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Quality Evaluation of Al-Rasheed Ready Concrete Mixture Plant By Using Six Sigma Approach

The objective of this research work is to evaluate the quality of central concrete plant of Al-Rasheed Company by using Six Sigma approach which is a measure of quality that strives for near elimination of defects using the statistical methods to improve outputs that are critical to customers. The fundamental objective of Six Sigma methodology is the implementation of a measurement-based strategy that focuses on process improvement and variation reduction to reach delighting customers, and then suggesting an improvement system to improve the production of concrete in Al-Rasheed State Contracting Construction Company.
A field survey includes two parts (open and close questionnaire) that aimed to get the data and information required for achieving the research where the answers of questionnaire sample have led, during the application of DMAIC improvement cycle, to identifying the potential possible reasons that caused quality deviations in concrete works. Two programs have been used: First, ‘Sigma Level Calculator’ which is formulated by the researcher to measure the components of the processes performance. Second, ‘QI Macros Lean Six Sigma SPC Software 2011’ which uses the statistical tools of Six Sigma DMAIC methodology for: identifying the root causes of defects, analyzing the data, determining capability and stability of process. It is concluded that the processes sigma level for the concrete works quality is 2.41 σ and 181,070 DPMO which is considered too bad as compared with the current global competitio

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessing the Groundwater Recharge with Water Balance in Ameriat Al-Falluja City, Al-Anbar Governorate, Western Iraq

     This study aims to figure out how to calculate water recharge using the soil conservation service method, one of the most widely used methods for calculating runoff volume following rainfall. The research is being conducted in Ameriat Al-Falluja City, Al-Anbar Governorate. The Iraqi meteorological organization's Baghdad Airport and Al-Ramadi stations provided data on the research area from 1989 to 2020 as total annual rainfall (123.1 mm), the RH% (43%), the mean monthly T (23.6 °C), total evaporation (3169.61 mm), the wind speed (3.1 m/s), and the sunshine duration (9 h/day). The climate of the study area is described as arid. The total evapotranspiration value quantity is 1137.38 mm for the 32-year comparison period, while the

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami

The research problem stems from a chief question: “What is the nature of the responsibility that «Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed» and «Al-Mada» Newspapers have undertaken in promoting the values of citizenship and national belonging in the society? The research aims to achieve a number of goals, including: Determining the most prominent themes that were emphasized in the opinion articles in these two newspapers within the framework of the responsibility of promoting the values ​​of citizenship and national belonging in society, and revealing the most prominent topics that were discussed in opinion articles in the two sample newspapers regarding the promotion of the mentioned values. This research is a desc

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 28 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of a psychological counselling approach on cognitive load and mental fatigue among young 110-meter hurdles athletes

The research aimed to identify and build two specialized scales for cognitive load and mental stress and to identify the level of each of them among 110-meter steeplechase runners among youth, and to prepare a psychological counseling approach to reduce the level of cognitive load and mental stress among 110-meter steeplechase runners among youth, so that the two research hypotheses are that there are differences. There are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests of the experimental group in measuring cognitive load. There are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests of the experimental group in measuring mental stress. The experimental method w

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 13 2019
Journal Name
Spe Kuwait Oil & Gas Show And Conference
Optimization of Fracture Parameters for Hydraulic Fractured Horizontal Well in a Heterogeneous Tight Reservoir: An Equivalent Homogeneous Modelling Approach
Abstract<p>Building numerical reservoir simulation model with a view to model actual case requires enormous amount of data and information. Such modeling and simulation processes normally require lengthy time and different sets of field data and experimental tests that are usually very expensive. In addition, the availability, quality and accessibility of all necessary data are very limited, especially for the green field. The degree of complexities of such modelling increases significantly especially in the case of heterogeneous nature typically inherited in unconventional reservoirs. In this perspective, this study focuses on exploring the possibility of simplifying the numerical simulation pr</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 20 2018
Journal Name
Day 2 Wed, March 21, 2018
Numerical Approach for the Prediction of Formation and Hydraulic Fracture Properties Considering Elliptical Flow Regime in Tight Gas Reservoirs
Abstract<p>As tight gas reservoirs (TGRs) become more significant to the future of the gas industry, investigation into the best methods for the evaluation of field performance is critical. While hydraulic fractured well in TRGs are proven to be most viable options for economic recovery of gas, the interpretation of pressure transient or well test data from hydraulic fractured well in TGRs for the accurate estimation of important reservoirs and fracture properties (e.g. fracture length, fracture conductivity, skin and reservoir permeability) is rather very complex and difficult because of the existence of multiple flow profiles/regimes. The flow regimes are complex in TGRs due to the large hydraulic fractures n</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2017
Journal Name
Iraq Journal Of Agricultural Research

The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect a mixture of threespecies of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus etunicatum, G. leptotichum andRhizophagus intraradices) double and triple mixture and organic matter by usingplastic pots in the greenhouse at some mycorrhiza and physiological limitationscharacteristics in tomato plant after four and eight weeks of cultivation. Theresults of the determinants mycorrhiza significant increase the percentage ofmycorrhizal frequency F% dry weight of roots mycorrhiza (g.plant-1) andorganic matter in all mycorrhiza single, double and triple mixture after four andeight weeks cultivation treatments. The highest percentage of mycorrhizalfrequency and increase the dry weight of the root in the trea

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala University
Effect of different levels of urea and superphosphate fertilizers on some morphological and physiological characters of fenugreek plant (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)

An experiment was conducted using pots (capacity of 4 kg soil/pot) in the glasshouse of Biology Dept. College of Education (Ibn Al-Haitham) University of Baghdad during 2008-2009 growing season, in order to determine the effect of different levels of urea fertilizer (Zero, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 gm/4 kg soil in pot) these equal to (Zero, 100,200,400 kg/ha) and different levels of superphosphate fertilizer (Zero, 0.1, 0.2 gm/4kg soil in pot), these equal to (Zero, 100,200 kg/ha) on some morphological and physiological characteristics of fenugreek plant. This experiment was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications and the experiment included (36) pots. Results indicated clear increase in all studied characteristics wi

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The effect of usage two methods of garlic extraction( foliar and ground application) on the growth of the tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) plant
Abstract<p>Garlic is rich in nutritional and medicinal value as it has been found that the water extract of garlic plant contains 31% carbohydrates and rich in elements calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese, vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and pyridoxine. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of garlic extract (<italic>Allium sativum</italic> L.) on tomatoes (<italic>Solanum lycopersicum</italic> L.) plant. The trend is to use plant extracts in foliar and ground fertilization. Three levels of foliar application (4, 6, 8%), three levels of ground application (10, 20, 40%), one treatment 6% of foliar and 20% ground applic</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Plant Growth Regulators (IBA, BA, and CCC) on Some Vegetative Characters of Three Hybrid Lily Cultivars of (Lilium spp. L.)

The present study was conducted in the nursery of Floriculture Unit, University of
Baghdad in Iraq during September to December of 2013. Vernalized bulbs of hybrid lily
cultivars were imported from the Netherlands. The experiments were included some
hybrid lily cultivars which represent the main groups of lily (longiflorum hybrids,
Asiatic hybrid and trumpet hybrids). The three lily cultivars named as Tiger (Oriental),
Brunello (Asiatic) and White Heaven (Longiflorum) were sprayed two times, at five
weeks after planting and at eight weeks after planting with a solution of Cycocel (100
mg /l), solution of Indole butyric acid (50 mg/l) and Benzyl adenine (50 mg /l). The
results indicated that foliar spray with IBA l

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Plant Growth Regulators (IBA, BA, and CCC) on Some Flowering Characters of Three Hybrid Lily Cultivars of (Lilium spp. L.)

The present study was conducted in the nursery of Floriculture Unit, University of Baghdad in Iraq during September to December of 2013. Vernalized bulbs of hybrid lily cultivars were imported from the Netherlands. The experiments were included some hybrid lily cultivars which represent the main groups of lily (longiflorum hybrids, Asiatic hybrid and trumpet hybrids). The three lily cultivars named as Tiger (Oriental), Brunello (Asiatic) and White Heaven (Longiflorum) were sprayed two times, at five weeks after planting and at eight weeks after planting with a solution of Cycocel (100 mg /l), solution of Indole butyric acid (50 mg/l) and Benzyl adenine (50 mg /l). The results indicated that foliar spray with IBA lead to decrease in flowe

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