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Cooling and Heating a Greenhouse in Baghdad by a Solar Assisted Desiccant System
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Modeling the microclimate of a greenhouse located in Baghdad under its weather conditions to calculate the heating and cooling loads by computer simulation. Solar collectors with a V-corrugated absorber plate and an auxiliary heat source were used as a heating system. A rotary silica gel desiccant dehumidifier, a sensible heat exchanger, and an evaporative cooler were added to the collectors to form an open-cycle solar assisted desiccant cooling system. A dynamic model was adopted to predict the inside air and the soil surface temperatures of the greenhouse. These temperatures are used to predict the greenhouse heating and cooling loads through an energy balance method which takes into account the soil heat gain. This is not included in conventional methods. The results showed satisfactory agreement with published papers. Also, the results of heating and cooling loads obtained revealed good agreement with those obtained from conventional methods when the soil heat gain is included. Two identical collectors in series of total area of 5.4m2 were employed as a heating system which provides an outlet air temperature of 30 o C at air mass flux of 0.06 kg/s.m2 at midday in January. While, a 65 oC outlet air temperature was achieved for the same mass flux at midday in August. The desiccant cooling system
was operated in five operating modes; the ventilation mode and four recirculation modes with 20%, 50%, 70%,and 90% recirculation. The simulation results showed that a regeneration temperature of 60-70 o C is satisfactory for a cool supply air temperature of about 19.5 o C. Also, it was noted that 20-30 % recirculation of return air would result in suitable indoor greenhouse conditions for most periods of system operation. In addition, the coefficient of performance COP of the system was high compared with the conventional vapor compression systems.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Impact of Materials’ Technology on Sustainability of Buildings
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The evolution in materials’ technology in the last decades resulted in interesting projects that aimed at preserving the environment and energy and reduce pollution. They have been taken the principles of environmental design as a basis for architectural thought, starting from the early stages of the design process ending in choosing appropriate building materials to achieve sustainable buildings, but these trying are limited in our local environment and there isn’t demanded seriousness. The research problem emerges in the ignorance of the environmental aspect (ecological system) when selecting building materials during design process to achieve sustainable buildings. The aim of this research is revealing the mechanisms of selecting

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Feb 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences (ijas)
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This study was aimed to determine a phytotoxicity experiment with kerosene as a model of a total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPHs) as Kerosene pollutant at different concentrations (1% and 6%) with aeration rate (0 and 1 L/min) and retention time (7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days), was carried out in a subsurface flow system (SSF) on the Barley wetland. It was noted that greatest elimination 95.7% recorded at 1% kerosene levels and aeration rate 1L / min after a period of 42 days of exposure; whereas it was 47% in the control test without plants. Furthermore, the percent of elimination efficiencies of hydrocarbons from the soil was ranged between 34.155%-95.7% for all TPHs (Kerosene) concentrations at aeration rate (0 and 1 L/min). The Barley c

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 19 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Secure Image Steganography Through Multilevel Security
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The concealment of data has emerged as an area of deep and wide interest in research that endeavours to conceal data in a covert and stealth manner, to avoid detection through the embedment of the secret data into cover images that appear inconspicuous. These cover images may be in the format of images or videos used for concealment of the messages, yet still retaining the quality visually. Over the past ten years, there have been numerous researches on varying steganographic methods related to images, that emphasised on payload and the quality of the image. Nevertheless, a compromise exists between the two indicators and to mediate a more favourable reconciliation for this duo is a daunting and problematic task. Additionally, the current

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Delivery Route Management based on Dijkstra Algorithm
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For businesses that provide delivery services, the efficiency of the delivery process in terms of punctuality is very important. In addition to increasing customer trust, efficient route management, and selection are required to reduce vehicle fuel costs and expedite delivery. Some small and medium businesses still use conventional methods to manage delivery routes. Decisions to manage delivery schedules and routes do not use any specific methods to expedite the delivery settlement process. This process is inefficient, takes a long time, increases costs and is prone to errors. Therefore, the Dijkstra algorithm has been used to improve the delivery management process. A delivery management system was developed to help managers and drivers

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of π-conjugated molecules on electronics properties of benzene-diamine derivatives
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The present work shows a theoretical results that have been used the functional Hybrid of three parameters Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP) of the quantum mechanical approach for density functional theory with (Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms) SIESTA code. All calculations were carried out employing the used method at the Gaussian 09 package of programs. It was reported the main point for research on dominance of the bandgap of elongated pi-conjugated molecules by using different chemical groups replacing hydrogen atom in the most molecules that used in this work. The side groups creates another factor that controls the value of the band gap. The dihedral angle between the two pheny

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of Stone Powder on the Mechanical Properties of Clayey Soil
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In this experimental study, the use of stone powder as a stabilizer to the clayey soil studied. Tests of Atterberg limits, compaction, fall cone (FCT), Laboratory vane shear (LVT), and expansion index (EI) were carried out on soil-stone powder mixtures with fixed ratios of stone powder (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) by the dry weight. Results indicated that the undrained shear strength obtained from FCT and LVT increased at all the admixture ratios, and the expansion index reduced with the increase of the stone powder.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Adding High-Density Polyethylene Polymer on the Engineering Characteristics for Sandy Soil
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The loose sand is subject to large settlement when it is exposed to high stresses. This settlement is due to the nature of the high drainage of sand, which displays foundations and constructions to a large danger. The densification of loose sandy soils is required to provide sufficient bearing capacity for the structures. Thus soil stabilization is used to avoid failure in the facilities. Traditional methods of stabilized sandy soil such as fly ash, bituminous, and cement often require an extended curing period. The use of polymers to stabilize sandy soils is more extensive nowadays because it does not require a long curing time in addition to being chemically stable. In this study, the effect of adding different percent

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Stress Concentration factor Analysis of Helical Gear Drives with Asymmetric Teeth Profiles
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This study investigates the influence of asymmetric involute teeth profiles for helical gears on the bending stress. Theoretically, bending stress has been estimated in spur involute gears which have symmetric teeth profile by based on the Lewis, 1892 equation. Later, this equation is developed by, Abdullah, 2012. to determine the effect of an asymmetric tooth profile for the spur gear on the bending stress. And then these equations are applied with stress concentration factor once for symmetric and once other for asymmetric teeth profile. In this paper, the bending stresses for various types of helical gear with various types of asymmetric teeth profile are calculated numerically for defined the stress concentration fac

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Solution for Linear State Space Systems using Haar Wavelets Method
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In this research, Haar wavelets method has been utilized to approximate a numerical solution for Linear state space systems. The solution technique is used Haar wavelet functions and Haar wavelet operational matrix with the operation to transform the state space system into a system of linear algebraic equations which can be resolved by MATLAB over an interval from 0 to . The exactness of the state variables can be enhanced by increasing the Haar wavelet resolution. The method has been applied for different examples and the simulation results have been illustrated in graphics and compared with the exact solution.

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Block Method for SolvingState-Space Equations of Linear Continuous-Time Control Systems
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This paper presents a newly developed method with new algorithms to find the numerical solution of nth-order state-space equations (SSE) of linear continuous-time control system by using block method. The algorithms have been written in Matlab language. The state-space equation is the modern representation to the analysis of continuous-time system. It was treated numerically to the single-input-single-output (SISO) systems as well as multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems by using fourth-order-six-steps block method. We show that it is possible to find the output values of the state-space method using block method. Comparison between the numerical and exact results has been given for some numerical examples for solving different type

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