The parameters of resistance spot welding (RSW) performed on low strength commercial aluminum sheets are investigated experimentally, the performance requirements and weldability issues were driven the choice of a specific aluminum alloy that was AA1050. RSW aluminum alloys has a major problem of inconsistent quality from weld to weld comparing with welding steel
alloys sheet, due to the higher thermal conductivity, higher thermal expansion, narrow plastic temperature range, and lower electrical resistivity. Much effort has been devoted to the study of describing the relation between the parameters of the process (welding current, welding time, and electrode force) and weld strength. Shear-tensile strength tests were performed to indicate the weld
quality. A weld lobe diagrams were constructed to evaluate the weldability of three sheet thicknesses of this alloy. Most appropriate welding time and electrode force are 5 cycles and 1.75- 2.25 kN respectively. The ranges of the weldability are 14-28, 18-30, and 22-32 kA for 0.6, 1.0, and 1.5 mm sheet thicknesses respectively. A statistical regression analysis was used to demonstrate the
relationship of the process parameters and the strength of the weldments. Two empirical equations for each thickness were proposed to estimate the shear tensile strength of the weldments, one for quadratic and the other linear relationship between the process parameters and the strength. There are no significant differences between the equations when applied to the available data.
This work involves studying corrosion resistance of AA 6061T6 butt welded joints using Two different welding processes, tungsten inert gas (TIG) and a solid state welding process known as friction stir welding, TIG welding process carried out by using Rolled sheet of thickness6mm to obtain a weld joint with dimension of (100, 50, 5) mm using ER4043 DE (Al Si5) as filler metal and argon as shielding gas, while Friction stir welding process carried out using CNC milling machine with a tool of rotational speed 1000 rpm and welding speed of 50mm/min to obtain the same butt joint dimensions. Also one of weld joint in the same dimensions subjected to synergistic weld
... Show MoreFriction Stir Welding (FSW) is one of the most effective solid states joining process and has numerous potential applications in many industries. A FSW numerical tool, based on ANSYS F.E software, has been developed. The amount of the heat gone to the tool dictates the life of the tool and the capability of the tool to produce a good processed zone. Hence, understanding the heat transfer aspect of the friction stir welding is extremely important for improving the process. Many research works were carried out to simulate the friction stir welding using various softwares to determine the temperature distribution for a given set of welding conditions. The objective of this research is to develop a finite element sim
... Show MoreThe electrochemical behavior of Al-17%Si alloy is investigated in 3.5wt% NaCl solution. Many alloys with addition of the different wt% magnesium metal of 1wt%, 2%, 3wt% ,4.5wt% ,and 9wt% were prepared by gravity die casting . The microstructures of prepared alloys were examined by optical and SEM microscopes. Corrosion behavior was investigated by using potentiostat instrument under static potentials test and corrosion current was recorded to determine corrosion resistance of all prepared samples. It was found that the addition of Mg metal improves the corrosion resistance of Al-17%Si alloy in 3.5%NaCl solution. The alloy containing 1%Mg shows less corrosion rate than the others while the alloys containing 4.5%Mg, 9%Mg content have
... Show MoreThis paper focuses on the optimization of drilling parameters by utilizing “Taguchi method” to obtain the minimum surface roughness. Nine drilling experiments were performed on Al 5050 alloy using high speed steel twist drills. Three drilling parameters (feed rates, cutting speeds, and cutting tools) were used as control factors, and L9 (33) “orthogonal array” was specified for the experimental trials. Signal to Noise (S/N) Ratio and “Analysis of Variance” (ANOVA) were utilized to set the optimum control factors which minimized the surface roughness. The results were tested with the aid of statistical software package MINITAB-17. After the experimental trails, the tool diameter was found as the most important facto
... Show MoreAA3003-H14 aluminum alloy plates were welded by friction stir welding and TIG welding.
Fatigue properties of the welded joints were evaluated based on the superior tensile properties for
FSW at 1500 rpm rotational speed and 80 mm/min welding speed. However, there is not much
information available on effect of welding parameters with evolution of fatigue life of friction stir
welds. The present study experimentally analyzed fatigue properties for base, FSW, and TIG welds
of AA 3003-H14 aluminum alloy. Fatigue properties of FSW joints were slightly lower than the
base metal and higher than TIG welding.
The aim of present study is to determine the optimum parameters of friction stir welding process and known the most important parameter along with percentage contribution of each parameter which effect on tensile strength and joint efficiency of FS welded joint of dissimilar aluminum alloys AA2024-T3 and AA7075-T73 of 3 mm thick plates by applied specific number of experiments using Taguchi method .AA2024 was placed on the advancing side and AA7075 on the retreating side. FSW was achieved under three different rotation speeds (898, 1200 and 1710) rpm, three different welding speeds (20, 45 and 69) mm\min , three different pin profiles (cylindrical, threaded cylindrical and cone) and tool tilt angle 2◦. Taguchi method w
... Show MoreFriction stir welding (FSW) of Tee-joints is obtained by inserting a specially designed rotating pin into the clamped blanks, through top plate (skin) to bottom plate (stringer), and then moving it along the joint, limiting the contact between the tool shoulder and the skin. The present work aims to investigate the defects occur for Tee-joint of an Aluminum alloy (Al 5456) with dimensions (180mm x 70mm) for the skin plate, (180mm x 30mm) for stringer plate and thickness of (4mm).
The effects of welding parameters such as rotational speed, linear speed, plunging depth, tool tilting, and die radii of welding fixture on the welding quality of Aluminum Alloy will be studied. Weld defects had been summarized and studied, and then the best
In this study, a 3 mm thickness 7075-T6 aluminium alloy sheet was used in the friction stir welding process. Using the design of experiment to reduce the number of experiments and to obtain the optimum friction stir welding parameters by utilizing Taguchi technique based on the ultimate tensile test results. Orthogonal array of L9 (33) was used based on three numbers of the parameters and three levels for each parameter, where shoulder-workpiece interference depth (0.20, 0.25, and 0.3) mm, pin geometry (cylindrical thread flat end, cylindrical thread with 3 flat round end, cylindrical thread round end), and thread pitch (0.8, 1, and 1.2) mm) this technique executed by Minitab 17 software. The results showed th
... Show More