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Performance Analysis of Four Conceptual Designs for the Air Based Photovoltaic / Thermal Collectors
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The  thermal  and  electrical  performance  of  different  designs  of  air  based  hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collectors is investigated experimentally and theoretically. The circulating air is used to cool PV panels and to collect the absorbed energy to improve their performance. Four different collectors have been designed, manufactured and instrumented namely; double PV panels without cooling (model I), single duct double pass collector (model II), double duct single pass (model III), and single duct single pass (model IV) . Each collector consists of: channel duct, glass cover, axial fan to circulate air and two PV panel in parallel connection. The temperature of the upper and lower surfaces of PV panels, air temperature, air flow rate, air pressure drop, wind speed, solar radiation and ambient temperature were measured. The power produced by solar cells is measured also. A theoretical model has been developed for the collector model IV based on energy balance principle. The prediction of the thermal and hydraulic performance was obtained for the fourth model of PV/T collector by developing a Matlab computer program to solve the numerical model. The experimental results show that the combined efficiency of model III is higher than that of models II and IV. The pressure drop of model III is less than that of models I and IV, by (43.67% and 49%). The average percentage error between the theoretical and experimental results was 9.67%.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
The Effect of Reporting About Value Creation on the Earnings Quality of Iraqi Economic Entities
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The study aims to measure the impact of reporting on value creation on the earnings quality of the economic unit by presenting and discussing the conceptual aspects of the value creation process through multi-capital and the importance of reporting it in Iraqi private banks in addition to presenting and analyzing the concept of profit quality and its measurement models. Therefore, the checklist prepared for this purpose was used based on previous studies related to the subject in order to determine the level of reporting of the research sample banks by analyzing the content of the annual reports of those banks as well as adopting the Tobin's Q scale to measure the value of the economic unit and then using some statistical models to

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Iklīl For Humanities Studies
The Decline of Language Loyalty in the Age of Audiovisual Nearness: A Socio-linguistic Approach
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This article investigates the decline of language loyalty in the age of audiovisual nearness. It is a socio-linguistic review of previous literature related to language disloyalty. It reviews the current theoretical efforts on the impact of audiovisual nearness created by social media and language loyalty. The descriptive design is used. The argument behind this review is that the audiovisual nearness provided by social media negatively affects language loyalty. This article concludes that the current theoretical efforts have paid much attention to the relationship between the audiovisual nearness and language loyalty. Such efforts have highlighted the fact that the social media platforms have provided unprecedented nearness that provoke in

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
أ.م. حسين علي خضير بهاري
Symbolism of Jekor Village in the Poetry of the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab
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The paper aims at making the Russian reader acquainted with the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab, and showing the effect of the village and the city in his soul, the theme which is reflected in his poetry. Therefore, the researcher has translated the verses pertaining to this topic from Arabic into Russian so as to make the Russian reader know the important phases that talk about the village and city. The researcher has concluded that the theme of place, village and city has occupied a good portion of As-Sayyab's poetry, and that he (the poet) hated the city and expressed his wrath against it, because he viewed the city as embodiment of money and the degeneration of man. As opposed to this, As-Sayyab he loved being a farmer, and was

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
The effectiveness of topical vitamin k cream 1% in the treatment of steroid-induced rosacea
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Aerosol Science
The influence of plate tilt on the transfer function of small plate differential mobility analyzers
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Impact of using Double Layers Perforated Liners on the Acoustic Treatments of the Combustor Systems
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The response of the combustor’s liner to the air-flow that passes through it is the key reason for the combustion chambers noise, hence the instabilities of those chambers that decreases the mechanical efficiency of such sections, by increased its mechanical vibrations, which increases the failure rate created during originating of the cracks spreading by the shakes producing by the series of high-level frequencies. Accordingly, any work debating the impact of the context of liners in the combustion chamber can provide grasping for the combustion noise generated by the undesirable vibrations, and benefits the industrial firms to design an ideal production procedure which increases the lifespan of the combustor. The goal of this wo

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Publication Date
Sat May 02 2015
Journal Name
التربية العلمية
the effect of a strategy on the reading compreheehension of first-yearinter intermediate school students
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 10 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Application Or Innovation In Engineering & Management (ijaiem)
The Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Optical Properties of CdS and CdS:Al Thin Films
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Cadmium sulfide and Aluminum doped CdS thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation technique in vacuum on a heated glass substrates at 373K. A comparison between the optical properties of the pure and doped films was made through measuring and analyzing the transmittance curves, and the effect of the annealing temperature on these properties were estimated. All the films were found to exhibit high transmittance in the visible/ near infrared region from 500nm to 1100nm.The optical band gap energy was found to be in the range 2.68-2.60 eV and 2.65-2.44 eV for CdS and CdS:Al respectively , with changing the annealing temperature from room temperature to 423K.Optical constants such as refractive index, extinction coefficient, and complex di

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث
The role of university in promoting the culture of volunteering among students (Mustansiriya University Model)
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Abstract The aim of this study is to identify the role played by the university in reinforcing the culture of voluntary work in college students and sequencing these roles according to their priority. To achieve this aim, the researcher used the descriptive approach. After being informed of the literature background and of the previous studies related to the core aim of this recent study, the researcher has built up a questionnaire of (20) items investigating the role of university in reinforcing the culture of voluntary work in the college students. The standardized features of the questionnaire have been checked for the purpose of the questionnaire validity (virtual and constructive validity) and stability (reconstruction and Cronbach's A

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Internal audit of spending units and its impact on the efficiency of the federal budget
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The role of internal control is based on the effectiveness of the budget through an analysis of the reality of the budget in the research sample as it was studied in the preparation and preparation stages and the implementation stage. The sample showed that the sample did not comply with what is stated in the Ministry of Finance publication of instructions and ceilings. In the process of preparing and resulting from the occurrence of deviations in large proportions both in the discussion of the Ministry of Finance or when implementation as a low rate of implementation and the absence of allocations for some items, although there is a need for them as well as the transfer of large proportions of transfers both up or down and the purpose o

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