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Experimental Behavior of Laced Reinforced Concrete One Way Slab under Static Load
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Test results of eight reinforced concrete one way slab with lacing reinforcement are reported. The tests were designed to study the effect of the lacing reinforcement on the flexural behavior of one way slabs. The test parameters were the lacing steel ratio, flexural steel ratio and span to the effective depth ratio. One specimen had no lacing reinforcement and the remaining seven had various percentages of lacing and flexural steel ratios. All specimens were cast with normal density concrete of approximately 30 MPa compressive strength. The specimens were tested under two equal line loads applied statically at a thirds part (four point bending test) up to failure. Three percentage of lacing and flexural steel ratios were used: (0.0025, 0.0045 and 0.0065). Three values of span to effective depth ratio by (11, 13, and 16) were considered, the specimens showed an enhanced in ultimate load capacity ranged between (56.52% and 103.57%) as a result of increasing the lacing steel ratio to (0.0065) and decreasing the span to effective depth ratio by (31.25%)  respectively with respect to the control specimen. Additionally the using of lacing steel reinforcement leads to significant improvements in ductility by about (91.34%) with increasing the lacing steel ratio to (0.0025) with respect to the specimen without lacing reinforcement.



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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Advances In Civil Engineering
Behavior of Strengthened Composite Prestressed Concrete Girders under Static and Repeated Loading
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The use of external posttensioning technique for strengthening reinforced concrete girders has been considerably studied by many researchers worldwide. However, no available data are seen regarding strengthening full-scale composite prestressed concrete girders with external posttensioned technique under static and repeated loading. In this research, four full-scale composite prestressed I-shape girders of 16 m span were fabricated and tested under static and repeated loading up to failure. Accordingly, two girders were externally strengthened with posttensioned strands, while the other two girders were left without strengthening. The experimental tests include deflection, cracking load, ultimate strength and strains at midspan, a

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Solids And Structures
Structural Behavior of Reinforced Hybrid Concrete Columns under Biaxial Loading
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Solids And Structures
Structural Behavior of Reinforced Hybrid Concrete Columns under Biaxial Loading
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Post-Fire Behavior of Post-Tensioned Segmental Concrete Beams under Monotonic Static Loading
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This paper presents a study to investigate the behavior of post-tensioned segmental concrete beams that exposed to high-temperature. The experimental program included fabricating and testing twelve simply supported beams that divided into three groups depending on the number of precasting concrete segments. All specimens were prepared with an identical length of 3150 mm and differed in the number of the incorporated segments of the beam (9, 7, or 5 segments). To simulate the genuine fire disasters, nine out of twelve beams were exposed to a high-temperature flame for one hour. Based on the standard fire curve (ASTM – E119), the temperatures of 300◦C (572◦F), 500◦C (932◦F), and 700◦C (1292◦F) were adopted. Consequently,

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Post-Fire Behavior of Post-Tensioned Segmental Concrete Beams under Monotonic Static Loading
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This paper presents a study to investigate the behavior of post-tensioned segmental concrete beams that exposed to high-temperature. The experimental program included fabricating and testing twelve simply supported beams that divided into three groups depending on the number of precasting concrete segments. All specimens were prepared with an identical length of 3150 mm and differed in the number of the incorporated segments of the beam (9, 7, or 5 segments). To simulate the genuine fire disasters, nine out of twelve beams were exposed to a high-temperature flame for one hour. Based on the standard fire curve (ASTM – E119), the temperatures of 300◦C (572◦F), 500◦C (932◦F), and 700◦C (1292◦F) were adopted. Consequently,

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Fire Flame Influence on the Behavior of reinforced Concrete Beams Affected by Repeated Load
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The influence and hazard of fire flame are one of the most important parameters that affecting the durability and strength of structural members. This research studied the influence of fire flame on the behavior of reinforced concrete beams affected by repeated load. Nine self- compacted reinforced concrete beams were castellated, all have the same geometric layout (0.15x0.15x1.00) m, reinforcement details and compressive strength (50 Mpa). To estimate the effect of fire flame disaster, four temperatures were adopted (200, 300, 400 and 500) oC and two method of cooling were used (graduated and sudden). In the first cooling method, graduated, the tested beams were leaved to cool in air while in the second method, sudden, water splash was use

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Castellated Beams with Fiber-Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Deck Slab as a Modified Choice for Composite Steel-Concrete Beams Affected by Harmonic Load
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The behavior investigation of castellated beams with fiber-reinforced lightweight concrete deck slab as a modified choice for composite steel-concrete beams affected by harmonic load is presented in this study. The experimental program involved six fixed-supported castellated beams of 2140mm size. Three types of concrete were included: Normal Weight Concrete (NWC), Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (LWAC), and Lightweight Fiber-Reinforced Aggregate Concrete (LWACF). The specimens were divided into two groups: the first comprised three specimens tested under harmonic load effect of 30Hz operation frequency for 3 days, then the residual strength was determined through static load application. The second group included three specimens ide

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Crossref (8)
Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Rubberized Reactive Powder Concrete Beams under Repeated Loads
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Non-biodegradability of rubber tires contributes to pollution and fire hazards in the natural environment. In this study, the flexural behavior of the Rubberized Reactive Powder Concrete (RRPC) beams that contained various proportions and sizes of scrap tire rubber was investigated and compared to the flexural behavior of the regular RPC. Fresh properties, hardened properties, load-deflection relation, first crack load, ultimate load, and crack width are studied and analyzed. Mixes were made using micro steel fiber of the straight type, and they had an aspect ratio of 65. Thirteen beams were tested under two loading points (Repeated loading) with small-scale beams (1100 mm, 150 mm, 100 mm) size.

The fine aggregate

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Fire Flame Influence on the Behavior of reinforced Concrete Beams Affected by Repeated Load
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The influence and hazard of fire flame are one of the most important parameters that affecting the durability and strength of structural members. This research studied the influence of fire flame on the behavior of reinforced concrete beams affected by repeated load. Nine self- compacted reinforced concrete beams were castellated, all have the same geometric layout (0.15x0.15x1.00) m, reinforcement details and compressive strength (50 Mpa).

To estimate the effect of fire flame disaster, four temperatures were adopted (200, 300, 400 and 500) oC and two method of cooling were used (graduated and sudden). In the first cooling method, graduated, the tested beams were leaved to cool in air while in the seco

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Empirical Equations for Analysis of Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs
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There are many different methods for analysis of two-way reinforced concrete slabs. The most efficient methods depend on using certain factors given in different codes of reinforced concrete design. The other ways of analysis of two-way slabs are the direct design method and the equivalent frame method. But these methods usually need a long time for analysis of the slabs.

In this paper, a new simple method has been developed to analyze the two-way slabs by using simple empirical formulae, and the results of final analysis of some examples have been compared with other different methods given in different codes of practice.

The comparison proof that this simple proposed method gives good results and it can be used in analy

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