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Database for Baghdad Soil Using GIS Techniques
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teen sites Baghdad are made. The sites are divided into two groups, one in Karkh and the other in Rusafa. Assessing the underground conditions can be occurred by drilling vertical holes called exploratory boring into the ground, obtaining soil (disturbed and undisturbed) samples, and testing these samples in a laboratory (civil engineering laboratory /University of Baghdad). From disturbed, the tests involved the grain size analysis and then classified the soil, Atterberg limit, chemical test (organic content, sulphate content, gypsum content and chloride content). From undisturbed samples, the test involved the consolidation test (from this test, the following parameters can be obtained: initial void ratio eo, compression index cc, swelling index cs , coefficient of consolidation cv , coefficient of volume change mv, maximum preconsolidation stress Pc , Effective overburden pressure Po )and shear test (the following parameters can be obtained: undrained cohesion cu, angle of friction φ. In-situ testing was carried out by the standard penetration test in order to obtain the penetration resistance of the soil strata in a bore hole. Database for Baghdad soils is made using different GIS techniques connecting the spatial locations of those soils with their properties (ِAtterberg Limits, Specific Gravity, Grain size Analysis, Shear Strength parameters, Consolidation parameters), Borehole log, Site profile using the attribute tables, hyperlinks, metadata and SQL (System Query Language), so GIS techniques give the facilities for adding, editing and analyzing the existingdata as well as the any future data of Baghdad soils.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Kufa Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Analysis for the Response of Skirt Circular Shallow Footing Resting on Sandy Soil under vertical loads
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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Application of Variable Pulsed Irrigation Algorithm (VPIA) for Runoff Losses Reduction: Case Study of Different Soil Types
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Abstract<p>The low-pressure sprinklers have been widely used to replace the high-pressure impact sprinklers in the lateral move sprinkler irrigation system due to its low operating cost and high efficiency. However, runoff losses under the low-pressure sprinkler irrigation machine can be significant. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the variable pulsed irrigation algorithm (VPIA) in reducing the runoff losses under low-pressure lateral move sprinkler irrigation machine for three different soil types. The VPIA uses the ON-OFF pulsing technique to reduce the runoff losses by controlling the number and width of the pulses considering the soil and the irrigation machine properties. Als</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation the efficiency of different techniques for extraction and purification of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)
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This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different techniques for extraction and purification of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). An isolate of the virus free of possible contamination with other viruses infecting the same host and transmitted by the same vector Bemisia tabaci Genn. was obtained. This was realized by indicator plants and incubation period in the vector. Results obtained revealed that the virus infect Nicotiana glutinosa without visible symptoms, while Nicotiana tabaccum var. White Burley was not susceptible to the virus. The incubation period of the virus in the vector was found to be 21 hrs. These results indicate that the virus is TYLCV. Results showed that Butanol was more effective in clarification the

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Radioelectronics And Communications Systems
BER performance enhancement for secure wireless communication systems based on DCSK-MIMO techniques under Rayleigh fading channel
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There has been a growing interest in the use of chaotic techniques for enabling secure communication in recent years. This need has been motivated by the emergence of a number of wireless services which require the channel to provide very low bit error rates (BER) along with information security. As more and more information is transacted over wireless media, there has been increasing criminal activity directed against such systems. This paper investigates the feasibility of using chaotic communications over Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels. We have studied the performance of differential chaos shift keying (DCSK) with 2×2 Alamouti scheme and 2×1 Alamouti scheme for different chaotic maps over additive white Gaussian noise (

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Comparative Study of Structural Behavior for Asymmetrical Castellated (Concavely - Curved Soffit) Steel Beams with Different Strengthening Techniques
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The Asymmetrical Castellated concavely – curved soffit Steel Beams with RPC and Lacing Reinforcement improves compactness and local buckling (web and flange local buckling), vertical shear strength at gross section (web crippling and web yielding at the fillet), and net section ( net vertical shear strength proportioned between the top and bottom tees relative to their areas (Yielding)), horizontal shear strength in web post (Yielding), web post-buckling strength, overall beam flexure strength, tee Vierendeel bending moment and lateral-torsional buckling, as a result of steel section encasement. This study presents two concentrated loads test results for seven specimens Asymmetrical Castellated concavely – curved soffit Steel Be

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of the Effect of Using Stone Column in Clayey Soil on the Behavior of Circular Footing by ANN Model
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Shallow foundations are usually used for structures with light to moderate loads where the soil underneath can carry them. In some cases, soil strength and/or other properties are not adequate and require improvement using one of the ground improvement techniques. Stone column is one of the common improvement techniques in which a column of stone is installed vertically in clayey soils. Stone columns are usually used to increase soil strength and to accelerate soil consolidation by acting as vertical drains. Many researches have been done to estimate the behavior of the improved soil. However, none of them considered the effect of stone column geometry on the behavior of the circular footing. In this research, finite ele

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family Atmosphere and Relationship to Academic Adjustment for Student at Baghdad University
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The research aimed: 1. Definition of family climate for the university students. 2. Definition of statistical significance of differences in family climate variable depending on the sex (males - females) and specialization (Scientific - humanity). 3. Definition of academic adjustment for university students. 4. Definition of correlation between climate and academic adjustment. The research sample formed of (300) male and female students by (150) male of scientific and humanitarian specialization and (150) female of scientific and humanitarian specialization randomly selected from the research community. To achieve the objectives of the research the researcher prepared a tool to measure family climate. And adopted the measure (Azzam 2010)

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 04 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Re-assessment and tune-up gas condensate reservoir potential in Northern Iraq using material balance and reservoir simulation result techniques
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Abstract<p>The main parameter that drives oil industry contract investment and set up economic feasibility study for approving field development plan is hydrocarbon reservoir potential. So a qualified experience should be deeply afforded to correctly evaluate hydrocarbons reserve by applying different techniques at each phase of field management, through collecting and using valid and representative data sources, starting from exploration phase and tune-up by development phase. Commonly, volumetric calculation is the main technique for estimate reservoir potential using available information at exploration stage which is quite few data; in most cases, this technique estimate big figure of reserve. In this study</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An Evaluation of Gutta-Percha Penetration Depth into Simulated Lateral Canals by Using Three Different Obturation Techniques (A Comparative Study)
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Background:sThe aims of this study were to evaluate and compare the ability of three different techniques to obdurate simulated lateral canals, evaluate the effect of the main canal curvature on obturation of lateral canals and compare the gutta-percha penetration between coronal and apical lateral canals. Materials and methods: Resin blocks with 30 straight and 30 curved were used in this study. Each canal has two parallel lateral canals. The main canal has 0.3 mm apical diameter and 0.04 taper. The canals were divided into six groups according to canal curvature and obturation techniques used (n=10): Groups C1 and C2: straight and curved canals obturated with continuous wave technique using E&Q masterTM system. Groups O1 and O2: straight

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Extraction, Identification and Determination of di-(2ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) Plasticizer in Some Stored Blood Samples Bags Using Different Spectroscopic Techniques.
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   The di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) was extracted using different solvents from plastic blood bag. The extracted product was identified using FT-IR, NMR (1H and 13C), DEPT, COSY, HMBC and HSQC_TOCSY spectrometry. The extracted plasticizer was tested in complex formation with Fe2+ and Cr3+ using UV-visible spectrophotometric method. The migration of the plasticizer from the blood bags to the blood was studied and determined during different storage times depending upon the formation of complexes with Fe2+ and Cr3+, and the change in the concentration of Fe2+ and Cr3+. 

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