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The Characteristics of the Traditional Urban Configuration of ArabIslamic Cities through Form and Moral Values: Al-Kadhimiya as a Case Study
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This paper studies the main characteristics of the traditional urban configuration of Arab cities, as an important built heritage, discussing the approach adopted with such configuration at the local level, and examines its ability to preserve the character of the city, as well as, its responsiveness to the recent  requirements of its society that constantly change; in order to reach the appropriate procedures to deal with the traditional urban configuration of the Iraqi city to achieve a vital cultural communication with the vernacular built heritage, by dealing with the Form-Moral Values structure. Due to its importance within other traditional Iraqi cities, the research chose Al-Kadhimiya as a case study, so it discusses and compares three projects in the competition of developing the surrounding area of Al-Kadhimiya Shrine, in 2009, considering these projects as a clear indication of the recent local approach in dealing with traditional urban configuration. The research reveals a relationship between the type of the traditional urban configuration’s Form-Moral Values bond, and the type of procedures used for it, which could form a vital type of traditional Arab city urban configuration, that keeps the essential characteristics, and in the meantime, responds to the recent demands of the society.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of women's job offer through entrepreneurship The case of Algeria
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The aim of this scientific paper is to highlight the effective role of women working in economic development, especially those working in the entrepreneurial sector, which we see as encouraging at the macro-economic level and at the personal level, by highlighting their potential to help them enter the private labour market, value them and empower their role in the economic arena in order to win this bet to become productive and effective workers at all levels.

Through this paper, we will try to highlight the role of Algerian women's contribution to economic development through access to the world of entrepreneurship, and we will also try to find statistics on their success levels at the local and interna

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using median rule in determining the establishment of service station between Al hasaka and Al kamishly serian cities
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Research indicates that the second half of the twentieth century marked large interests in the service industry by government and private organizations in that one, and the service industry has become the bedrock of plans in achieving economic and social development. From this standpoint felt specialists and researchers the importance of transport modes, including rail, which should be available between Almnltq Civil populated as services organized by the competent authorities to achieve the active participation of citizens in economic and social development in the region and that the term services means economic activities, which are the results Pollack concrete such as accepting the situation and satisfaction them or satisfacti

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Urban agriculture as one of the ecological applications of the regenerative city
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Recently, several concepts and expressions have emerged that have often preoccupied the world . around the concept of environment and sustainability. This is due to the negative and irresponsible impact of man and his innovations in various industrial and technological fieldsthat have damaged the natural environment. Architecture and cities at the broader level are some of the man made components that caused these negative impacts and in the same time affected by them. What distinguishes architectural and urban projects is the consumption of large . quantities of natural resources and production larger amounts of waste and pollution, along the life of these projects. At the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-fir

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Inauguration of Faisal Bin Al -husain as Iraq King (A Study of British Documents)
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Husain as a king of Iraq.
This paper deals with the British communication with faisel . then Winston Churchill's speech in British common house .then fodlowed by arriving faisal to Iraq after that the referend um faisel .
The his claims of British maneuver lastly coronation on faisal & his inauguration as a king of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The research problem stems from a chief question: “What is the nature of the responsibility that «Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed» and «Al-Mada» Newspapers have undertaken in promoting the values of citizenship and national belonging in the society? The research aims to achieve a number of goals, including: Determining the most prominent themes that were emphasized in the opinion articles in these two newspapers within the framework of the responsibility of promoting the values ​​of citizenship and national belonging in society, and revealing the most prominent topics that were discussed in opinion articles in the two sample newspapers regarding the promotion of the mentioned values. This research is a desc

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education (rigeo)
Walkability as one of the Planning Treatments to Face Epidemics in Cities
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Walkability as one of the Planning Treatments to Face Epidemics in Cities

Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
THE ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMMUNICATOR IN PRESS INSTITUTIONS TO CONSOLIDATE THE VALUES OF TOLERANCE: A Study of the Communicator in the Newspapers (Al-Zaman, Al-Sabah, Al-Mada) For the period: 1/5/2020 to 1/10/2020
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This research deals with the role that the media can play in spreading awareness, culture and sound behavior among members of society, due to its ability to reach the largest number of individuals; its wide spread within society; and the moral responsibility of the media in consolidating the components of civil peace. The media works on forming intellectual convictions and behavioral attitudes by publishing opinions and ideas, introducing them to people's awareness and enhancing them in the practice of their daily lives, he was its media medium. Sociologists and psychologists confirm that the media. The significance of the research comes due to the broadening of violence and sectarian fighting; the absence of a culture of civil social pe

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Strategic Analysis of New Cities (Case Study Basmaya City - Republic of Iraq) An Analytical Study of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat
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The rapid growth of cities and their inflation is a big problem, especially in the last years. this growth is accompanied by such problems like population growth, housing need, low level of services, random expansion, traffic congestion as well as pollution of the environment, which leads to a decline in the quality of life in Baghdad, the population are concentration in Baghdad therefore that leads to imbalance of development among cities and productive concentration for service projects in a mega cities, causing migration from other provinces In search of a better life. The main objective of the new cities is to relieve pressure on major cities and guide the growth of cities. Basmaya city it’s a new city project adopted f

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The significance of the saying of Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar (has a vision) and the impact of this on the hadith, an applied study through the approximation of Refinement.
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This research revolves around the probing of those whom Ibn Hajar said, "He has a vision", its significance, and the ruling on the connection and transmission to it.  The number of narrators reached fifty-one (51) narrators, among whom it was said, “He has a vision, whether it is definite or possibly. Some of them had a vision and companionship.”They are eleven (11) narrators, And among them were those who had visions and had no company, and their number was twenty-one (21) narrators, and among them were those who had no vision and nor company, and their number is nineteen (19) narrators.
As a result , whoever said about him “has a vision” and has companions, his hadith is connected, even i

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Achieve the internal and external dimensions of corporate social responsibility through the human resources management strategies / case study in the Municipality of Ramadi.
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The main focus of research is on how to achieve the internal and external dimensions of corporate social responsibility through human resources management strategies, which is a major of research aimed. The main problem of this research was confirmed, which confirms that there is an unclear role for social responsibility, lack of human resources management strategies, and ambiguity of roles in the municipality under study. The diagnose of the problem and determining the gap between the internal and external dimensions of social responsibility and human resources management was identified, which attacked the researcher's attention to navigate in this subject, look for the reasons for the gaps and try to reduce them. The case study

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