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Medical waste management in Al-Kut City
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This research investigates solid waste management in Al-Kut City. It included the collection of medical and general solid waste generated in five hospitals different in their specialization and capacity through one week, starting from 03/02/2012. Samples were  collected and analyzed periodically to find their generation rate, composition, and physical properties. Analysis results indicated that generation rate ranged between (1102 – 212) kg / bed / day, moisture content and density were (19.0 % - 197 kg/ m3) respectively for medical waste and (41%-255 kg/ m3) respectively for general waste. Theoretically, medical solid waste generated in Al-Kut City (like any other city), affected by capacity, number of patients in a day, and hospital specialty The research exposed the incorrect ways used in collecting, storing, waste transport, and inefficient incinerators processing .Laboratory test for six ash collected samples indicated high concentration of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr) , having the rang of (51.0 – 62.0) mg / l of lead, (3.0 – 8.5) mg / l for cadmium, and (43.0 -69.0) mg / l for chrome. In comparison with the US Environmental Protection Agency standards, these samples are higher than the recommended levels that may threat groundwater. A comprehensive and integrated solution there must be to manage medical waste, with the participation of all parties concerned, especially, the Ministry of Health, environment authorities concerned, and the participation of civil society organizations. A color-code trash bags and containers are recommended by the World Health Organization and the Environmental Protection Agency to be used in hospitals that propose red bags for collecting medical waste while black bags for general waste provided that they are resistant to tearing seeping and should be provided in sufficient numbers.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
جدلية جدليّة العقل والنّقل وعلاقتهما بالاستدلال مسائل الاعتقاد بين مدرستي أهل الحديث والأشاعرة: - عرض ومناقشة
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This research highlights one of the most important issues that have been controversial between Islamic schools, which is the duality of Intellect  and Revelation and the nature of their relationship, in two core points:

The first point: Could there be a real conflict between Intellect  and revelation? While the school of hadith view that this assumption is a rational assumption that does not real as long as the revelation is correct and the Intellect  is clear, and that what is claimed are due to other Intellect s, we find that the Ash’ari school adopts the saying that the real conflict may occur, but rather confirms its occurrence.

The second point: For whom is the priority, for the Intellect  or th

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design and Construction of a Testing Platform and Estimating Attenuation Painting Reflectivity to Laser Beam
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The project has been described the design and construction of a reliable optical testing platform used for evaluate the reflectivity of metal surfaces treated with special paintings required for laser beam attenuation. The platform comprises an Nd-YAG laser system which has been designed and fabricated with specifications to be compatible with their corresponding in laser range finder transmitters used for various applications. The reflectivity of various attenuating paintings, at different detection angles, has been observed. Moreover, the variation of the reflected energy with painting type and metal type to be painted has been studied experimentally. Results illustrated the existence of a definite angle, at which the reflectivity was max

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Studying the optical properties of ( Cr2O3:I ) thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique
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Undoped and Iodine (I)–doped chrome oxide (Cr2O3)thin films have been prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis technique at substrate temperatures(773K) on glass substrate. Absorbance and transmittance spectra have been recorded as a function of wavelength in the range (340-800 nm) in order to study the optical properties such as reflectance, Energy gap of allowed direct transition, extinction coefficient refractive index, and dielectric constant in real and imagery parts all as a function of wavelength. It was found that all the investigated parameters affect by the doping ratios.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The jurisprudence of Imam Yahya bin Moin through his history
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Jurisprudential rulings were not once restricted to anyone. Even if some prominent imams were famous in one science, this does not mean that some of them were not very knowledgeable and well versed in another science, but he did not know much about it, given his fame in the first science in which he emerged. It prevailed over him until he became known only through him, and there are a large number of these people, and among them is our imam, the great critic Yahya bin Ma’in, may God be pleased with him. Many people, and even scholars, know about him except that he is the only imam in jarh and ta’deel, and on his words and the words of his strike are relied upon. In terms of the authenticity and weakness of the hadith, he is in this f

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diagnosing Pilgrimage Common Diseases by Interactive Multimedia Courseware
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In this study, we attempt to provide healthcare service to the pilgrims. This study describes how a multimedia courseware can be used in making the pilgrims aware of the common diseases that are present in Saudi Arabia during the pilgrimage. The multimedia courseware will also be used in providing some information about the symptoms of these diseases, and how each of them can be treated. The multimedia courseware contains a virtual representation of a hospital, some videos of actual cases of patients, and authentic learning activities intended to enhance health competencies during the pilgrimage. An examination of the courseware was conducted so as to study the manner in which the elements of the courseware are applied in real-time learn

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Training Program Upon Nurse-Midwives’ Practices Concerning Third Stage of Labor
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Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the impact of training education program applied on
nurse-midwife practice concerning care during third stage of labor in labor room. Examine the
relationship between their knowledge regarding practices and some Demographic information’s.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental design conducted on non-probability (purposive) sample of fifty
two nurse-midwives selected during period from3
th August to 10thNovember 2011. The study is
conducted at the Ministry of Health (Baghdad health directorate in Al-Karhk and Al-Risafa sector) in
four hospitals. The questionnaire form is consisted of three parts which included demographic data,
knowledge concerning practice during third

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Statistical Analysis of the Removal of Acid Fuchsin Dye Using Zeolite 5A
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Investigation of the adsorption of acid fuchsin dye (AFD) on Zeolite 5A is carried out using batch scale experiments according to statistical design. Adsorption isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics were demonstrated.  Results showed that the maximum removal efficiency was using zeolite at a temperature of 93.68751 mg/g. Experimental data was found to fit the Langmuir isotherm and pseudo second order kinetics with maximum  removal of about 95%.  Thermodynamic analysis showed an endothermic adsorption. Optimization was made for the most affecting operating variables and a model equation for the predicted efficiency was suggested.

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Sedimentary Structure and Determine the Diriction of the Old Current to the By Hassan Formation Northeast Iraq
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 This research deal the primary and secondary sedimentary structures in the By Hassan Formation in the three locations in the northeast of Iraq.          Can be recognize many geological structures such as cross bedding, planer bedding, graded bedding, channel structure and mud ball house deposit in the flood plain. The ether side this research study the direction of old current and sedimentary structure that made by the one direction current

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Estimation of Some Mechanical Soil Properties from Static and Dynamic Plate Load Tests
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When the depth of stressed soil is rather small, Plate Load Test (PLT) becomes the most efficient test to estimate the soil properties for design purposes. Among these properties, modulus of subgrade reaction is the most important one that usually employed in roads and concrete pavement design. Two methods are available to perform PLT: static and dynamic methods. Static PLT is usually adopted due to its simplicity and time saving to be performs in comparison with cyclic (dynamic) method. The two methods are described in ASTM standard.

In this paper the effect of the test method used in PLT in estimation of some mechanical soil properties was distinguished via a series of both test methods applied in a same site. The comparison of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the genesis of the Moons of Jupiter and their Physical Properties
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A developed model has been put for the hypothesis of capturing moons in explaining the origin of Jupiter moons, and study the change of the orbital properties of these satellites as well as the distance from the planet. Jupiter moons were divided into two types according to their physical and orbital properties, they are the moons , which are formed from the same material as the planet, so it was named the original moons ,while the moons that have been captured from the surrounding space was renamed exotic moons . And the moons of exotic origin asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt in the region which is behind Neptune, the origin of each clique of moons is an asteroid fragmented after colliding previously with another body and

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