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Optimized Zero and First Order Design of Micro Geodetic Networks
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Precision is one of the main elements that control the quality of a geodetic network, which defines as the measure of the network efficiency in propagation of random errors. This research aims to solve ZOD and FOD problems for a geodetic network using Rosenbrock Method to optimize the geodetic networks by using MATLAB programming language, to find the optimal design of geodetic network with high precision. ZOD problem was applied to a case study network consists of 19 points and 58 designed distances with a priori deviation equal to 5mm, to determine the best points in the network to consider as control points. The results showed that P55 and P73 having the minimum ellipse of error and considered as control points. FOD problem was applied to three cases of selected network to analyzed using the objective function of A-Optimality and D-Optimality, with selected range of movement of 300m to each point in each direction. The first case was a free network, the second case was with P55 and P73 as control points, and the third case was with P42 and P44 as control points. The results showed that the third case was the optimal design with high precision

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Preliminary Anticancer Study for Methotrexate Silibinin Conjugates
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The spectrum of clinical efficacy of Methotrexate (MTX) is broad in that MTX is used in the treatment of certain cancers, severe psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.Various mechanisms by which cancer cells grown in tissue culture become resistant to anticancer drugs. The use of multiple  drugs with different mechanisms of entry into cells and different cellular targets allows for effective chemotherapy and high cure rates. In an efforts to develop effective strategies that increase the therapeutic potential of anticancer drugs with less systemic toxicity ,are being directed  towards the investigation of dietary supplements and other phytotherapeutic agents for their synergistic efficacy in combination with anticancer drugs. A promi

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design and Implement an EC-Application Based on Multi Database Environment
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 The vast majority of EC applications are the web-based deployed in 3-tire Server-Client environment, the data within such application often resides within several heterogeneous data sources. Building a single application that can access each data sources can be a matter of challenging; this paper concerns with developing a software program that runs transparently against heterogeneous environment for an EC-application.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation ofICT-Based Recycle-Rewarding System for Green Environment
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This paper proposes a collaborative system called Recycle Rewarding System (RRS), and focuses on the aspect of using information communication technology (ICT) as a tool to promote greening. The idea behind RRS is to encourage recycling collectors by paying them for earning points. In doing so, both the industries and individuals reap the economical benefits of such system. Finally, and more importantly, the system intends to achieve a green environment for the Earth. This paper discusses the design and implementation of the RRS, involves: the architectural design, selection of components, and implementation issues. Five modules are used to construct the system, namely: database, data entry, points collecting and recording, points reward

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Advances In Structural Engineering
Simulation and design model for reinforced concrete slabs with lacing systems
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Lacing reinforcement plays a critical role in the design and performance of reinforced concrete (RC) slabs by distributing the applied loads more evenly across the slab, ensuring that no specific area of the slab is overloaded. In this study, nine slabs, divided into three groups according to the investigated parameters, were meticulously designed and evaluated to study the interplay between the lacing reinforcement and other key parameters. Each slab was crafted for simple support and was subjected to both static and repeated two-point load tests. The lacing reinforcement had an angle of 45° with various tension and lacing steel. The repeated-tested specimens with lacing reinforcement experienced smaller ductility than those of s

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
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Style and the jump in industrial product design - a comparative study
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Find cares studying ways in the development of industrial products and designs: the way the progressive development (how typical) and root development (jump design), was the aim of the research: to determine the effectiveness of the pattern and the jump in the development of designs and industrial products. After a process of analysis of a sample of research and two models of contemporary household electrical appliances, it was reached a set of findings and conclusions including:1-leaping designs changed a lot of entrenched perceptions of the user on how the product works and its use and the size and shape of the product, revealing him about the possibilities of sophisticated relationships with the product, while keeping the typical desi

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Swarm And Evolutionary Computation
Algorithmic design issues in adaptive differential evolution schemes: Review and taxonomy
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing
Corrigendum to “Developing a Video Buffer Framework for Video Streaming in Cellular Networks”
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Generating a Strong Key for a Stream Cipher Systems Based on Permutation Networks
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The choice of binary Pseudonoise (PN) sequences with specific properties, having long period high complexity, randomness, minimum cross and auto- correlation which are essential for some communication systems. In this research a nonlinear PN generator is introduced . It consists of a combination of basic components like Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), ?-element which is a type of RxR crossbar switches. The period and complexity of a sequence which are generated by the proposed generator are computed and the randomness properties of these sequences are measured by well-known randomness tests.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Swarm And Evolutionary Computation
A new multi-objective evolutionary framework for community mining in dynamic social networks
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Community Detection in Modular Complex Networks Using an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
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     Community detection is an important and interesting topic for better understanding and analyzing complex network structures. Detecting hidden partitions in complex networks is proven to be an NP-hard problem that may not be accurately resolved using traditional methods. So it is solved using evolutionary computation methods and modeled in the literature as an optimization problem.  In recent years, many researchers have directed their research efforts toward addressing the problem of community structure detection by developing different algorithms and making use of single-objective optimization methods. In this study, we have continued that research line by improving the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm using a

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