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Laminar Free Convection In Horizontal Annulus Filled With Glass Beads And With Annular Fins On The Inner Cylinder

An experimental and numerical study has been carried out to investigate the heat transfer by natural convection and radiation in a two dimensional annulus enclosure filled with porous media (glass beads) between two horizontal concentric cylinders. The outer cylinders are of (100, 82 and70mm) outside diameters and the inner cylinder of 27 mm outside diameter with (or without) annular fins attached to it. Under steady state condition; the inner cylinder surface is maintained at a high temperature by applying a uniform heat flux and the outer cylinder surface at a low temperature inside a freezer. The experiments were carried out for an annulus filled with
glass beads at a range of modified Rayleigh number (4.9 ≤ Ra≤ 69), radiation parameter (0<Rd<10), with fin length of (Hf=3, 7 and 11mm), with radius ratios of (Rr=(r1/r2) =0.1405,0.2045, 0.293 and 0.3649 ), number of fins (n=0, 12, 23 and 45). Finite difference method with Boussinesq's approximation is used to solve the continuity, energy and momentum equations.
The numerical solution is capable of calculating the streamline, the temperature field, the velocity field, the local and average Nusselt number. A computer program in Mat lab has been built to carry out the numerical solution. The numerical study was done for a range of modified Rayleigh number (4.9 ≤ Ra ≤ 300). Results show that the average Nusselt number is nearly constant for Ra less than 100 and increased with an increase in modified Rayleigh number.
Nusselt number hardly affected by glass beads size and insignificant affected by Rd for Ra less than 100. Decreasing Rr cause clearly increase in average Nusselt number and increasing fin length or fin number decrease heat transfer.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of Metformin and Antioxidant Agents on Hirsutism in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Forty six Iraqi women with PCOS were involved in this study . They were treated with metformin alone and with antioxidant agents (vitamin E or C).It was found that all patients who treated with metformin or with combination of metformin with antioxidant agents showed significant decrease in hirsutism score. The treatment of metformin with antioxidant agents is of great benefit in treatment of hirsutism in PCOS due to that there was no worsening effect after treatment. This may indicate that antioxidant agents may participate in alleviation of hirsutism so it can be said that oxidative stress may play an important role in developing of hirsutism in PCOS.   

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Pathological And Immunological Study On Infection With Escherichia Coli In ale BALB/c mice

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering And Processing - Process Intensification
Studies of mass transfer at a spiral-wound woven wire mesh rotating cylinder electrode

Mass transfer has been studied at rotating cylinder electrodes fabricated with spiral-wound woven-wire meshes using reduction of copper as a test reaction. The experimental data were correlated by an empirical expression between the Sherwood number and the Reynolds number, both regarding the hydraulic diameter as a characteristic length. It was found that the Sherwood number was dependent upon the Reynolds number to the power of 0.521. An enhancement factor was adopted to compare the efficiency of the new rotating cylinder electrode with previous three-dimensional rotating cylinder electrodes. The results showed that the new type has a mass-transfer enhancement factor 2.3 times higher than those obtained with smooth rotating cylinder electr

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 28 2023
Journal Name
Engineering Applications Of Computational Fluid Mechanics
Comprehensive analysis of melting enhancement by circular Y-shaped fins in a vertical shell-and-tube heat storage system

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
International Communications In Heat And Mass Transfer
Determination of a time-dependent thermal diffusivity and free boundary in heat conduction

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research
Horizontal Fragmentation for Most Frequency Frequent Pattern Growth Algorithm

Abstract: Data mining is become very important at the present time, especially with the increase in the area of information it's became huge, so it was necessary to use data mining to contain them and using them, one of the data mining techniques are association rules here using the Pattern Growth method kind enhancer for the apriori. The pattern growth method depends on fp-tree structure, this paper presents modify of fp-tree algorithm called HFMFFP-Growth by divided dataset and for each part take most frequent item in fp-tree so final nodes for conditional tree less than the original fp-tree. And less memory space and time.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 17 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Electrical And Electronic Engineering
Optimal Hybrid Fuzzy PID for Pitch Angle Controller in Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines

Wind turbine (WT) is now a major renewable energy resource used in the modern world. One of the most significant technologies that use the wind speed (WS) to generate electric power is the horizontal-axis wind turbine. In order to enhance the output power over the rated WS, the blade pitch angle (BPA) is controlled and adjusted in WT. This paper proposes and compares three different controllers of BPA for a 500-kw WT. A PID controller (PIDC), a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) based on Mamdani and Sugeno fuzzy inference systems (FIS), and a hybrid fuzzy-PID controller (HFPIDC) have been applied and compared. Furthermore, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle swarm optimization (PSO) have been applied and compared in order to identify the optimal

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
A Proposed Framework to Developing the Auditor's Reporting in Iraq in Accordance With the International Standards on Auditing

The international reporting auditor witness rapidly developed over the past years, where profession began give attention to the development of auditor reporting and improve its informational report through the issuance and amendment of some relevant international auditing standards. The reality of the situation refers to the failure to inform the auditor in Iraq in  many areas, including: Clearly defined management responsibility for the preparation of financial and auditor's responsibility to express an opinion on these statements and Amendment of opinion when the financial statements as a whole is free from material misstatement based on the evidence is sufficient and appropriate audit, or not to build the auditor's ability to obt

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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Horizontal pushout tests and parametric analyses of a locking-bolt demountable shear connector

A ‘locking-bolt’ demountable shear connector (LBDSC) is proposed to facilitate the deconstruction and reuse of steel-concrete composite structures, in line with achieving a more sustainable construction design paradigm. The LBDSC is comprised of a grout-filled steel tube and a geometrically compatible partially threaded bolt. The latter has a geometry that ‘locks’ the bolt in compatible holes predrilled on the steel flange and eliminates initial slip and construction tolerance issues. The structural behaviour of the LBDSC is evaluated through nine pushout tests using a horizontal test setup. The effects of the tube thickness, strength of concrete slab, and strength of infilled grout on the shear resistance, initial stiffness, and du

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
University Of Thi-qar Journal Of Agricultural Research
A review: Machine relationship with the tractor and its effect on the productivity and compaction of agricultural soil

The influence of process speed (PS) and tillage depth (TD) , on growth of corn (Zea mays L) yield, for Maha cultivar, were tested at two ranges of PS of 2.483 and 4.011, and three ranges of TD of 15,20 and 25cm. The experiments were conducted in a factorial experiment under complete randomized design with three replications. The results showed that the PS of 2.483 was significantly better than the PS of in all studied conditions. The , slippage ratio (SR) and the machine efficiency (ME), the physical soil characteristics represented by the soil density and porosity (SBD and TSP), and the plant characteristics represented the roots dry weight, PVI and the crop productivity (CP), except adjective of the fu

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