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Effect of Steel Fibers on the Properties of Refractory Free Cement Concrete
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Free cement refractory concrete is a type of refractory concrete with replacing alumina cement by bonding materials such as white kaolin, red kaolin and fumed silica. The free cement refractory concrete used in many applications like Petrochemicals, iron furnaces and cement production industries. The research clarifies the effect of steel fibers with two types crimped steel fibers and hooked steel
fibers with percentages 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% by volume from weight of bauxite aggregates. The additions of steel fibers with two types gave good properties in high temperatures where the specimens keep the dimension without failure and the properties made the best. the percentage of increasing for thermal conductivity was 44% for 1.5% crimped fibers and 42.8% for 1.5% hooked end fibers and the percentage increasing in bulk density of free cement refractory concrete was 30% for 1.5% crimped fibers and 27% for 15% hooked end fibers . From this study can be concluded that the best types of steel fibers which used in free cement refractory concrete is the crimped type with percentage 1.5%.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings Journal
Improving torsional – Flexural resistance of concrete beams reinforced by hooked and straight steel fibers
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2022
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Effect of Using Grids On the Behaviour of Portland Limestone Cement Self Compacted Concrete.
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The civil engineering field currently focus on sustainable development. It is important to develop new sustainable and economic generations of concrete, using eco-friendly materials in the construction industry with a fair amount of costs and minimizing the impact upon the environment by reducing CO2 emissions from the cement industry as a whole while still obtaining high cement quality and strength. The main objective of this research is to clarify the mechanical behavior and ability to use Portland limestone cement in producing self compacted concrete, due to the beneficious effec of the limestone cement economically and enviromently. The research investigates the effect of using steel and polymer meshs as reinforcement, where the results

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 07 2023
Journal Name
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
Enhancing load-bearing performance of hybrid recycled aggregate concrete-filled columns using SBR, steel fibers and polypropylene fibers
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
The effect of using synthetic fibers on some properties of modified juss
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This paper examines the mechanical properties of a composite material made of modified Iraqi gypsum (juss) reinforced with polypropylene fibers. The modified juss was prepared by adding two percentages of cement (5, 10) %. Two percentages of polypropylene fibers were used, to reinforce the modified juss (1, 2) %. The water/dry compound ratio used was equal to 0.53%. The composite was evaluated based on compressive strength, flexural strengths, absorption percentage, density, acoustic impedance, ultra - pulse velocity, longitudinal shrinkage and setting time tests. The results indicated that the inclusion of cement on to juss increases the compressive strength, absorption percentage, density, acoustic impedance, ultra - pulse velocit

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Enhancing the mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using mono and hybrid fibers
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Abstract<p>This investigation aims to study some properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced by mono or hybrid fibers of different sizes and types. In this research, the considered lightweight aggregate was Light Expanded Clay Aggregate while the adopted fibers included hooked, straight, polypropylene, and glass. Eleven lightweight concrete mixes were considered, These mixes comprised of; one plain concrete mix (without fibers), two reinforced concrete mixtures of mono fiber (hooked or straight fibers), six reinforced concrete mixtures of double hybrid fibers, and two reinforced concrete mixtures of triple hybrid fibers. Hardened concrete properties were investigated in this study. G</p> ... Show More
Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Enhancing the mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using mono and hybrid fibers
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Abstract<p>This investigation aims to study some properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced by mono or hybrid fibers of different sizes and types. In this research, the considered lightweight aggregate was Light Expanded Clay Aggregate while the adopted fibers included hooked, straight, polypropylene, and glass. Eleven lightweight concrete mixes were considered, These mixes comprised of; one plain concrete mix (without fibers), two reinforced concrete mixtures of mono fiber (hooked or straight fibers), six reinforced concrete mixtures of double hybrid fibers, and two reinforced concrete mixtures of triple hybrid fibers. Hardened concrete properties were investigated in this study. G</p> ... Show More
Publication Date
Sat Apr 09 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
The Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash and Slag Geopolymer Mortar with Micro Steel Fibers
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In this study, experimental mortar combinations with 1% micro steel fibers, were examined to create geopolymer mortars. To test the effect of the fibers on the mortar's resistance, the geopolymer mortar was designed with various proportions of more environmentally friendly materials fly ash and slag. The percentage of fly ash by weight was 50, 60, and 70% of the slag. The best results were obtained when a 50:50 ratio of fly ash and slag were mixed with 1% micro steel fibers. The results showed that the mixtures containing fibers performed better in the considered tests (toughness index, ductility index, and resilience index). In the impact resistance test, the mixture contained 50% fly ash by weight of the slag with a temperature of

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
An Experimental Study to Demonstrate the Effect of Alumina Nanoparticles and Synthetic Fibers on Oil Well Cement Class G
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    In the drilling and production operations, the effectiveness of cementing jobs is crucial for efficient progress. The compressive strength of oil well cement is a key characteristic that reflects its ability to withstand forceful conditions over time. This study evaluates and improves the compressive strength and thickening time of Iraqi oil well cement class G from Babylon cement factory using two types of additives (Nano Alumina and Synthetic Fiber) to comply with the American Petroleum Institute (API) specifications. The additives were used in different proportions, and a set of samples was prepared under different conditions. Compressive strength and thickening time measurements were taken under different conditions. The amoun

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Cement and Admixture Types on the Resistance of High Performance Concrete to Internal Sulphate Attack
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This work is concerned with the study of the effect of cement types, particularly OPC and SRPC, which are the main cement types manufactured in Iraq. In addition, study the effect of mineral admixtures, which are HRM and SF on the resistance of high performance concrete (HPC) to internal sulphate attack. The HRM is used at (10%) and SF is used at (8 and 10)% as a partial replacement by weight of cement for both types. The percentages of sulphate investigated are (1,2 and 3)% by adding natural gypsum as a partial replacement by weight of fine aggregate. The tests carried out in this work are: compressive strength, flexural strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and density at the age of 7, 28, 90 and 120 days.

The r

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of using magnetized water on the percentage of cement in the Concrete mixture
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This research studied the effect of magnetized water in concrete preparation and its effect on the presenting of cement in concrete mixtures also to find the ability of reducing the amount of cement in preparing one cubic meter, this is not exceed than 10% in one mixture , The experiments showed the preparation of standard cubes from the concrete which was used two kind of water magnetized water which was prepared by passing the tap water through the systems of different magnetic strength in terms of (6000,9000) Gauss and the ordinary water . The velocity of water through the magnetic field, which gives us the highest value for the compressive strength, was up to 1m/sec. to determine the best magnetic intensity, we examined The comp

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