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Self Purification in Al-Saqlawiya Drain in Abu-Grebe
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Surface water flow samples were collected with distances downstream over Saqlawiya main drain whose stretch of about 24.5 km. The drain travels through different land use pattern, before, flowing into Tigris River. Eight sampling points were carefully
selected downstream the channel during dry season. The examined water parameters were pH, NH3, NO3, PO= 4, BOD5, COD, TDS, S.S, Cl-, SO= 4, Na+ , Ca+2, Mg+2, and Oil and Grease. Descriptive and inferential methods through finding the best curve fit correlation were employed in the study to test the strength of the association between water chemical characteristics and distance downstream the channel. A comparison of the values of chemical parameters at the Al-Saqlawiya Drain-Tigris River meeting shows that nine parameters (i.e. pH, NH3, NO3, PO= 4, BOD5, COD, TDS, S.S, and Oil and Grease) out of the 14 parameters under study decreased in
their concentration at meeting point. In a further analysis, predictive models were obtained through using six sampling points (0. 1, 3, 5,7, 8) and leaving three (2, 4, 6) as activation function. The percentage error for the calculated values of pH, NH3, BOD5, COD, TDS, Cl-.
SO= 4, Na+ and Mg+2 ranges from (0.54 to 15) % which demonstrate the high predictive capacity of the models. While the high values of the determination coefficient (r higher than 0.9) for NH3,NO3, BOD5, COD, SS, Cl-. SO= 4, Na+ , Mg+2 and Oil and grease, demonstrate a good model capacity relating water values and distances downstream Finally the paper concludes that artificial purification efforts at the water works should be directed towards controlling the concentration of Cl- , SO= 4, Na+ , Ca+2 , Mg+2 which increased with increases in distance downstream and suggests further research in the area of monitoring water quality.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Isolation and Structural Characterization of Quercetin 3-O-Rhamnoside and Essential oil Estimation from Leaves of Iraqi Cupressus sempervirens L (Conference Paper )#
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     Cupressus sempervirens L., Cupressaceae, that is known as evergreen cypress, Mediterranean cypress and in Arabic called “al -Sarw. It is an evergreen, medium sized, longevity, and wide distributed over all the world. The plant represents an important member of conifer plants which characterized with aromatic leaves and cones. Cupressus sempervirens have been ethnobotanical uses as an antiseptic, relief of cough, astringent, antispasmodic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory. Aims of this work are phytochemical analysis, isolation and structural identification of Quercitroside (quercitrin) and essential oil in Iraqi C. sempervirens. Isolation of quercitrin was

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Visual Pollution and its Impact on the Aesthetics: The Town of Eizariya as a Model
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This study seeks to shed light on the aspects of visual pollution and its impact on the aesthetics of the town of Al-Eizariya known to suffer from the phenomenon. In order to identify the real causes of the problem which develops in various forms and patterns, threatening not only the aesthetic appearance of the towns, but also causes the emergence of new problems and phenomena that will have negative repercussions on the population. The researcher uses the analytical descriptive method to analyze the phenomenon of visual pollution in terms of reality, development, manifestations and spread and uses photos which document the visual pollution and its impact on the aesthetics of the known. The study concluded the existence of a strong rela

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Bayesian Estimation for The Shape Parameter of The Power Function Distribution (PFD-I) to Use Hyper Prior Functions
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The objective of this study is to examine the properties of Bayes estimators of the shape parameter of the Power Function Distribution (PFD-I), by using two different prior distributions for the parameter θ and different loss functions that were compared with the maximum likelihood estimators. In many practical applications, we may have two different prior information about the prior distribution for the shape parameter of the Power Function Distribution, which influences the parameter estimation. So, we used two different kinds of conjugate priors of shape parameter θ of the <

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mechanical Properties Enhancement of Conventional Glass Ionomer Cement by Adding Zirconium Oxide Micro and Nanoparticles
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The aim of this work is to enhance the mechanical properties of the glass ionomer cement GIC (dental materials) by adding Zirconium Oxide ZrO2 in both micro and nano particles. GIC were mixed with (3, 5 and 7) wt% of both ZrO2 micro and nanoparticles separately. Compressive strength (CS), biaxial flexural strength (BFS), Vickers Microhardness (VH) and wear rate losses (WR) were investigated. The maximum compression strength was 122.31 MPa with 5 wt. % ZrO2 micro particle, while 3wt% nanoparticles give highest Microhardness and biaxial flexural strength of 88.8 VHN and 35.79 MPa respectively. The minimum wear rate losses were 3.776µg/m with 7 wt. % ZrO2 nanoparticle. GIC-contai

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Crossref (11)
Publication Date
Fri Dec 06 2019
Journal Name
Ssociation Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Application of Artificial Neural Network and GeographicalInformation System Models to Predict and Evaluate the Quality ofDiyala River Water, Iraq
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This research discusses application Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Geographical InformationSystem (GIS) models on water quality of Diyala River using Water Quality Index (WQI). Fourteen water parameterswere used for estimating WQI: pH, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Orthophosphate, Nitrate, Calcium, Magnesium,Total Hardness, Sodium, Sulphate, Chloride, Total Dissolved Solids, Electrical Conductivity and Total Alkalinity.These parameters were provided from the Water Resources Ministryfrom seven stations along the river for the period2011 to 2016. The results of WQI analysis revealed that Diyala River is good to poor at the north of Diyala provincewhile it is poor to very polluted at the south of Baghdad City. The selected parameters wer

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Developing Water Quality Index to Assess the Quality of the Drinling Water
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In the present study, an attempt has been to develop a new water quality index (WQI) method that depends on the Iraqi specifications for drinking water (IQS 417, 2009) to assess the validity of the Euphrates River for drinking by classifying the quality of the river water at different stations along its entire reach inside the Iraqi lands. The proposed classifications by this method are: Excellent, Good, Acceptable, Poor, and Very poor. Eight water quality parameters have been selected to represent the quality of the river water these are: Ion Hydrogen Concentration (pH), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na), Chloride (Cl), Sulphate (SO_4), Nitrate (NO_3), and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). The variation of the water quality parameters

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 20 2020
Journal Name
Thematic Maps for the Variation of Bearing Capacity of Soil Using SPTs and MATLAB
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The current study involves placing 135 boreholes drilled to a depth of 10 m below the existing ground level. Three standard penetration tests (SPT) are performed at depths of 1.5, 6, and 9.5 m for each borehole. To produce thematic maps with coordinates and depths for the bearing capacity variation of the soil, a numerical analysis was conducted using MATLAB software. Despite several-order interpolation polynomials being used to estimate the bearing capacity of soil, the first-order polynomial was the best among the other trials due to its simplicity and fast calculations. Additionally, the root mean squared error (RMSE) was almost the same for the all of the tried models. The results of the study can be summarized by the production

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Crossref (19)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Numbered Heads Strategy on Developing Oral Expression Skills among Fifth-Grade Primary Students
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This research aims to identify the effect of numbered heads strategy on developing oral expression skills among fifth-grade primary students in Bisha Province. To achieve this, the researcher prepared a research tool represented in the observation card which consists of (27) statements distributed in four axes. The tool was sent to (5) experts in the field to verify their validity. In light of their corrections, the tool was developed to be valid for gathering field information. To verify the validity of the content and the reliability of the tool, the researcher applied it to a sample consists of (20) students from outside the research group. The overall coefficient of correlation between the statements of the tool is as follows: (.95,

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the Causal Relationship Long-and Short-term Between the Price of Crude Oil, the Global Price of Gold and the US. Dollar Exchange Rate
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This research aims to test the causal relationship long-and short-run between the price of gold the global crude oil price and the exchange rate of the dollar and how you can take advantage of the nature of this relationship, particularly in the Arab oil states that achieve huge surpluses, including Iraq and how to keep on the purchasing power of these surpluses or reduce the levels of risk.

The problem is that the Arab oil countries, adversely affected, as a result of that relationship, due to the fact that its role confined to the sale of crude oil only. They do not have control in the dollar, then they are not able to take advantage of its impact on the price of gold the fact that gold is effective pr

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology
Influence of Percentage Replacement of Metakaolin on Different Concrete Types Exposed to Internal Sulphate Attack
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This research presents an experimental investigation on the influence of metakaolin replacement percentage upon some properties of different concrete types. Three types of concrete were adopted (self- compacted concrete, high performance concrete and reactive powder concrete) all of high sulphate (SO3) percentage from the fine aggregate weight, 0.75%. Three percentages of metakaolin replacement were selected to be studied (5, 7 and 10) %. Three types of concrete properties (compressive, flexural and splitting tensile strength) were adopted to achieve better understanding for the influence of adding metakaolin.. The output results indicated that the percentage of metakaolin had a different level of positive effect on the compressive strength

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