aqueous Solutions
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The availability of low- cost adsorbent namely Al-Khriet ( a substance found in the legs of Typha  Domingensis) as an agricultural waste material, for the removal of lead and cadmium from aqueous solution was investigated. In the batch tests experimental parameters were studied, including adsorbent dosage between (0.2-1) g, initial metal ions concentration between (50-200) ppm (single and binary) and contact time (1/2-6) h. The removal percentage of each ion onto Al-Khriet reached equilibrium in about 4 hours. The highest adsorption capacity was for lead (96%) while for cadmium it was (90%) with 50 ppm ions concentration, 1 g dosage of adsorbent and pH 5.5. Adsorption capacity in the binary mixture were reduce at about 8% for lead a

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