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Forward-Reverse Osmosis Processes for Oily Wastewater Treatment
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In this study, the feasibility of Forward–Reverse osmosis processes was investigated for treating the oily wastewater. The first stage was applied forward osmosis process to recover pure water from oily wastewater. Sodium chloride (NaCl) and magnesium chloride (MgCl2) salts were used as draw solutions and the membrane that was used in forward osmosis (FO) process was cellulose triacetate (CTA) membrane. The operating parameters studied were: draw solution concentrations (0.25 – 0.75 M), oil concentration in feed solution (FS) (100-1000 ppm), the temperature of FS and draw solution (DS) (30 - 45 °C), pH of FS (4-10) and the flow rate of both DS and FS (20 - 60 l/h). It was found that the water flux and oil concentration in FS increase by increasing the concentration of draw solutions, the flow rate of FS and the temperature for a limit (40oC), then, the water flux and oil concentration decrease with increasing the temperature because of happening the internal concentration polarization phenomenon. By increasing the oil concentration in FS and the flow rate of the DS, the water flux and oil concentration in FS decreased, while it had a fluctuated behavior with increasing pH
of oily wastewater. It was found also that MgCl2 gives water flux higher than NaCl. So the values of resistance to solute diffusion within the membrane porous support layer were 55.93 h/m and 26.21 h/m for NaCl and MgCl2 respectively. The second stage was applied reverse osmosis process using polyamide (thin film composite (TFC)) membrane for separating the fresh water from a diluted (NaCl) solution using different parameters such as draw solution concentration (0.08–0.16 M), feed flow rate (20–40 l/h).

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Conference: First International Conference On Water Resources
Modeling BOD of the Effluent from Abu-Ghraib Diary Factory using Artificial Neural Network October 2018
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The proper operation, and control of wastewater treatment plants, is receiving an increasing attention, because of the rising concern about environmental issues. In this research a mathematical model was developed to predict biochemical oxygen demand in the waste water discharged from Abu-Ghraib diary factory in Baghdad using Artificial Neural Network (ANN).In this study the best selection of the input data were selected from the recorded parameters of the wastewater from the factory. The ANN model developed was built up with the following parameters: Chemical oxygen demand, Dissolved oxygen, pH, Total dissolved solids, Total suspended solids, Sulphate, Phosphate, Chloride and Influent flow rate. The results indicated that the constructed A

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimization and Modeling the Performance of a Mediator-less Microbial Fuel Cell using Butler-Volmer-Monod Model
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In this study, a one-dimensional model represented by Butler-Volmer-Monod (BVM) model was proposed to compute the anode overpotential and current density in a mediator-less MFC system. The system was fueled with various organic loadings of real field petroleum refinery oily sludge to optimize the favorable organic loading for biomass to operate the suggested system. The increase in each organic loading showed higher resistance to electrons transport to the anode represented by ohmic loss. On the contrary, both activation and mass transfer losses exhibited a noticeable decrement upon the increased organic loadings. However, current density was improved throughout all increased loads achieving a maximum current density of 5.2 A/m3

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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The production of power using the process of pressure–retarded osmosis (PRO) has been studied both experimentally and theoretically for simulated sea water vs. river water and deionized water under two cases: the first is for simulated real conditions of sea water and river water and second under low brine solution concentration to examine the full profile of the power- pressure. The influence of concentration polarization (CP) on water flux has been examined as well.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
BatchHeavy MetalsBiosorption by Punica granatum Peels: Equilibrium andKinetic Studies
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This research was conducted to study the feasibility of using fruit peels as biosorbent for removal of Pb+2, Cu+2 and Zn+2 ions from simulated wastewater. A waste biomass of Pomegranate Peel or Punicagranatum L. (P. granatum L.) was chosen as neutral biosorbent in this study.Fourier transformation infrared (FTIR) was used to characterize the surface of PGP, the results confirm that amino, carboxylic, hydroxyl and carbonyl group on the surface of PGP. Different parameters such as initial concentration range between (25-200) mg/L, pH (3-7), contact time (1-2) hour, amount of sorbent (0.1- 4) gm, agitation speed range (200- 500) rpm and temperature (25- 50oC), influencing the sorp

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Solving the Inverse Kinematic Equations of Elastic Robot Arm Utilizing Neural Network
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The inverse kinematic equation for a robot is very important to the control robot’s motion and position. The solving of this equation is complex for the rigid robot due to the dependency of this equation on the joint configuration and structure of robot link. In light robot arms, where the flexibility exists, the solving of this problem is more complicated than the rigid link robot because the deformation variables (elongation and bending) are present in the forward kinematic equation. The finding of an inverse kinematic equation needs to obtain the relation between the joint angles and both of the end-effector position and deformations variables. In this work, a neural network has been proposed to solve the problem of inverse kinemati

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Separation of Lead (Pb2+) and Cadmium (Cd2+) from Single and Binary Salt Aqueous Solutions Using Nanofiltration Membranes
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The present work reports on the performance of three types of nanofiltration membranes in the removal of highly polluting and toxic lead (Pb2+) and cadmium (Cd2+) from single and binary salt aqueous solutions simulating real wastewaters. The effect of the operating variables (pH (5.5-6.5), types of NF membrane and initial ions concentration (10-250 ppm)) on the separation process and water flux was investigated. It was observed that the rejection efficiency increased with increasing pH of solution and decreasing the initial metal ions concentrations. While the flux decreased with increasing pH of solution and increasing initial metal ions concentrations. The maximum rejection of lead and cadmium ion

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Chromium Ions Removal by Capacitive Deionization Process – Optimization of the Operating Parameters with Response Surface Methodology
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An innovative desalination method called electrosorption or capacitive deionization (CDI) has significant benefits for wastewater treatment. This process is performed by using a carbon fiber electrode as a working electrode to remove hexavalent chromium ions from an aqueous solution. The pH, NaCl concentration, and cell voltage were optimized using the Box-Behnken experimental design (BDD) in response surface methodology (RSM) to study the effects and interactions of selected variables. To attain the relationship between the process variables and chromium removal, the experimental data were subjected to an analysis of variance and fitted with a quadratic model. The optimum conditions to remove Cr(VI) ions were: pH of 2, a cell voltage of 4.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Simultaneous Adsorption of Ternary Antibiotics (Levofloxacin, Meropenem, and Tetracycline) by SunFlower Husk Coated with Copper Oxide Nanoparticles
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In this study, a new adsorbent derived from sunflower husk powder and coated in CuO nanoparticles (CSFH) was investigated to evaluate the simultaneous adsorption of Levofloxacin (LEV), Meropenem (MER), and Tetracycline (TEC) from an aqueous solution. Significant improvements in the adsorption capacity of the sunflower husk were identified after the powder particles had been coated in CuO nanoparticles. Kinetic data were correlated using a pseudo-second-order model, and was successful for the three antibiotics. Moreover, high compatibility was identified between the LEV, MER, and TEC, isotherm data, and the Langmuir model, which produced a better fit to suit the isotherm curves. In addition, the spontaneous and exothermic nature of the adsor

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Scopus (23)
Crossref (24)
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Elimination of phenol by sonoelctrochemical process utilizing graphite, stainless steel, and titanium anodes: optimization by taguchi approach
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   Phenol is one of the worst-damaging organic pollutants, and it produces a variety of very poisonous organic intermediates, thus it is important to find efficient ways to eliminate it. One of the promising techniques is sonoelectrochemical processing. However, the type of electrodes, removal efficiency, and process cost are the biggest challenges. The main goal of the present study is to investigate the removal of phenol by a sonoelectrochemical process with different anodes, such as graphite, stainless steel, and titanium. The best anode performance was optimized by using the Taguchi approach with an L16 orthogonal array. the degradation of phenol sonoelectrochemically was investigated with three process parameters: current de

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Control of Non Isothermal CSTR Using Different Controller Strategies
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In all process industries, the process variables like flow, pressure, level, concentration
and temperature are the main parameters that need to be controlled in both set point
and load changes.
A control system of propylene glycol production in a non isothermal (CSTR) was
developed in this work where the dynamic and control system based on basic mass
and energy balance were carried out.
Inlet concentration and temperature are the two disturbances, while the inlet
volumetric flow rate and the coolant temperature are the two manipulations. The
objective is to maintain constant temperature and concentration within the CSTR.
A dynamic model for non isothermal CSTR is described by a first order plus dead
time (FO

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